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Hackney chitter-chatter &tc

Yep , not that shocking , on the one hand there has been talk of the Jewish community not adhering to the lockdown because of communication issues, not understanding the rules, but then they block out the windows for a pretty big wedding celebration (I had about 70 at mine) which shows an understanding of the regulations and disregard for them.

That said , I was amused by the reports of guests fleeing the police when they arrived at the school .

I've probably talked about this before on here but there is a tendency in some bits of the orthodox community to bend or flout the rules generally - around planning, or schools or whatever. I assume this is because religious law always takes precedent. Usually this is just irritating and it does build up resentment. But it has become quite serious during the pandemic. So there are shops on my road that all have notices up - but only in English - saying that masks must be worn, but nobody in the shop is wearing a mask, not the staff or the customers.

Similarly this, from September by someone in the community, suggests that the school where the wedding happened knew exactly what was going on:

I've probably talked about this before on here but there is a tendency in some bits of the orthodox community to bend or flout the rules generally - around planning, or schools or whatever. I assume this is because religious law always takes precedent. Usually this is just irritating and it does build up resentment. But it has become quite serious during the pandemic. So there are shops on my road that all have notices up - but only in English - saying that masks must be worn, but nobody in the shop is wearing a mask, not the staff or the customers.

Similarly this, from September by someone in the community, suggests that the school where the wedding happened knew exactly what was going on:

The school have just been quoted on R4 saying it's deplorable and they knew nothing about it. High up rabbi saying the community would be appalled...

ETA Covid: 400-person wedding party in Stamford Hill broken up by police
The school have just been quoted on R4 saying it's deplorable and they knew nothing about it. Local high up rabbi saying the community would be appalled...

Well they probably have to say that and maybe this is the first time it's happened but maybe it isn't... pretty negligent to not know what is happening in your own building, at minimum.
The school have just been quoted on R4 saying it's deplorable and they knew nothing about it. High up rabbi saying the community would be appalled...

ETA Covid: 400-person wedding party in Stamford Hill broken up by police

I see the number of guests has now been revised to 150.

Thursday, police also broke up a wedding party in north London.
The Met Police originally claimed about 400 guests were at the gathering, but then on Friday said 150 people were present at the Yesodey Hatorah Senior Girls' School.
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I've probably talked about this before on here but there is a tendency in some bits of the orthodox community to bend or flout the rules generally - around planning, or schools or whatever. I assume this is because religious law always takes precedent. Usually this is just irritating and it does build up resentment. But it has become quite serious during the pandemic. So there are shops on my road that all have notices up - but only in English - saying that masks must be worn, but nobody in the shop is wearing a mask, not the staff or the customers.

Similarly this, from September by someone in the community, suggests that the school where the wedding happened knew exactly what was going on:

Yep , I did some work for a Hackney Housing contractor many years ago , worked out of the housing office on Stamford Hill for a while. I spoke to people from Housing Allocations (nearly 20 years ago so unsure of the current situation) but at the time they had Jewish allocation policy that wasn't publicised, basically it ensured that Jewish applicants were only rehoused in certain areas , mostly Stamford Hill/Clapton borders.

The planning thing explains the big fences you see in a lot of the big houses on Upper Clapton Rd up towards Stamford Hill & probably in other streets nearby.
I see the number of guests has now been revised to 150.

Thursday, police also broke up a wedding party in north London.
The Met Police originally claimed about 400 guests were at the gathering, but then on Friday said 150 people were present at the Yesodey Hatorah Senior Girls' School.
Slightly amusing in a strange way , I saw comments on Twitter from right wing types, assuming it was Muslims who were holding the wedding , and basically saying typical of that religion , before back tracking slightly when they realised it was a Jewish wedding .
Yes, I'm unclear on whether these right wing types hate Jews or Muslims more or if they hate them both equally. :(
It is confusing , they hate the Muslims , but do they like Jews because they are sometime enemies, or do they hate the Jews because of their control of the media and banks .
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