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Hackney chitter-chatter &tc

Yeah that is really shit. The tree-loving councillor for the ward was uncharacteristically silent on this one for some reason and is now moving out of London.

The campaign to save the tree was really good and they created a lovely community drop in area around it which was cool to visit when it was warmer. Plus excellent work getting it voted tree of the year.
In other news this woman's tenacity in challenging Hackney cops is to be commended and should probably be supported if you are sitting at home earning and have spare dosh because you've not spent two grand on renewing your Oyster card:
The Covid testing centre at Sandford Court has now been moved to a building by Stamford Hill bus garage.

I'm sure the residents at Sandford are happy about that.

I thought there was already a testing centre very close to Rookwood Road. Certainly there are signs around SH and Clapton Common pointing in that direction.

I mentioned elsewhere that I went for an asymptomatic test the other day, in a test centre in the Shellgrove Community Hall in N16.

Wherever these things are sited they will have an impact on local residents, unfortunately.
I'm sure the residents at Sandford are happy about that.

I thought there was already a testing centre very close to Rookwood Road. Certainly there are signs around SH and Clapton Common pointing in that direction.

I mentioned elsewhere that I went for an asymptomatic test the other day, in a test centre in the Shellgrove Community Hall.

Wherever these things are sited they will have an impact on local residents, unfortunately.

Yes, there was originally a test centre next to the Jewish school in Egerton Road which joins on to Rookwood. This was while the schools were all closed - I'm guessing that the Jewish community, quite understandably, did not want it there when the children were allowed back. The sign was left there for quite some time after the centre left.
In other news this woman's tenacity in challenging Hackney cops is to be commended and should probably be supported if you are sitting at home earning and have spare dosh because you've not spent two grand on renewing your Oyster card:
It's an appalling case. But I doubt it's unique. The cops hate it when anyone questions their actions on the street (donated)
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Yes, there was originally a test centre next to the Jewish school in Egerton Road which joins on to Rookwood. This was while the schools were all closed - I'm guessing that the Jewish community, quite understandably, did not want it there when the children were allowed back. The sign was left there for quite some time after the centre left.
That explains it
That explains it

You're right about there being more centres, I noticed there is now one in the hall behind Stokey library, entrance in the little lane at the side with those cottages opposite - I imagine the people round there are not too thrilled about it!
You're right about there being more centres, I noticed there is now one in the hall behind Stokey library, entrance in the little lane at the side with those cottages opposite - I imagine the people round there are not too thrilled about it!
Not noticed that one.

That sounds like it's actually closer to Sandford than the Rookwood Road one will be.
Must be quite new, I only noticed it on one of my walks last week

Can't see it on the Hackney website but it looks very out of date :rolleyes:
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The Stoke Newington library tests are for people who don't have symptoms (I don't really understand this personally):
The Stoke Newington library tests are for people who don't have symptoms (I don't really understand this personally):
about a third of people who have the virus don't display any symptoms and so can unwittingly pass it on i suppose

useful to set people's minds at rest esp if they have a party as my neighbours did the other night
The Stoke Newington library tests are for people who don't have symptoms (I don't really understand this personally):

Ah, is that the one behind the library in Edwards Lane then?

A friend was telling me there was a centre where people with no symptoms can get a check near Westminster Cathedral.
I was told last Monday that Hackney council employees who are still working out in the world now have opportunity to get one of these asymptomatic lateral flow tests, so I got one Tuesday (negative, thankfully).

The testing centre was described as in Stoke Newington, but was actually off Boleyn Road near Newington Green (there was no option to pick the one nearest to you).

I suppose there might be different centres for Hackney employees and non Hackney employees.

Anyway, it's worth doing if you're concerned about the possibility of passing it on to someone unknowingly .
I was back at the Shellgrove Centre for a test today.

Surprised that I was literally the only person being tested during my brief visit, although at least it meant I was dealt with quickly.
In other news, confirmation of something that a lot of people thought was happening but there is little pleasure in being right:

Yep , not that shocking , on the one hand there has been talk of the Jewish community not adhering to the lockdown because of communication issues, not understanding the rules, but then they block out the windows for a pretty big wedding celebration (I had about 70 at mine) which shows an understanding of the regulations and disregard for them.

That said , I was amused by the reports of guests fleeing the police when they arrived at the school .
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