Here's a statement of the obvious: over the next weeks and indeed years as this develops through reviews and inquiries, the tories are going to try and get it running down separate tracks. One will be whether 'lessons were learned', previous disasters at home and abroad, regulations and, to some extent, management systems (without ever getting into the political project that lead to arms length management and the like). The other which they will do their damnedest to keep separate will be social cleansing, the housing of the poor, the relationship to the surrounding affluent housing - and the fucking contempt the people in this block were met with. They'll hang their heads for a day or two on that, but even within a week they'll pushing out the propaganda on the modernisation of the housing stock, how much as been spent etc.
Usually, governments are very good at managing these things, making sure heads only roll down the foodchain. It's our job to stop the cunts doing it this time. This is going to be massive.