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Greatest Guitar Solo ever

My favourite is Neil Young - Cortez the Killer.
Aye, Neil does it for me. About the only extended guitar workouts I love, and exactly because he isn't aiming for the same thing that some of the soloists on this thread are aiming for.
Might not exactly count since he has done mostly instrumentals lately, but I do love Big Block by Jeff Beck especially the live version he did on Crossroads.

For the record, it would have to be the solo in 'Paranoid Android' by Radiohead.

But others have occasionally disagreed. :p

Just for a Laugh :)

And how would you rate it?

I would go for his solo on "Just" for sheer eviscerating power. It's like someone taking a chainsaw to your head.

I can never forgive that pointless cunt Mark Ronson for turning "Just" into a piece of rubbish light jazz. :mad:
Actually my all time favourite guitar solo has to be Eugene's Trick Bag, played by Karate Kid Ralph Macchio in Crossroads to defeat the evil (?) Steve Vai!

Proper lulz.. witness:



seriously though, it's Another Girl Another Planet by the Only Ones. bonkers post punk guitar spanking from Pete Perrett.
Freebird - Lynard Skynard
Any time Pete Townsend decides to cut loose.

And is everyone deliberately avoiding Slash in Sweet Child 'O' Mine, or do you honestly think it's not good?
Just because it's overplayed, doesn't mean it isn't brilliant.
Television , 'marquee moon' , innit?

that said, i've always loved the tenouously described 'solos' on early Discharge singles and on the original of Black Flag 'police story'.

the one in "ice cold" by restless

Good call (first 'proper' live band I ever saw).

I'm going with 22 Going On 23 by the Butthole's.

Followed by various versions of Alex Ferguson playing 'Unclean' for Psychic TV.

And anything by Steve Hillage :p

seriously though, it's Another Girl Another Planet by the Only Ones. bonkers post punk guitar spanking from Pete Perrett.

Good point. I guess it's more of a 'guitar break' than a solo in the 20min wankfest sense, but all the better for it.

Other fine examples might be Michael Karoli on Can's 'Outside My Door' and assorted things by the DK's East Bay Ray.
I prefer simple short solos rather than all that lace curtain nonsense like Van Halens Eruption, for me I like stuff like Gary Moore on waiting for an Alibi, and little bits of Mick Jones on Give 'em enough rope.
where more longer winded stuff kicks in for me is some of Clintons work and bits and Bobs of Jimmy page.
Followed by various versions of Alex Ferguson playing 'Unclean' for Psychic TV.

alex is an amazing guitarist. anyone any idea what he's up to now? last time i bumped into him he said he was doing some sort of acoustic thing with rose mcdowell of C93 etc which i must admit didn't exactly sound too promising.
alex is an amazing guitarist. anyone any idea what he's up to now? last time i bumped into him he said he was doing some sort of acoustic thing with rose mcdowell of C93 etc which i must admit didn't exactly sound too promising.

I got that album off Oink (rip) a while ago, I remember quite liking it (I'm a fan of roses' vocals), but every things a mess here these days, and i'm buggered if i can find it...
James Williamson's playing on the whole of Raw Power; I listened to that LP so often at one time that it still can all run together in my head...song after song with Williamson sounding perfect from start to finish.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
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