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Grayling is not going to be head of Intelligence Watchdog

Cummings, the sub-par Rasputin needs as many people as possible in the cabinet to be significantly more thick than him.

The man is a devil in plain sight. Even die-hard Tories should have reason enough to hate his guts, if for no other reason than for showing up their leader to be the weak puppet that he is.
Cummings, the sub-par Rasputin needs as many people as possible in the cabinet to be significantly more thick than him.

There's also BJ's utter uselessness, which would be shown up by anyone in Cabinet with even a sliver of talent. That's why without exception they're a bunch of nonentities.

Putting Failing Grayling in charge of the Intelligence Committee really is a new low, though. It's not so much scraping the barrel as sticking the scraper right through the bottom.
king hell - even worse ...


Under the Justice and Security Act 2013 and the accompanying Memorandum of Understanding, the ISC oversees the policies, expenditure, administration and operations of MI5, MI6, GCHQ, Defence Intelligence, the Joint Intelligence Organisation, the National Security Secretariat (NSS) and the Office for Security and Counter-Terrorism.

The Committee sets its own agenda and work programme, taking evidence from Ministers, the Heads of the intelligence and security Agencies, senior officials, experts, and academics as it considers necessary.

Poor timing from the government's POV as the grayling was recently recognised in Geneva as the scientific unit for cock-ups.

Locking yourself out of your own home is around 15-20 milligraylings. Giving any kind of work to Grayling himself has yields beginning around 5 kilograylings for a paper round, and it goes up from there.
it will be interesting to see whether the russia report as written is amended by the committee under the direction of the unspeakable grayling
Will be interested to learn how he loses millions of pounds doing it though.

Eta: losing a futile and wrongheaded legal appeal was how he did it last time wasn't it? (Bookban for prisoners really wtf to lose millions over).
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