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Go on... rape her... she won't report it... [UniLad magazine article]

Not the most responsible idea, putting up someone's personal address under these circumstances, now is it?

I'm happy to condemn what he's been a party to, but not when it could put people at risk of potential reprisals and suchlike.

Now you need to edit your post so you are not compounding the situation.

The site designer?

... and |I take it by 'done' you mean legally as opposed to lynched?
ahh no, the mr partridge, as mentioned in the Beeb piece, who is responsible for site content, and yes, I mean by legal means. t'other fellers just ye techie
Er, his name's all over the papers, as well as the fact that he's a web design student at Plymouth. Not hard to track him down. dont see any need to edit links to his websites, altho yeh - his home address is OTT
I think some people are missing the point here.

What may or may not be joked about runs to the issue of freedom of speech, which of course no country or legal system in the world allows absolutely, and rightly so.

Rape jokes per se, shouldn't necessarily be censured. Anyone who's seen the execrable Frankie Boyle live will know that he makes a living out of telling shit jokes about rape, child molestation and the like. Many of his gags are worthy of a smack in mouth imo, but not legal involvement.

The line is crossed when the statement seeks to influence the behaviour of others.

"I want to rape a woman" while disgusting, is someones viewpoint and shouldn't necessarily warrant legal involvement. However, "you should rape a woman", or as in the OP (paraphrasing) "next time she says no, think about doing it anyway because it won't be reported", is incitement, and should be actionable.
Sorry if you get cash from a website your responsible for its contents.
Being traumatised by the contents of a online magazine by chods for chods is a bit much.
The line is crossed when the statement seeks to influence the behaviour of others.

"I want to rape a woman" while disgusting, is someones viewpoint and shouldn't necessarily warrant legal involvement. However, "you should rape a woman", or as in the OP (paraphrasing) "next time she says no, think about doing it anyway because it won't be reported", is incitement, and should be actionable.
yes, I think you've pretty much nailed it here.
"I want to rape a woman" while disgusting, is someones viewpoint and shouldn't necessarily warrant legal involvement. However, "you should rape a woman", or as in the OP (paraphrasing) "next time she says no, think about doing it anyway because it won't be reported", is incitement, and should be actionable.

shouldn't it? what would you think if someone siad that "viewpoint" and then went out and did it ...
shouldn't it? what would you think if someone siad that "viewpoint" and then went out and did it ...

I'd think that they should be prosecuted for doing, or attempting, or conspiring, or inciting, to do it. Not for saying that they want to.

This is where the line is.

We cannot and should not seek to imprison people for holding repugnant views.

Where do we stop? "I hate jews/blacks"?, "I'd like to kill jews/blacks"?, "I'd like to kill tories"? ...... "I'd like to kill communists"?

It becomes subjective doesn't it?
I'd think that he was a rapist.

Making urges illegal really is a slippery slope, I think.

but if someone went around saying they wanted to rape people,while i don't think that should necc be illegal, would you not think the were a dodgy cunt and keep a close eye on them? you wouldn't treat them as you would anyone else would you? i'm not talking about making it illegal but surely if someone said that to you you wouldn't just treat him like any other person?
but if someone went around saying they wanted to rape people,while i don't think that should necc be illegal, would you not think the were a dodgy cunt and keep a close eye on them? you wouldn't treat them as you would anyone else would you? i'm not talking about making it illegal but surely if someone said that to you you wouldn't just treat him like any other person?
Absolutely. Comes back to your earlier point that just because you don't think something should be criminal, that doesn't necessarily mean you think it is ok.
I'm not talking about the law sorry, I should have made it clearer. why do people always think everything is about the law? my point is that if someone said to you something on the lines of "I really want to rape that bitch over there" or even "I want to rape you", would you just carry on as though nothing had happened or would you be freaked out or angry or become violent?
so what action should be taken if someone says that? it's not something normal people say, so even if the law doesn't get involved (it probably shouldn't) surely you can't for example think it's ok to treat them as you would anyone else? maybe some sort of medical/social work type body should be made aware that theres someone saying this shit before they go and act on it? I dunno.
I'm not talking about the law sorry, I should have made it clearer. why do people always think everything is about the law? my point is that if someone said to you something on the lines of "I really want to rape that bitch over there" or even "I want to rape you", would you just carry on as though nothing had happened or would you be freaked out or angry or become violent?
all the illegal stuff - 'while i don't think that should be necc illegal [...] i'm not talking about making it illegal' - does suggest you are in fact talking about the law.
err while the article was clearly in bad taste (think that was the point though?) imagine for a moment it was put together by women. I think then it could be seen as incitement to report rape. Just saying.

They are obviously just reaching the lighting of farts level of humour.
That's going to depend on the circumstances. I'd have thought action might vary from telling him to shut the fuck up to making him shut the fuck up rather more forcefully.
sorry for not making myself clearer.:(
i meant that i'm not talking about making what someone says illegal, but if someone said it to you you'd think they were a dodgy fucker, and also if they kept going on about wanting to do it you might consider alerting someone like a doctor or social services, not necessarily the cops, but try to make sure that they were kept an eye on so they didn't end up hurting anyone.
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