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Go on... rape her... she won't report it... [UniLad magazine article]

I hadn't noticed those particular posts about meat cleavers and skewers, but posts of that sort are not rare on these boards.

That thread is full of them... and if you could be arsed to look up Jeffrey's posts you would find many similar ones.
i picked midsomer murders because it's an example of what everyone knows is light entertainment, a completely unrealistic and ludicrous "crime" series even if some of the murders are graphically depicted sometimes. The fact that such a programme is on the screen even though the murders are often quite violent says something about our attitude to it compared to our attitude to rape.

You may be right, but if so I'm just wondering why that is; I don't really understand it.
What about sexual violence against Lammy and lynching Tory women? Would that be OK?

Obviously lynching tories is acceptable. Unless it was specifiacally advocated on the basis of their skin colour.

Advocating sexual violence agaisnt men is differnt to advocating against women - and there's a differnce as to wether the advocatee is suggesting it be carried out by women or men. And again when adovcating it against a gay man.

You have to put it into the context of power relations.
well if someone said they thought david cameron should be raped do you really think people on here would think it was ok?

No but apparently Harry Redknapp deserves it

i picked midsomer murders because it's an example of what everyone knows is light entertainment, a completely unrealistic and ludicrous "crime" series even if some of the murders are graphically depicted sometimes. The fact that such a programme is on the screen even though the murders are often quite violent says something about our attitude to it compared to our attitude to rape.

Agreed. People getting killed week after week and nary a "For Sale" sign anywhere; you'd think at least some of them would have got the message that it isn't a very safe place to live :)
You may be right, but if so I'm just wondering why that is; I don't really understand it.

i am right. i don't know why it is either. something like "weekend at bernies" "kind hearts and coronets" and the other shows mentioned up the thread would not be possible if they were about rape, because nobody would laugh, nobody would consider rape light brainless entertainment in the way "Midsomer Murders" is where there are jokes about how the crime rate in such a small village is the highest in the country when people talk about the programme. People on here make jokes about margaret thatcher's death but they would never make jokes about raping her. it is not appropriate whereas there are circumstances in which death can be funny.

And the way people talk about this stuff is emotionally detatched, its like a cartoon. you can't make jokes about rape like that.

i don't find the darwin awards particularly funny tbh, (awards awarded to people who've died in stupid ways) but you would never get "the darwin rape awards". you just wouldn't because it is not funny and due to the trauma to the victim etc would be completely inappropriate. i don't know why that is, but i do know that it's just the way it is.
David Starkey (that will kick people off ;) ) said fairly recently that he thinks we have a pornography of violence; violence is depicted as graphically as it is in order to titillate people whose lives are otherwise safe and comfortable and whose appetites have become jaded. I think he could have a point.
On the other hand (a) that argument is actually a different one, about a situation where murder is so uncommon in life that people are fine with graphic representations of it, as opposed to it happening and being excused, belittled and the victim blamed, and (b) David Starkey is a reactionary cunt.
You may have left the Rod Liddle thread, but it looks like you carry bits of it round in heart. ;)

nah. :) It was just a handy, recent (and thus easily findable) example. There is plenty of it about on Urban.

FWIW I don't find it particularly offensive, although I did once object to lots of posters listing the violence they would like to inflict on a child who had bullied another child.
Advocating rape agasint Thatcher would also indirectly threaten all women.

Adovcating her immediate death would only threaten other vile, right wing meglomaniacs.
Fucking hell (at the screenshot). Doesn't seem to occur to them that rape also happens to men. Though to be honest, not a lot seems to have occured to them at all.
Looking at the age of those posters, is there something of an age/generational thing going on here?

Some of the stuff I have seen on my nephew's facebook page made me wince and I am hardly a shrinking violet - but his mates (including lots of girls) LOL away at it and seem to think nothing of it.
Looking at the age of those posters, is there something of an age/generational thing going on here?

Some of the stuff I have seen on my nephew's facebook page made me wince and I am hardly a shrinking violet - but his mates (including lots of girls) away at it and even join in.
Could be. The way young folk use the word 'gay' now puzzles me, slightly startles me, and makes me feel old.

It's all about context, though. tribal princess took me aback a little the first time she told me to fuck off on here (irrc, the first time she spoke to me :D). If you're outside a culture peering in, you can misunderstand it quite easily.
nah, you wouldn't think that shit was funny if you weren't a cunt. some people do make jokes about rape, but even those that do generally don't advocate it like that tho.
nah, its not a young people thing, it's a cunt thing.

No, seriously. I have seen and heard him and his mates trying to out gross each other and nothing seems taboo.

Most of his mates are in their first year at Uni. They are pretty much apolitical. Not racist. Not agressive. But definitely would give Frankie Boyle a run for his money.

Stuff like 'shut up or I'll come round and make you my bitch' leads to an escalation that ends up with all kinds of stuff.
even so i bet its different to what's seen on that page though. and the "come round and make you my bitch" thing - of course people say that sort of shit, they generally don't say the shit in the article though.
Lame0 yet again utterly misses the point - when speech acts have a discernible nexus with physical acts they are judged to different standards from speech acts that are simply rhetorical flourish. Rod Liddle slandering disabled people when there are plans afoot to reduce their standard of living is directly complicit in that assault on disabled people. Frat boy vermin who trivialise rape and mock rape victims in a context where rape is a serious social problem (not to mention broader gender based oppression) are complicit in that oppression. Saying that 'lads' should be sent to gulags or that rightwing journalists should be hacked up is so disconnected to anything that happens beyond the confines of a message-board it is clearly just rhetoric. People might not like that rhetoric of course, but your comparision utterly fails to appreciate the difference.

p.s. the Uni-lad scum should all have their cocks blown off with dynamite.
iirc, frogwoman is 'young person' ;)

One of my friends explained it like this - her teenage daughter doesn't want to think that anything bad is ever going to happen to her, that the blokes she knows wouldn't do anything like that and so it's funny because it's so implausible. It's like an invisible shield. What is really horrible about that is that if you do get raped by a friend or a fellow student, it makes it so much harder to tell anyone and report. Rape's funny, right? Who the hell is going to take you seriously?
No, seriously. I have seen and heard him and his mates trying to out gross each other and nothing seems taboo.

Most of his mates are in their first year at Uni. They are pretty much apolitical. Not racist. Not agressive. But definitely would give Frankie Boyle a run for his money.

Stuff like 'shut up or I'll come round and make you my bitch' leads to an escalation that ends up with all kinds of stuff.
People used to say that sort of thing when I was in the first year, and I'm in my mid-thirties now.
I'm 23. yes, there are mostly young people (including myself) who've made jokes about rape which were pretty suss. that's being a twat, and i wouldn't do it now. then there are people who actually say you should go out and do it as they did in the article and people who make the sort of comments seen on the facebook page (which aren't "jokes"). I think trashpony nails it pretty well imo.
The use of 'gay' in a derogatory fashion by so many young people is primarily because it goes completely unchallenged (see Stonewall's 'The School Report' and 'The Teachers Report' and also research by O'Higgens-Norman). They aren't necessarily cunts, they simply are rarely challenged, either by their peers or teachers to think about why it might be offensive. Many of those who use it will claim they have no issue with gay people and haven't made the association in their heads with the problem with doing so. Not that it's right or okay, obviously, but that's what the research seems to say as the reason behind it.

As for the screenshot, they look like cunts to me. I don't think humour comes into it, they're just vile comments. 9/10 people enjoy rape? Girls who complained are probably closet lesbians? I mean for fuck's sake how poor and unfunny can you be.

No wonder rape reports are so low if this is the attitude pervaded by young people. I for one am ashamed to be a part of the same age bracket.
iirc, frogwoman is 'young person' ;)

One of my friends explained it like this - her teenage daughter doesn't want to think that anything bad is ever going to happen to her, that the blokes she knows wouldn't do anything like that and so it's funny because it's so implausible. It's like an invisible shield. What is really horrible about that is that if you do get raped by a friend or a fellow student, it makes it so much harder to tell anyone and report. Rape's funny, right? Who the hell is going to take you seriously?

Yep and those pricks that perpetuate that culture are responsible for at the very least their reckless indifference to those sort of consequences.
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