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Go on... rape her... she won't report it... [UniLad magazine article]

Ok I'll
iirc, frogwoman is 'young person' ;)

I agree with most of your post.

I would point out though that FW is in her early 20's (which in terms of the facebook generation is ancient) and is also a political acivist of many years standing so is unlikely to have too mant 17/18 year old 'lad' mates.
Ok I'll

I agree with most of your post.

I would point out though that FW is in her early 20's (which in terms of the facebook generation is ancient) and is also a political acivist of many years standing so is unlikely to have too mant 17/18 year old 'lad' mates.
Oh I know she's a bit more mature than your average late teenager. But I don't think we should tar all 'young people' with the idiot brush :)
Lame0 yet again utterly misses the point - when speech acts have a discernible nexus with physical acts they are judged to different standards from speech acts that are simply rhetorical flourish. Rod Liddle slandering disabled people when there are plans afoot to reduce their standard of living is directly complicit in that assault on disabled people. Frat boy vermin who trivialise rape and mock rape victims in a context where rape is a serious social problem (not to mention broader gender based oppression) are complicit in that oppression. Saying that 'lads' should be sent to gulags or that rightwing journalists should be hacked up is so disconnected to anything that happens beyond the confines of a message-board it is clearly just rhetoric. People might not like that rhetoric of course, but your comparision utterly fails to appreciate the difference.

p.s. the Uni-lad scum should all have their cocks blown off with dynamite.

No. I have missed no point.

I am perfectly aware that your wont for a certain rhetorical flourish should not be taken seriously. Ironically Editor has taken me to task 2 or 3 times for just such 'flourishes' and worked himself into quite a froth about them. I was inviting Kaka tim to expand on this post...

Becasue they are not equivalent. See my earlier post. The rape shit is akin to 'jokingly' advocating acts of violent racism.

i.e. "David Lamey is full of shit and should be killed in the face"

would be harsh but wouldn't cross the line.


"David Lamey is full of shit should be lynched from the nearest tree" would be (rightly) unacceptable.

Ditto 'jokingly' advocating sexual violence agasint tory women.

I was not suggesting that the posts I quoted from you and Libertad was equivalent to the UniLad stuff. I was saying that is how how his (Kaka Tims) post could easily read.

btw are you two seperate posters? I find the language jumps from say 'discernible nexus' to 'fuckin kill every cunt' puzzling
Oh I know she's a bit more mature than your average late teenager. But I don't think we should tar all 'young people' with the idiot brush :)

I'm not.

I don't consider my nephew or his mates idiots either. That is the way they carry on. I don't think a 'mate' ever said anything like... 'I ended up with a mouthful of your spunk last night. teach me not to rim your little sister lol'

but that kinda stuff on his facebook page would attract multiple 'likes' and LOLs - and strangest of all if he objected to anything HE would be told 'suck it up' , 'get a life', or 'if you can't take it don't give it'.

i am pretty sure he would call the UniLad stuff 'banter' the same way those on that screenshot do. His attitude would be that you should not inflict this on the general public, but anyone who went to that page and had previously 'like'd it should know what they were choosing to read.
I don't consider my nephew or his mates idiots either. That is the way they carry on. I don't think a 'mate' ever said anything like... 'I ended up with a mouthful of your spunk last night. teach me not to rim your little sister lol'
i remember saying those exact words to a mate when i was about 17. it isn't new (i'm 34).
Ok I'll

I agree with most of your post.

I would point out though that FW is in her early 20's (which in terms of the facebook generation is ancient) and is also a political acivist of many years standing so is unlikely to have too mant 17/18 year old 'lad' mates.

i do know people who say/have said that sort of shit. bit twattish but i don't think it's the same. espcially when it's published in a magazine rather than being (dodgy) jokes with mates.
banter was a perfectly good word to describe ribaldry between friends until some wanker decided it could cover straight up cuntishness.

ironically enough I bet the author of that article is feeling extremely butthurt over the wrath of the internets
i do know people who say/have said that sort of shit. bit twattish but i don't think it's the same. espcially when it's published in a magazine rather than being (dodgy) jokes with mates.

I know. I think they (UniLad) did not grasp the complexities. I bet they do now.
as he should be sick "humour" between mates is one thing.
posting it on prattbook another.
writing a long misagoyonic rant desguised as humour you have the right to write that probably shouldn't have been published by anyone with a functioning brain.
You now have the consquences of letting the entire internet think your a chod and everyone involved with the magazine is a chod of the highest order.
btw are you two seperate posters? I find the language jumps from say 'discernible nexus' to 'fuckin kill every cunt' puzzling

:confused: I dont recall using either phrase.
I might use 'discourse' and 'cunt' in the same post I guess - but they are two of my favourite words.
:confused: I dont recall using either phrase.
I might use 'discourse' and 'cunt' in the same post I guess - but they are two of my favourite words.

sorry mate. I was (still) talking to Jeffrey Pottymouth who turns into Jeffrey Erudite at the push of a button.
err while the article was clearly in bad taste (think that was the point though?) imagine for a moment it was put together by women. I think then it could be seen as incitement to report rape. Just saying.

They are obviously just reaching the lighting of farts level of humour.

Lighting farts can be funny IMO - I once set my PJs on fire doing it and while it didn't seem very funny from where I was sitting, there was a consensus among everyone else there that it was quite possibly the funniest thing that had ever happened in the whole world. Ever. On the other hand, I cannot think of any context in which I would find a rape "joke" funny.
iirc, frogwoman is 'young person' ;)

One of my friends explained it like this - her teenage daughter doesn't want to think that anything bad is ever going to happen to her, that the blokes she knows wouldn't do anything like that and so it's funny because it's so implausible. It's like an invisible shield. What is really horrible about that is that if you do get raped by a friend or a fellow student, it makes it so much harder to tell anyone and report. Rape's funny, right? Who the hell is going to take you seriously?

Haven't thought of it that way before. So, rape jokes for this younger generation are like the way people my age used to make jokes about leprosy when we were the same age in the '70s - we knew we weren't going to get leprosy ourselves so it was OK to find it funny? No matter that it was happening to somebody else?

That raises the question though; what has changed to make rape funny for this generation (OK, for some members of this generation) whereas it wasn't funny for earlier generations? I've heard more sick jokes over the years than I'd care to count but I can only remember one rape joke and that was in a student rag mag (and I'd rather not recount it here, I thought it was offensive).
rape jokes for this younger generation are like the way people my age used to make jokes about leprosy when we were the same age in the '70s - we knew we weren't going to get leprosy ourselves so it was OK to find it funny? No matter that it was happening to somebody else?
rape jokes were popular amongst mates when i was a teen too. people grow out of it. and friendship used to be more private than it is now.
Lighting farts can be funny IMO - I once set my PJs on fire doing it and while it didn't seem very funny from where I was sitting, there was a consensus among everyone else there that it was quite possibly the funniest thing that had ever happened in the whole world. Ever. On the other hand, I cannot think of any context in which I would find a rape "joke" funny.

Whats worse than finding a worm in your apple?
There only used to be a much smaller number of chortling cunts that would approve of your misogyny at any one time. Now, thanks to the magic of the internet, you can be validated by lots of other cunts within seconds.
they'll probably grow out of it too. usually prompted by someone calling them on it, like how it was before web-based social networks.
if these cretins were clever they'd claim they were satirising the prevalence of rape culture and extremely low conviction rates, as it is they were just being gobshites.

Also I've heard plenty of people make jokes about rape, racism, murder, incest (the taboo nature of them makes them ripe for black humour) difference is they tend to be more absurd than anything, I don't think it's useful to say "thou shall not makes jokes about [insert taboo]" rather they are much more context specific, this one is just crass and idiotic which can itself be funny enoug but not when it's a bunch of student rag wankers who've been watching too much Frankie Boyle.

4chan can actually be pretty hilarious in it's depravity.
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