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Go on... rape her... she won't report it... [UniLad magazine article]

i also think though that there are times where because something is so unimaginable the only way to imagine it is through jokes. by this i mean the chris morris stuff about paedos etc or the jokes about 9/11 or fred west. why is it acceptable to laugh about what chris morris says but not about rape? perhaps it is because what chris morris goes on about in "paedogeddon" or similar is actually worse. we know that paedos are scum, a lot of people believe that they are perhaps the only people deserving of death, and we can never imagine anyone we know being one. because we feel psychologically removed from something so unimaginable the only way we can imagine it is by watching or listening to jokes about it which remove all the horror from it and make it into something completely ridiculous. the same with some of the jokes about 9/11, the only way people can cope with something that evil is by laughing about it.i do think that's also why (some) people make jokes about rape espcially when they're young, because its the only way to process it inside their heads.

that's not IMO what was going on in that magazine though. twats.

whats wrong is though that horrific as people like fred west and Gary Glitter are they are rarities . They arent hiding behind every bush . And certainly we do tend to use humour as a release for the emotions monsters like that cetainly do stir in us. In an appropriate context thats healthy in my view .

Rape however is all too prevalent . And the vast majority of the time the rapist and victim know each other , work together , study together , socialise together..whatever . And the vast majority of the time its not even reported to police . Often because of a womans fears she let herself be compromised , possibly engaged in some light sexual activity she'd prefer not to discuss with strangers and a genuine fear she'd not be believed , have her character and sexual history/behaviour used to rip her to bits . Among other reasons .

So along comes Johnny student aiming his pitch precisely at the type of bollix who sees it as his entitlement to ride whoever he likes , whos dead set on getting female students into sexual situations regardless of how comfortable they might be with that , whos quite likely to see them as objects first , who takes a pride in not caring about their feelings as a lifestyle choice , who may well be the type whod ignore the first few "no's" anyway...and johnny student helpfully reminds aforesaid fuckwits that if they just went for it theyd most likely get clean away with it .

Johnny student responsible for this should have his collar felt by someone or other in authority . He might as well just put up a recipe for homemade rohypnol .
as much as they probably deserve a cold shower and a clip round the ear hole would any of you think the situation would be improved by jail time?

Not necessarily, because by being sent down they might well attract some 'defend these martyrs against the evil forces of PC gone mad' loons, Daily Mail gone mad stuff, and the thing could become a stupidly vocal cause celebre (among morons, but possibly including morons who command a hearing and following). And for absolutely the wrong reasons.

But whether or not these twazzocks end up in jail isn't the main point IMO. More that if they get even just a verbal bollocking, even by having the site shut down and not much more, the website creators/editors/contributors will be forced to think ????

Even if only reluctantly ....
Not necessarily, because by being sent down they might well attract some 'defend these martyrs against the evil forces of PC gone mad' loons, Daily Mail gone mad stuff, and the thing could become a stupidly vocal cause celebre (among morons, but possibly including morons who command a hearing and following). And for absolutely the wrong reasons.

But whether or not these twazzocks end up in jail isn't the main point IMO. More that if they get even just a verbal bollocking, even by having the site shut down and not much more, the website creators/editors/contributors will be forced to think ????

Even if only reluctantly ....

Would be interesting to hear what their female relatives think of their comments, but they'd probably defend them and say it's just been blown out of proportion and they're all lovely sensitive lads who wouldn't hurt a fly
i wouldnt advocate jail any more than id advocate it for that tram woman . But they shouldnt be let run any type of college website or publication again , be turfed off whatever SU committe or society theyre in . That would teach them a valuable lesson , and the point of going to college is supposedly to learn .

Grovelling public apology mightnt be amiss either.
i wouldnt advocate jail any more than id advocate it for that tram woman . But they shouldnt be let run any type of college website or publication again , be turfed off whatever SU committe or society theyre in . That would teach them a valuable lesson , and the point of going to college is supposedly to learn .

Grovelling public apology mightnt be amiss either.

Nor would I, but one up the arse in prison would be a learning experience. Of course I'm only joking
I've got* a great joke* about rape that I could send them*.

Q: What looks like a parcel but goes bang like a bomb*?

A: Banter! Surprise!

I guess you have to be there.

*No, not really. NOT REALLY. NOT. REALLY.
The poor little lamb must be railing against the iniquities of the universe - Clarkson gets a porche, Frankie Boyle sells out gigs, whilst our hero will be getting spat at in the street tomorrow. It's not easy trying to make your way at the bottom of the sub-Nutz rapey foodchain. :)
As in so what if the clowns laughing and defending/justifying the cunt who wrote the article/the article itself? Does it matter or excuse/justify it?

I never suggested it justified or excused anything. I was looking for an explanation for why they thought this was funny/acceptable - something a little deeper than 'cos they are cunts'.

I was asking if there had been a cultural/social shift - where rape was now considered fair game for 'humour - amongst young people.

For example, I still can't get my head around the invention and wide use of the word 'Frape' (facebook rape - where someone else gets access to your computer while you are logged on and posts embarrassing shite which people will think you wrote yourself). If the word rape can be incorporated into a term for such trivial jests and wind-ups, without a murmur of concern AFAICS, then it is not that much of a stretch for it to become 'legitimised' as a subject of mirth. Thus these young people may be victims of their own stupidity in thinking something they say to each other without a thought, can slip unnoticed into the public domain.

I have to say that , as reprehensible as that article is, that I am glad they posted it. (and not just so I could reaffirm my suspicions/prejudices against wanky middle-class students).

Why? Because if it's going on at all, it needs to be brought into the light.

I would imagine that at colleges, workplaces and schools all over britain yesterday conversations like this one were taking place - people were discussing and debating what is and what is not 'out of order' and lines were being clearly drawn where once there may have been a grey area - where young people (especially girls) felt unable to speak up for fear of being stigmatised as humourless.

I suspect people may feel more inclined to speak up today - and the promoters of this shite a little less arrogant and cocky than they were before yesterday. Of course I may just be 'a silly old cunt who can't take a bit of banter'.
I think that it's same as it ever was -- young people think they are invincible and invulnerable and make jokes accordingly. Then they get older and something bad happens to them or somebody they know and they realise that it isn't so fucking funny after all.
its not just that its a joke about rape . The blackest and grimmest situations are always targets for humour, sometimes funny , usually though just fucking tasteless for the sake of it.
But theres some wanker actually telling the type of wanker whos projected persona is "fuck any woman you like , when you like, regardless of feelings, theyre objects all there to be fucked" that he stands a very good chance of getting away with raping a fellow student in a social situation at university . Which does happen quite a lot , and the rapists usually do get away with it .
To me thats not fucking funny . To me thats some cunt who thinks its actually funny his fellow "lads" regularly get away with rape .

I dont think theyre seriously encouraging anyone to rape anyone . Just that they think its funny theyd probably get away with it if they did . And that others do .

Isn't that even worse though? People should be horrified by the fact that women are that unsafe in our society (I know I am). Fuck me I wouldn't know where to start if I was confronted by someone who found that fact "funny."
I'm not.

I don't consider my nephew or his mates idiots either. That is the way they carry on. I don't think a 'mate' ever said anything like... 'I ended up with a mouthful of your spunk last night. teach me not to rim your little sister lol'

but that kinda stuff on his facebook page would attract multiple 'likes' and LOLs - and strangest of all if he objected to anything HE would be told 'suck it up' , 'get a life', or 'if you can't take it don't give it'.

i am pretty sure he would call the UniLad stuff 'banter' the same way those on that screenshot do. His attitude would be that you should not inflict this on the general public, but anyone who went to that page and had previously 'like'd it should know what they were choosing to read.

Unilad wrote an article specifically design to provoke offence. They cant complain when people are actually offended. Personally, I believe we all have the right to offend. But there is also a "consequences" clause to that right, namely that other people have an equal right to take offence & the offender has to accept that theiir comments might make them very unpopuler.
as he should be sick "humour" between mates is one thing.
posting it on prattbook another.
writing a long misagoyonic rant desguised as humour you have the right to write that probably shouldn't have been published by anyone with a functioning brain.
You now have the consquences of letting the entire internet think your a chod and everyone involved with the magazine is a chod of the highest order.

Wtf is a chod?
i am right. i don't know why it is either. something like "weekend at bernies" "kind hearts and coronets" and the other shows mentioned up the thread would not be possible if they were about rape, because nobody would laugh, nobody would consider rape light brainless entertainment in the way "Midsomer Murders" is where there are jokes about how the crime rate in such a small village is the highest in the country when people talk about the programme. People on here make jokes about margaret thatcher's death but they would never make jokes about raping her. it is not appropriate whereas there are circumstances in which death can be funny.

And the way people talk about this stuff is emotionally detatched, its like a cartoon. you can't make jokes about rape like that.

i don't find the darwin awards particularly funny tbh, (awards awarded to people who've died in stupid ways) but you would never get "the darwin rape awards". you just wouldn't because it is not funny and due to the trauma to the victim etc would be completely inappropriate. i don't know why that is, but i do know that it's just the way it is.
I think comrade Kaka Tim actually nailed it; when viewed through the prism-context of power relations, it becomesapparent where the difference lies
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