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Go on... rape her... she won't report it... [UniLad magazine article]

So apart from calling them chods etc. threatening to kill them in the face, looking down with liberal opprobrium and giving them more publicity what other suggestions are there for actually dealing with this?

Get down off your highhorse you self-referential, self-aggrandising arse.
So apart from calling them chods etc. threatening to kill them in the face, looking down with liberal opprobrium and giving them more publicity what other suggestions are there for actually dealing with this?
How is your suggestion dealing with it/them? It might be good but it's not 'dealing with this'.
crass article to garner free advertising/buzz by courting controversy gets 12 pages on urban
I guess it's a success then
well done unilads

Q: is unilads like unisex?
hmm...I'll forgive ex-league players who go over. But the rest are sub-human scum as far as I'm concerned.
So apart from calling them chods etc. threatening to kill them in the face, looking down with liberal opprobrium and giving them more publicity what other suggestions are there for actually dealing with this?

..SO wtf do YOU think these rape promoting fuckjobs ought to do beyond some tokenistic financial donation then? Since you're sitting there judging the genuinely felt outrage on this thread; then please give us all a sense of direction miss!!!

Or fuck off, the choice is yours really :rolleyes:
..SO wtf do YOU think these rape promoting fuckjobs ought to do beyond some tokenistic financial donation then? Since you're sitting there judging the genuinely felt outrage on this thread; then please give us all a sense of direction sir!!!

Or fuck off, the choice is yours really :rolleyes:
Madam actually, I made a suggestion - more than I've seen coming from you and you're right the choice is mine, I'll fuck off and continue 20 years of working in underfunded support systems for rape victims.
Changed my post to reflect your gender...

You made a suggestion that effectively lets them off the hook with a financial donation... A financial contribution from Unilad mag isn't going to change the dire funding situation of rape support systems, and neither will it alter the sense of entitlement those type of 'lads' have. Maybe if all misogynistic and quasi-misogynistic publications were to do the same, then some SLIGHT change might be affected. Then again the fuckjobs that run such rags would then just use such donations as a figleaf for future shitty behavior citing the 'well we make a contribution to helping the victims of such crimes' argument without doing fuck-all in reality to try and change the attitudes that lead to such crimes in the first instance.
Changed my post to reflect your gender...

You made a suggestion that effectively lets them off the hook with a financial donation... A financial contribution from Unilad mag isn't going to change the dire funding situation of rape support systems, and neither will it alter the sense of entitlement those type of 'lads' have. Maybe if all misogynistic and quasi-misogynistic publications were to do the same, then some SLIGHT change might be affected. Then again the fuckjobs that run such rags would then just use such donations as a figleaf for future shitty behavior citing the 'well we make a contribution to helping the victims of such crimes' argument without doing fuck-all in reality to try and change the attitudes that lead to such crimes in the first instance.
However you didn't offer such an eloquent critique choosing rather to suggest that I fuck off, TBH making me feel somewhat offended. Maybe you could argue that's my problem or that it's only a bulletin board or par for the course around here - perhaps that's what the unilad 'lads' think when they post on the internet.
You argued that my suggestion "effectively lets them of the hook with a financial donation" but the current situation may be that they are off the hook with a huge increase in publicity and revenue.
Anyway I would like to hear your suggestions...
However you didn't offer such an eloquent critique choosing rather to suggest that I fuck off, TBH making me feel somewhat offended. Maybe you could argue that's my problem or that it's only a bulletin board or par for the course around here - perhaps that's what the unilad 'lads' think when they post on the internet.
You argued that my suggestion "effectively lets them of the hook with a financial donation" but the current situation may be that they are off the hook with a huge increase in publicity and revenue.
Anyway I would like to hear your suggestions...

You're right, i wasn't very eloquent when i made that post. I was a dribbling cider fueled eidjit that evening (not that i'm excusing myself or anything so lame). So apols for the offensive language, it was bad form.
Only just seen this thread. Loads of great posts, especially kaka tim who absolutely nails it, but I'm not sure this has been addressed:

I never suggested it justified or excused anything. I was looking for an explanation for why they thought this was funny/acceptable - something a little deeper than 'cos they are cunts'.

I was asking if there had been a cultural/social shift - where rape was now considered fair game for 'humour - amongst young people.

I have definitely noticed a massive increase in the number of 'joke' comments made about sexual violence towards women. Talking about it with my partner, I speculated that this might just be because the internet can never provide an all-male space, so that what women rarely witnessed before is now there for all to read. He thinks it's more than that, and that there has been a definite increase in this kind of shit - which of course will be largely due young people because that's where and how trends start. That's not to say it wasn't highly prevalent before, of course. Just that it does seem to be getting worse.

I think he's right. I can't know much about real world lad's banter, but I've noticed it happening on urban too. I'm sure there weren't as many 'jokes' about strangling women/bundling them into car boots/abusive sexual practices etc when I first started reading these boards, which was a fair few years before I first posted. And I don't think it's just one or two posters either. I don't keep a list, but I know I've been really surprised at some of the names attached to the posts in question. And often at the lack of anyone calling them out on it.

We talked about how to tackle these attitudes, and I think that Canadian ad campaign Idris posted is bang on the money. Don't be that guy. If people make it clear that this sort of banter is not socially acceptable and marks you out as a sex-case nonce, it will die out. This is primarily, I think, about insecure young (and not so young) men trying to impress their mates. And often about them desperately trying to prove how very heterosexual they are (pointing this out can also be an effective way of shutting them up very, very quickly).

My partner hates lad banter. He was physically shaking for a while after I showed him that article. He avoids it whenever possible, but when it's not possible, he says it is really hard to directly tackle it. You just get abuse for your trouble, and as a young, insecure male, it's not that easy to risk alienation from your mates. It would be easier for young uns to speak out if there was a stronger message from older men and wider society. As killer b said, they'll quit it when they get called out on it. More people need to call them out.

One point he made, and has made before, was the utter hypocrisy he encountered when he was active in left politics. His grouplet would have this incredibly sincere meeting about anti-sexism and inclusiveness, then go down the pub and start up the 'banter' and the 'horizontal recruiting' schtick. He gave one specific example of it happening after a meeting where they had proposed setting up a women's caucus to ensure they were more inclusive. That kind of strikes me as a symptom of their problematic attitudes - if women are feeling excluded, let's give them their own space rather than address our behaviour and attitudes in any meaningful way.
hmm...I'll forgive ex-league players who go over. But the rest are sub-human scum as far as I'm concerned.

Just seen this shit, the fact you post this crap while hobnobbing with private school educated shadow frontbenchers really takes the fucking biscuit - across the south and west Union is the only type of rugby available and is played by people from all walks of life.
I blame david baddiel

Him and his mate Skinner are misogynist arseholes. I had to turn the radio off in the car this morning as Skinner was giving his lads banter.

The sexual violence against women talk needs to be separated from talk about women you like or find attractive. It does worry me deeply that it is ok to move into degrading sexual language/violence and it be considered ironic or just for laughs. I noticed a change around mid 90s with the rise of the lad and ladette with associated magazines. It's systematic through all levels of society 'Blaire babes' and all that shite.
It's systematic through all levels of society 'Blaire babes' and all that shite.

The trot left can be just as guilty as wider society as well, I can think of a group of young women activists in the TU movement targetted on their age, gender, and appearance rather than making legitimate criticisms of their politics - surely they should have been made welcome and debated on politics rather than treated like that? The men doing the targetting where all 40+ ranting old lefties and would probably be shocked and disgusted by the jokes about sexual violence - but it's the attitudes they reflect that provide a solid base for this newer wave of lad jokes to build on.
hobnobbing with private school educated shadow frontbenchers
really takes the fucking biscuit - across the south and west Union is the only type of rugby available and is played by people from all walks of life.
three years at a uni full of pissed up private school arseholes who were always at their worst when England were playing rugby union has given me an ingrained loathing of the sport
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