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Go on... rape her... she won't report it... [UniLad magazine article]

people can die or be murdered in a funny way (at least in a film) you can never really be raped in a funny way though.
These choddish publication is read by the same sort of chods who think running around the campus naked and surrounding some random female acceptable behaviour.
It's not it's not funny and if anybody advertising in this publication they should they be targeted marketing really don't like when advertisers desert them :)
where have i said anything about legislating against anything? why do people always assume that if you don't like a thing you want to be the fucking thought police?

I assumed you following on from Spymasters post, because as far as I can see nobody on the thread is saying rape is funny.
It is the case that there are certain things that could be and were published in the past, such as the SCUM Manifesto, that would probably not be allowed today.
I'd differentiate between the two, myself. The SCUM manifesto was funny, angry and made serious, politically radical points. This is just vile, and braindead
The comedic usage is of the serial killing. The rape is what makes you question what you've been laughing at for the past hour. imo.

It's years since I saw it, and I have zero desire to see it. I'm not sure if they were using it in the way you suggest though. I think it may have been just another bit of exploitation for them. But your mileage may vary.
They are relaunching in a fortnight I'm sure they will have toned it down unless they are as fucking stupid as they look.
Then posting an article about how members of anyomonus make great cheap shags or something similar vein seems appropriate:)
And watching the resultant storm that drops on them
Oh fuck the Internet has arrived :)
It's years since I saw it, and I have zero desire to see it. I'm not sure if they were using it in the way you suggest though. I think it may have been just another bit of exploitation for them. But your mileage may vary.
Well, likewise, years since I saw it and no desire to see it again, but I thought the rape was used to make you stop up and feel uneasy about what had gone before - kind of illustrating the point being made here about rape.

Not a pleasant, nor a particularly clever, film though.
What if people are joking about killing Tories?

Depends on how it's done, but if it's incitement the same applies. "Go and kill a tory/lefty/muslim .. etc" should have consequences, just as "go and rape a woman" should.

Sure, people say shit like that on here, but anonymous posts on the internet are one thing. I'll guarantee you that very few of these keyboard warriors would be voicing those same opinions/jokes if their names and addresses appeared beneath the posts.
Isn't the difference between using rape and murder as subjects for humour that rape is primarily done by one group to another(this being urban I have to point out that men get raped too but much less frequently and the assumption these people are making is certainly that rape is male on female) and here you have what's explicitly a site aimed at men making 'jokes' about it.

Edit: I blame posting by phone for the total lack of punctuation here. Sorry.
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D'you think you could take that down gabi? He is a child. The silly little cunt is probably getting more than his share of grief already.

including plymouth uni announcing they are intending to take disciplinary action against him.
With any 'just a joke' defence you have to look at who is on the reciving end - if its groups of people without little or no power and/or whoa re systamatically shat on that defence is null and void because you are helping keep these people down.

Joking about getting away with rape is contributing to a widely held discourse which sees women as depersonalised sex objects whose only usefulness is as something to stick your dick into.
There is a huge problem with men who see rape as not that bad, and women 'wanting it really' and these utter cunts are tapping into that for a 'laugh'. And this problem is a serious one at universities.
Rape is massively under-reported and those that are reported are unlikely to result in a prosectuion.

Now 'tories' are targetted for 'lets kill the fuckers' jokes. But last time I looked they're was not a problem with murder of tories going unreported and/or failing to result in convictions or even happening very much at all (but we live in hope).

In addtion Tories are targetted for their political beliefs and tend to people who are very rich and powerful. And cunts.

Fair fucking game in other words.

If people really cant see the distinction or need this spelling out they really need to have a word with themselves.
With any 'just a joke' defence you have to look at who is on the reciving end - if its groups of people without little or no power and/or whoa re systamatically shat on that defence is null and void because you are helping keep these people down.

Joking about getting away with rape is contributing to a widely held discourse which sees women as depersonalised sex objects whose only usefulness is as something to stick your dick into.
There is a huge problem with men who see rape as not that bad, and women 'wanting it really' and these utter cunts are tapping into that for a 'laugh'. And this problem is a serious one at universities.
Rape is massively under-reported and those that are reported are unlikely to result in a prosectuion.

Now 'tories' are targetted for 'lets kill the fuckers' jokes. But last time I looked they're was not a problem with murder of tories going unreported and/or failing to result in convictions or even happening very much at all (but we live in hope).

In addtion Tories are targetted for their political beliefs and tend to people who are very rich and powerful. And cunts.

Fair fucking game in other words.

If people really cant see the distinction or need this spelling out they really need to have a word with themselves.

Exactly correct.
The registered owner of the website is different. There's also a phone number.

His name is on the BBC article. His phone number isn't, but it's not hard to find.

Why would anyone want it? So they can join the pitchfork mob heading for his house?
Not the most responsible idea, putting up someone's personal address under these circumstances, now is it?

I'm happy to condemn what he's been a party to, but not when it could put people at risk of potential reprisals and suchlike.
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