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Go on... rape her... she won't report it... [UniLad magazine article]

I'm not sure those values are 'human' because such a large part of the human race doesn't seem to have a problem with sexism, racism or homophobia. So it'll be a bit of a fine point to argue while someone's shouting their "FUCK OFF YOU LIBERAL CUNT" at you.

You've very little faith in your fellow humans.

Perhaps that is why people call you a liberal cunt? :D

I saw on a previous thread that you (I think anyway) distinguished between American liberals and UK liberals. I still don't really understand the difference. I've always been used to being thought a twat by right wingers because I'm against discrimination. It came as a surprise to be seen as a twat by left wingers for the same reasons.

There's a difference between liberal democracy as a political form (representative democracy, free elections etc), social liberalism (broadly, say, "the permissive society" that rightwingers rail against, even while they're schtupping women young enough to be their daughters), and being a member of a Liberal (aka Lib-Dem or piss-yellow Tory) party. People tend to confuse and conflate those definitions.

Why does my being against discrimination become Liberal Cuntdom whereas your being against discrimination is wonderful and to be admired? I consider myself left wing, too, but does that mean I can't be in favour of rights of the individual? And being anti sexism, racism, homophobia are liberal traits but are they necessarily socialist ones? I'd have thought a lot of people who call themselves socialist wouldn't necessarily share them.

I suppose that it depends what your views are a function of. I'd say that if your views derive from a belief that liberal democracy is the only way, and that any anti-discrimination law should be subservient to the principles of liberal democracy, then being labelled a "Liberal" is a hazard of holding those beliefs. The thing with liberal democracy is that while it looks great, it's often illiberal, and (as is the case with the UK) the democracy is the sum total of Hobson's Choice - a chance to elect a cipher ever few years, and the reassurance that we have "inalienable" rights that turn out to only be inalienable until the state decides to rescind or limit them.

Fox News and the US shock jocks would have no doubts in calling virtually everyone on urban liberals (or commies, same thing), you're just in denial because you know in your heart of hearts that you're really a liberal cunt. :)

Nope, I'm an autonomist cunt. :)
sorry if this has been posted, not spotted it, really astonishingly outrageous and sick

Cheerleader must compensate school that told her to clap 'rapist'

No right to stay silent :confused:
The United States Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear a review of the case brought by the woman, who is known only as HS. Lower courts had ruled that she was speaking for the school, rather than for herself, when serving on a cheerleading squad – meaning that she had no right to stay silent when coaches told her to applaud.
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I've just spotted this dreck on Torygraph blogs.

Men who call themselves lads, and women who share their jokes and culture, are not misogynists. They like drinking, and they are – to varying degrees – raucous, irreverent and sex-obsessed. You may find such people obnoxious, but they are harmless. The idiot who makes jokes about “surprise sex” and says women belong in the kitchen? He's just that: an idiot. Tell him. The rugby captain who loves casual sex and getting hammered? Sorry to break it to you, but that sounds to me like a normal guy enjoying his youth.
You can see how this poison has spread. The lads are prominent, intimidating and socially dominant, and there is an unpleasant but minuscule fringe of them who actually do have contempt for women. But that unpleasantness runs across society – take the Socialist Workers’ Party, for example. It’s unacceptable, but to lay the blame at the door of lad culture is counter-productive and wrong. It's a smokescreen that hinders us from identifying the real offenders.

Check out the cunt's pic too. Proper posh little fucker.
He does have a point though doesn't he?

Nah, just kidding! I do like some of the comments though:

Good point, well made. :cool:

Does he? I agree with the comment that you've quoted. Tbh, it's another one of those "time to bash the NUS" article, but worse than that, the author fails to get to grips with the boorish, chauvanistic lad culture that emerged (or was constructed) in the 90s as a response to the New Man (also a media construction) and so-called political correctness.
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That poster has been carefully put together. Somebody deliberately chose the photo of that T-shirt. It's not an unlucky background shot, it's a clear and defined feature.
yes and they don't appear to have replied to being found out

I don't suppose they think they had anything to be 'found out' about and are deeply confused about any fuss.

Is this like a 'gay' as an insult we-don't-mean-it-in-a-bad-way-that's-how-we-youngsters-talk-now-grandad-type thing? I'm so fucking old :mad:
hopefully they'll be sacked off from promoting in the students union at least!
twitter account seems to have changed from yesterday tho :hmm:
not sure about that
think it might be some attempt at a 'status update' or post similar to facebook
yeah that is why i and others thought it was the one that had been written on yesterday
doen't bare thinking about how many people were involved in the process otherwise, not to mention the staff at the student union

but the person who spotted it said it was on posters and a website

nothing from the promoters still, maybe they are stupid entitled thick macho testosterone filled dickheads like the unilad lot??
well i'm not sure about that

expression needs a dark underbelly

we need to have an scene that allows for the the expression of non standard opinion.

black comedy should be allowed

this is pritty low en black houmor if it is that but saying it should not exist is more troulblesome than saying it should exist and be chalamnged

a good mid point is father ted

for the catholic establishment this is something that should be considers a low that should now be m banned

some thing that father ted itself parodyed with the whole "careful now" and "down with this sort of thing" joke

i would genrally promote a concept of exposure and criticism far above one of censorship and cismissal
formal apology from the students' union
event cancelled
Firstly Cardiff Met Students’ Union would like to apologise for the ‘TNT Freshbook’ advertisement, which was one of the promotional student nights organised by Climax Promotions.

This event has been cancelled and investigations are on going into how this abhorrent advertisement came to pass through our usually stringent approval procedures and ultimately, to be publicised on our website.

We are conducting a full formal review and investigation of this incident for which we apologise unreservedly.

The Students’ Union have tried to be in contact with Safe AS – The Women’s Centre charity that highlighted this offensive material - and has the intention of working with the team there as the Union’s nominated charity for the next year.

The welfare of our students is at the heart of the Students’ Union’s objectives.

At the Students’ Union, we are always on hand to support students with any issue via the extensive representation structure we have in place here. We fully support local police who regularly visit the Union to deliver their SAFE campaign and we have a dedicated student adviser coming into post at the start of the next academic year. This incident is deeply embarrassing and shocking and we would like to apologise wholeheartedly for our mistake.”
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