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Go on... rape her... she won't report it... [UniLad magazine article]

Hmmm. 'bitch' is a tricky one. I don't like the word much, but then there aren't many gender-specific, or even gender-neutral, words of abuse you can use for a woman. 'bastard' doesn't work. Neither does 'wanker'. On here, 'cunt' is pretty unisex, but irl it's really only used for men in the UK. 'prick' doesn't work. Not much left really. 'cow'? Dunno. What would you suggest (bearing in mind that you do use words of abuse against other posters yourself)?
Cunt is an entirely unisex word in the UK. It's only in the US that they reserve it for women, much like we do the word bitch. I wouldn't have commented had he used it instead.

I'm not sure why you think a gender-specific term of abuse is appropriate here. That is precisely why I think his post is out of order. I don't have any objection to him expressing that sentiment, only to the way in which he chose to express it. Why does he need to include an abusive term that identifies her as a woman? It seems odd to me that someone would feel the need to do that, especially when they have the chance to consider and edit their words before posting them.

The thread it is posted on, again, adds an extra level of wtfness to this, of course.
is ymu really equating Blagsta calling 5tella a bitch with calling someone nigger?

fucking hell.

also dragging an RIP thread into this shitstorm really is one of the lowest things I've ever seen on Urban, if not the actual lowest.
nah, in real life it's more common for it to refer just to men tbh. i think some people would find it offensive if it was addressed to a woman. (not that i do,just saying)
is ymu really equating Blagsta calling 5tella a bitch with calling someone nigger?

fucking hell.

also dragging an RIP thread into this shitstorm really is one of the lowest things I've ever seen on Urban, if not the actual lowest.
i think so but i can't comprehend why someone would do that.
IRL I really would say that most people - and particularly most men - only use the word cunt about men. tbh, I'd think that 'bitch' is kind of the female equivalent in terms of the strength of feeling behind it, and the connotations of, well, cuntery.

I don't think it's straightforward in the sense that it's not a word with clearly nasty taboo connotations attached to it in a way that no right-thinking person would use it.
This is complete fucking bollocks, tbf - stella gets to say something entirely out of order "Scoring points on a RIP thread" - you know, something that really, really is hurtful and an absolute character assasination - and the only problem is that someone called her "bitch" in response?

And you wonder why so many think you're a fucking joke.
nah, in real life it's more common for it to refer just to men tbh. i think some people would find it offensive if it was addressed to a woman. (not that i do,just saying)
If I heard a man calling a woman 'cunt' in the UK, I'd just be a bit puzzled, tbh. I'd think they had been watching too many US films.

On here, that isn't true, but irl, it is.

It's a problem, tbh. There is a deficit in our language of terms of abuse for women. Most of the good ones can only be used against men.
IRL I really would say that most people - and particularly most men - only use the word cunt about men. tbh, I'd think that 'bitch' is kind of the female equivalent in terms of the strength of feeling behind it, and the connotations of, well, cuntery.

I don't think it's straightforward in the sense that it's not a word with clearly nasty taboo connotations attached to it in a way that no right-thinking person would use it.
I don't see the need for insults to identify an attribute like sex or race or sexuality (or hair colour or shortsightedness or baldness or fatness or anything else irrelevant). If the speaker feels the need to do so, it suggests that they feel that attribute is somehow adding to the insult. Descending into sexist or racist language just because you're annoyed with someone says something about your mindset. I'm surprised it's a contentious point when even the world of football is finally getting to grips with this.

I'll happily concede that the use of the word 'bitch' is not in the same league as the word 'nigger', but I don't call him a black bastard when we argue either. The colour of his skin has nothing to do with the reason I am annoyed, so why would I?
But that's a problem of the language. Most terms of abuse - for men and women - are gender-specific. You wouldn't call a woman a bastard (or I wouldn't) or a wanker or a prick - or a cunt, away from here. But you would call a man that, and you're not being sexist about that.

It's just that terms of abuse tend in our language to be gender-specific. You have to choose one, and in particular if you want to choose a strong one, you have little choice but to be gender-specific even if you don't want to be.
ymu the bastard is the gendered insult.

generally bastard and bitch are seen as male and female equivalents.

and it's extremely dishonest (not to mention transparent) to start getting on your high horse about insults like bitch being sexist when you happily use the term cunt, a term that whilst most people in the UK and Ireland don't take as a misogynist insult certainly isn't without issue.

I would say that I would need to be pushed a lot further to call a woman a cunt IRL than a bitch and I think that would be true for the vast majority of people.

I think you should probably have been taking greater issue with 5tella's wallowing in the gutter than with Blagsta's perfectly justified insult.

Throughout this thread you have shown that you're more than happy to use accusations of sexism to further your own agenda in petty little shit storms and as such you totally devalue the term.
what exactly is not sexist about using a derogatory term for a part of a woman's anatomy to describe a man?
i.e. pussy, only more crass? :confused:
I disagree that bastard, cunt or wanker are male-specific terms. Maybe you just don't hear many women swear at each other? :confused:

If you insist that they are male specific, arsehole seems like a perfectly good compromise.
what exactly is not sexist about using a derogatory term for a part of a woman's anatomy to describe a man?
i.e. pussy, only more crass? :confused:
Prick - man's part of body to describe a man.

Cunt - woman's part of body to describe a man.

It isn't sexist. It's a hangover from Victorian prudishness about talking about genitalia in polite company.
I disagree that bastard, cunt or wanker are male-specific terms. Maybe you just don't hear many women swear at each other? :confused:

If you insist that they are male specific, arsehole seems like a perfectly good compromise.
I'm not insisting. I'm just saying that this is normal usage. That's all.

A lot of women call each other 'cow' or 'bitch' ime, fwiw.
Jesus, this thread has turned fucking evil.

well with the title it was christened with it never really stood much of a chance in life.

also it only kicked off again after 5tella really sank to gutter in order to have a go at Pickman's.
I'm not insisting. I'm just saying that this is normal usage. That's all.

A lot of women call each other 'cow' or 'bitch' ime, fwiw.

You seem to be under the impression that ymu actually believes the crap she is posting, rather than just throwing out chaff to distract from 5tella's sick comment.

Though I have no idea why she would wish to do that.
Prick - man's part of body to describe a man.

Cunt - woman's part of body to describe a man.

It isn't sexist. It's a hangover from Victorian prudishness about talking about genitalia in polite company.

well, I'm a woman and I disagree. Not that it actually bothers me, just that it's laughable to say it's not sexist. because it clearly is. like calling something "gay" is homophobic, even though most of us started using it long before we knew what it actually meant, as an insult to mean "lame" which imo has nothing to do with gayness.
well, I'm a woman and I disagree. Not that it actually bothers me, just that it's laughable to say it's not sexist. because it clearly is. like calling something "gay" is homophobic, even though most of us started using it long before we knew what it actually meant, as an insult to mean "lame" which imo has nothing to do with gayness.

What about calling a bloke a tit?
well, I'm a woman and I disagree. Not that it actually bothers me, just that it's laughable to say it's not sexist. because it clearly is. like calling something "gay" is homophobic, even though most of us started using it long before we knew what it actually meant, as an insult to mean "lame" which imo has nothing to do with gayness.
Both male and female genitalia are used, though. prick, nob, cock: all insults. As is cunt. They've acquired certain specific connotations over the decades, but they're all taboo in polite company. Ah, but the female genitalia are reserved for the worst word? Well, fanny here in the UK is quite a mild term of abuse, so that argument doesn't quite work.
well, I'm a woman and I disagree. Not that it actually bothers me, just that it's laughable to say it's not sexist. because it clearly is. like calling something "gay" is homophobic, even though most of us started using it long before we knew what it actually meant, as an insult to mean "lame" which imo has nothing to do with gayness.
It's not the same thing at all.

Cuss words are usually based on body parts or sexual acts. It's where they get their shock value from. Usage is far, far removed from the original meaning - try interpreting the word 'fuck' literally every time you hear it.

Use of the word 'gay' to mean something bad is not cussing, it is a new and unpleasant playground insult which directly refers to the origins of the word it has adopted.
Why sexual organs though?

I suppose calling someone a stupid fucking arm doesnt quite work and arsehole has a nice ring to it.
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