Y'know, I'm off. And I feel pretty fuckin shocked about, well, stuff (in community). And it's just made me think, jesus, you lot are the fuckin GOOD guys. The people who
give a shit. And you may not always be right, like some of your opinions about sex work, but fuck me there aint a real cunt among you. Not really. Not what I'd call a cunt anyway.
If you wanna see sexist arseholes, these fuckin CUNTS take
down working girls who they reckon are part of the 'sisterhood'. That's any wg who dares to criticise punters on other forums and who they take a dislike to. They've been proper cunts slagging off one of my mates. They also slag off other punters who pay some respect to wg's. I hate them. You wanna get mad at someone, fukin GO!