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Go on... rape her... she won't report it... [UniLad magazine article]

It's so much fun at parties - people are interested in you when they find out you have a PhD, then when they find out it's in maths they walk away. Literally. :(

I am a weirdo.

fuck them then. i'm shit at maths but i enjoy finding out about things im shit at.
I don't see why you wouldn't interpret it as cheap point-scoring when it happens on so many threads, from the same people, over and over and over again.
you say (836) "The first line is me pointing out that Edie does not need to apologise for reading his post in that way." but it isn't, because you're saying you don't understand why edie's not interpreting it the way you think it should be interpreted.and you say there's what d-b would call a cunts collective who keep doing stuff. in fact, it seems to me you're making out edie's not really the sharpest tool in the box. no matter: it doesn't say what you said it said. fyi: it is not a good idea to talk a load of auld bollocks if people can check what you said before and see you're full of excrement.

If you're OK with Blagsta'a explanation, that's fine. But I think he owes the thread an explanation given the amount of non-explanatory wriggling.
you say (836) "The second line is acknowledging that she has every right to forgive him, but his failure to simply apologise on the thread instead of repeated self-justifying means that I think it's reasonable to ask him to provide an explanation for that post on the thread." but there's bugger all about forgiveness here. you simply say that if edie accepts blagsta's explantion, that's fine. but it's clearly not, because you've already said that it's cheap point-scoring and you don't understand why edie's too stupid / internalised too much oppression / blinded by blagsta's explanation (delete as appropriate) to see it.
Funny how you as a woman cannot state that you are not oppressed without being told that you are unaware of your own oppression - but a bloke can categorically state that he is not being oppressive and that is taken as read. I guess it's something to do with us being weak-minded types. If only we were men who knew what was what automatically without ever having to look deep inside and question what it is that we are doing.
and revol's covered this in his posts.
I was told not to bother applying to Oxford. By a male teacher, natch.

A bloke on my poker site asked me for advice recently and we exchanged some PMs. He ended one message with "Hope you don't mind me asking but I thought I'd ask a smart guy." In my response, I noted that I was a gal not a guy. He instantly switched from asking me for advice to giving me some incredibly patronising unasked for advice, despite already knowing that I play considerably higher stakes than he does. Quite remarkable.

They've had to introduce a women's issues forum there because of the unchecked misogyny on the site. Easier than moderating the whole site properly, I guess. Still, the sexist assumptions made about female poker players make it very easy for us to take their money, so I tolerate it. ;)
I was very fortunate at school - I had three brilliant maths teachers from 13-18 of which two were women. But I had a male physics teacher who always gave me a harder time than the guys even when I was getting the same high grades and helping half the class with the homework.

I was also fortunate in that I was encouraged by my dad to do maths, and later engineering, because I was good at those subjects.

These days I'm still the only woman at technical meetings. There's 6 women, of which I am one, out of 40-50 engineers on my floor of the office. 2012 and the 15% women ceiling still hasn't been broken.
I think your fucking ACE equation girl :cool:

You clever, and cool, and don't think it's not been noticed how bloody KIND you are to a lot of other posters. Big up yourself.
Edie, that's made my shitty week tons better. Thanks, girlie x x :)
what sort of maths?

What was your PhD on? Anything to do with abstract algebra?

It's applied maths - I modelled how diabetic wounds heal so that I could investage different treatments to see if they could heal faster and better. It's tons of differential equations, simulataneous equations and some algebra at the start. It was really interesting but bloody hard work (60 hour weeks for 4 years) and I read over 400 papers, patents and books on medicine, biology, mathematical techniques and treatments.

Thanks for asking :)
It's applied maths - I modelled how diabetic wounds heal so that I could investage different treatments to see if they could heal faster and better. It's tons of differential equations, simulataneous equations and some algebra at the start. It was really interesting but bloody hard work (60 hour weeks for 4 years) and I read over 400 papers, patents and books on medicine, biology, mathematical techniques and treatments.

Thanks for asking :)

walks off...

It's applied maths - I modelled how diabetic wounds heal so that I could investage different treatments to see if they could heal faster and better. It's tons of differential equations, simulataneous equations and some algebra at the start. It was really interesting but bloody hard work (60 hour weeks for 4 years) and I read over 400 papers, patents and books on medicine, biology, mathematical techniques and treatments.

Thanks for asking :)
clever stuff - very clever. didn't know you could use maths to do that sort of thing. :)
It's applied maths - I modelled how diabetic wounds heal so that I could investage different treatments to see if they could heal faster and better. It's tons of differential equations, simulataneous equations and some algebra at the start. It was really interesting but bloody hard work (60 hour weeks for 4 years) and I read over 400 papers, patents and books on medicine, biology, mathematical techniques and treatments.

Thanks for asking :)

Bloody hard work, but rewarding with real-life importance. Nice one. :)
clever stuff - very clever. didn't know you could use maths to do that sort of thing. :)
Thanks :)

That's the beauty of applied maths, it's using maths to solve problems in a systematic way. Plus if its a medical problem it's easier to run simulations that try and do animal or human trials, plus you can do lots of experiments at a relatively low cost.
Thanks :)

That's the beauty of applied maths, it's using maths to solve problems in a systematic way. Plus if its a medical problem it's easier to run simulations that try and do animal or human trials, plus you can do lots of experiments at a relatively low cost.
It sounds like it makes you happy :) (although I know your job makes you cry with frustration!)
I've always wanted to become better at maths. I enjoy reading about it especially geometry etc but I wish I could understand it.
Bloody hard work, but rewarding with real-life importance. Nice one. :)
Thank you :)

It produced some papers, which have been picked up by the companies whose products I modelled, and the work showed there's an imbalance in the chemicals in the wound. This imbalance means the wound gets stuck in the early stage of the wound healing process so doesn't heal. Healing can be kick-started by addressing this chemical imbalance.

I had loads of ideas for taking the research onto post-doc level but couldn't get funding.
It sounds like it makes you happy :) (although I know your job makes you cry with frustration!)
I like maths - I don't get to do much of it at the moment but I do regularly surprise engineers in the department by reading, understanding and correcting their equations :D
I loved maths, I was just crap at it. I get so far, and I dunno if it's related to my syndrome or something, but I can't visualise it any further. Damn spatial awareness problems.
I was very fortunate at school - I had three brilliant maths teachers from 13-18 of which two were women. But I had a male physics teacher who always gave me a harder time than the guys even when I was getting the same high grades and helping half the class with the homework.
My physics teacher predicted me a D. I got an A. He very sweetly wrote to me to say "I've never been more happy to be more wrong."

I think it might have been less to do with my sex and more to do with the fact that every one of his physics lessons was first thing in the morning and I never managed to get in for any of them, but still. :hmm:
Or maybe get a better job as a model.

(;) inserted for those that might not understand that this is a joke)


So why bother unless you're the sort of pervert who like's getting stung?

You know what comes next, don't you? Yes, that's right, you'll be torturing cats, and then before you know it you'll be stalking lonely men home from the pub and beating them to death with your sock-full of 2p pieces. :(
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