Stay Alive in '25
Since this is on global finances....
Have any of you heard about the proposed bank tax that is supposed to be discussed at the next G8/G20 meetings?
From what I've gleaned, the idea is to put a tax on the banks and use it as a reservoir of types to ensure that sufficient funds are available to bail out the financial sector should problems happen again.
It's a nice idea - if your banks failed and you had to bail them out.
Ours didn't - our only real expense (from an Ontarian view point) was bailing out the auto industry.
Our prime minister is on a mission to stop the global bank tax. He thinks that our banks performed well and shouldn't be penalized by adding extra taxes. As a consumer, I know this tax will be paid for by increasing my banking costs.
To date, the only country that seems interested in helping to stop this global tax is India.
After reading some of the German comments, I think that they will be pushing for the tax. iirc - the US is in favour of the tax.
If any of the economic experts on this board could comment on this, I'd appreciate it. I keep reading the documentation on the issue, but I have always found that U75 explains it better.
Well since my former homeland of Canadia is not an autarchic DPRK style economy, you'll still need to export - so I'd say it's in your interest to assist in global reforms, even if you were smart and canny enough not to stick your collective hand in the fire in the first place.
PS - your current PM is a c*#@ who'd bring shame on Fianna Fail or the Monday Club, let alone a civilised nation like Canada.