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Germany to limit the use of Heating and Lighting this winter?

Came across this on the BBC News website and Germany trying wean itself of Russian gas starts with limiting engery?

Will other countries do the same

Only in public buildings and aiming for a reduction of 2pct. Not exactly a massive shift
I use an electric blanket/throw. Costs £5 quid, but would probably cost a 5p a night to run. I do have central heating, Hive and all that, plus an oil heater on a smart plug, but there is just me most nights.
During the power cuts of the 70's you sometimes had to do your shopping by candlelight. :eek:

some big shops still had gas lighting as a backup (was it woolworths or marks and spencers that kept them longer than most?)

and cash registers then could be wound with a handle if the electric was off. not sure you can scan bar codes and take card payments with mechanical devices...
some big shops still had gas lighting as a backup (was it woolworths or marks and spencers that kept them longer than most?)
Think our Woolies still had gas lighting but it was an older building than M&S.

and cash registers then could be wound with a handle if the electric was off. not sure you can scan bar codes and take card payments with mechanical devices...
You could always use cash if anyone could workout how much things cost and how to add up without an electronic till. :(
and how to add up without an electronic till.

i have one of these - maybe there's a market for hiring it out


having said that, i think it might add up in pounds, shillings and pence...
I bought 4 pure wool (?) blankets from a charity shop, for £1 each. Lovely blankets - am going to sew them into woolly onesies. (and possibly do some eco-printing on the white one). I grew up with a fireplace in one room and ancient, single glazed windows and outside toilets. Have spent the weekend splitting logs.
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