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George Galloway unhappy at results

Galloway wasn't wearing his fedora in that interview with Aaron Banks.
Is Galloway still the authentic voice of Muslims in the UK?
Galloway wasn't wearing his fedora in that interview with Aaron Banks.
Is Galloway still the authentic voice of Muslims in the UK?

I think he's shifted from the Muslims to Putin, Farage and Trump
I had missed this from earlier in the year, Galloway begging for Arron Banks to found a new political party which he wants to participate in

Does he really ask him directly? I can't face spending 25 minutes of my life watching the whole thing.
Galloway will be in Dublin on the 31st, exploiting the 1974 bombings to push his current Assad Or We Burn The Country line. Hosted by Declan Hayes - an uber catholic greeninker oddball who escorted Clare Daly and Mick Wallace on a regime propaganda tour of Syria, posted a pic of himself 'briefing' Corbyn, claimed that a handful of people standing outside the Russian embassy last week protesting airstrikes against civilians constituted an 'attack' by 'neo-nazis', and has put out self published 9 ebooks, including one with the unfortunate title 'The Final Solution.'

War Crimes in the Irish and Arab Worlds. Dublin Events 31 January | We Save Syria

declan hayes assad loon.jpg

declan hayes loon books.jpg

Ta, this reminded me of Telly Savalas in Horror Express.

Those who march with George Galloway on 31 January are not only on the side of the angels but on the side of the steadfast people of Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Libya and all the people of the Arab Lands who suffer barbarities designed only to enrich the Tony Blairs and other King Leopolds of our day

I watched the last 20 minutes of Galloway's performance in Derry last night, streamed live by RT. The same old empty shit and strongman worship delivered in that wretched faltering shouty monotone. He thinks he's Castro but has always reminded me of the actors in Blackadder III's Sense and Senility episode. During the 'Q&A' part, Treasa Ni Cheannabhan criticised the panel of freaks over their support for the carnage in Syria, so he resorted to his usual bullying thing - 'take the mike off her' etc. A British politician shouting down an Irish person in an Irish city at an event about imperialism with no Irish speakers on the anniversary of bloody sunday. One for the intersectional committee to unravel.

George's mate Hayes is even weirder than I thought. Some stuff that came to light in the last couple of weeks following his boast about briefing Corbyn.

In a speech at the Iran's 2015 loon and holocaust denial conference he claims that he was involved in the civil rights movement in the north, and that Bobby Sands was a 'good friend.'

Co-wrote a business guff book.
The book, which is aimed at both the business and the educational sector, suggests that the Government should take specific initiatives to foster a better business culture in Ireland.

Refused entry to Thailand a couple of years ago.
Dr Hayes, who is unmarried, lectured in finance at Southampton University for several years. He arrived at Bangkok earlier this month for what should have been a 30-day visit but was detained minutes after his plane touched down at 6.50am.

He told the Daily Echo: “I was told that I wasn’t going to be let in.

“They said I was on an Interpol blacklist, which was a major shock. When I tried to get more information they put a gun to my head and told me to shut up.
I watched the last 20 minutes of Galloway's performance in Derry last night, streamed live by RT. The same old empty shit and strongman worship delivered in that wretched faltering shouty monotone. He thinks he's Castro but has always reminded me of the actors in Blackadder III's Sense and Senility episode. During the 'Q&A' part, Treasa Ni Cheannabhan criticised the panel of freaks over their support for the carnage in Syria, so he resorted to his usual bullying thing - 'take the mike off her' etc. A British politician shouting down an Irish person in an Irish city at an event about imperialism with no Irish speakers on the anniversary of bloody sunday. One for the intersectional committee to unravel.

George's mate Hayes is even weirder than I thought. Some stuff that came to light in the last couple of weeks following his boast about briefing Corbyn.

In a speech at the Iran's 2015 loon and holocaust denial conference he claims that he was involved in the civil rights movement in the north, and that Bobby Sands was a 'good friend.'

Co-wrote a business guff book.

Refused entry to Thailand a couple of years ago.

Refused entry to Thailand. Has lived in this part of the world.

The thought that he would end up on an 'Interpol blacklist' as a result of making a complaint to the police (which was not about the police) is risible.

I have a strong suspicion that there are facts missing here.
I don't personally think he's antisemitic, though I could be proved wrong.

I've spent all day on twitter deconstructing the bullshit about him throwing his weight around suing Jon Lasman who apparently, though not specifically (though perhaps implicitly), accused him of such.

After he made a pretty shitty tweet to David Baddiel which he was later compelled to retract.
Horus Snacks
What do you think was shitty about that tweet?
How can you go on to say "i don't think he's antisemitic" if you agree the tweet to baddiel was 'pretty shitty'??
Horus Snacks
What do you think was shitty about that tweet?
How can you go on to say "i don't think he's antisemitic" if you agree the tweet to baddiel was 'pretty shitty'??
He called Baddiel, of whom I'm at best ambivalent, a 'vile Israel fanatic' without presenting evidence and then, after Baddiel responded, withdrew the tweet realising he'd made a prize arse of himself. So even GG thinks what he said was shitty.

For me to think he's antisemitic I would have to see evidence of a consistent behaviour - which may or may not exist. I'm not going to just accuse him of being that on the basis of one tweet. Vile Israel fanatic could certainly be coded language if not explicitly racist, but I don't think that one can automatically come to that conclusion from the one instance (to the best of my knowledge) of him saying that.

It doesn't make him look good, but it doesn't necessarily entail he's antisemitic
Whatever, do your research then and get back to us with your very important judgement on whether he is or isn't. Sounds like you've never heard of the george till today or something.
He's assumed Baddiel is a passionate Zionist because he's Jewish. That has to count as anti-Semitic, even if it's not in the worst category, particularly given the implication that Jewish equals Zionist equals vile.
I watched the last 20 minutes of Galloway's performance in Derry last night, streamed live by RT. The same old empty shit and strongman worship delivered in that wretched faltering shouty monotone. He thinks he's Castro but has always reminded me of the actors in Blackadder III's Sense and Senility episode. During the 'Q&A' part, Treasa Ni Cheannabhan criticised the panel of freaks over their support for the carnage in Syria, so he resorted to his usual bullying thing - 'take the mike off her' etc. A British politician shouting down an Irish person in an Irish city at an event about imperialism with no Irish speakers on the anniversary of bloody sunday. One for the intersectional committee to unravel.

George's mate Hayes is even weirder than I thought. Some stuff that came to light in the last couple of weeks following his boast about briefing Corbyn.

In a speech at the Iran's 2015 loon and holocaust denial conference he claims that he was involved in the civil rights movement in the north, and that Bobby Sands was a 'good friend.'

Co-wrote a business guff book.

Refused entry to Thailand a couple of years ago.

This is the same Hayes who writes for one of the Duginite think tanks right?

Declan Hayes
Whatever, do your research then and get back to us with your very important judgement on whether he is or isn't. Sounds like you've never heard of the george till today or something.
what's that supposed to mean? You asked me what I thought and I told you. Go spit your dummy out somewhere else ffs
He's assumed Baddiel is a passionate Zionist because he's Jewish. That has to count as anti-Semitic, even if it's not in the worst category, particularly given the implication that Jewish equals Zionist equals vile.
It doesn't necessarily follow that assumption is made blindly. GG could have genuinely thought, perhaps through incorrect sources, that Baddiel was a supporter of Israel. Or it could be that GG is in fact a racist. I personally tend to the former opinion but could stand to be corrected if people have good evidence and don't want to chuck their toys out the pram in response
what's that supposed to mean? You asked me what I thought and I told you. Go spit your dummy out somewhere else ffs
You said 'I would have to see evidence of a consistent behaviour - which may or may not exist'.
I said it sounds like you never heard of him till you saw that little twitter storm then.
So why do you feel the need to weigh and say 'in my opinion he's not an antisemite' ?
Its my dummy and i'll spit it out wherever i want, idiot.
You said 'I would have to see evidence of a consistent behaviour - which may or may not exist'.
I said it sounds like you never heard of him till you saw that little twitter storm then.
Why do you feel the need to weigh and say 'in my opinion he's not an antisemite' ?
Its my dummy and i'll spit it out wherever i want, idiot.

Oh cry more you fucking child.

Yes it's a reasonable position not to assume someone is racist without evidence. That tweet is not sufficient evidence. Seems to me you think he is so I invite you to make a case if you want me to share that view, if not jog on. I've got better things to do with my time than your homework you lazy minded cunt
It doesn't necessarily follow that assumption is made blindly. GG could have genuinely thought, perhaps through incorrect sources, that Baddiel was a supporter of Israel. Or it could be that GG is in fact a racist. I personally tend to the former opinion but could stand to be corrected if people have good evidence and don't want to chuck their toys out the pram in response
There's a long line of toys behind bimble's pram.
It's not my homework you fool, its yours, if you're going to choose to declare "In my opinion he's not an antisemite", on the basis of your benefit-of-the-doubt judgement of one 'shitty' tweet.

The internet is brim-full of jew-haters and people who can't see antisemitism when its right in front of them, so forgive me if I don't work hard to try to open your eyes.
Even so...that escalated into 'abusive' really quickly...Horus ain't new around here, that's for sure.

But if someone wants to ask a question and then jump all over my shit after I send them a polite honest good faith answer they really can fuck off. I've absolutely no time for that kind of dishonest bullshit.
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