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George Galloway unhappy at results


Ouch...oohyah!!!...you got me again .

So you did.

Eeesh. Stings .
Again I'll put it to you . Show me GGs actual out put on rt that you find offensive . Or give the Russophobic shit up .
you'll put nothing to me, because you aint an IO. #speaktothehand

loving the russobhopic accusation. Why would I hate russians. Neither washington nor moscow CR, is that a phrase that you ever got your head round. Don't seem like it anyway.
Always thought the redskins were a bit shit . But the point put to you about what is offensive about GGS rt output has been ably answered by your ..repeated..non ability to point to it . Which leaves us solely with your hatred of Russian stations and presumably everyone who also works for them . Which would include my former missus . Who'd you also regard as a professional whore taking the russkis " coin" . For simply doing her job .

So fuck you
oh well if you want to bring ex-gyal dem into it you deliberately jew-baited my ex. On here, plain as day. So if you can find some evidence of my intense hatred of russians, fill your jackboots. You can't back it up cos it isn't true, but I can back up your shitty chat if you make me.
Can I suggest that, to mirror the "Thatcher still dead" thread, the title of this one be changed to "Galloway still a cunt"
I don't think its necessary, nobody could possible imagine that the second one will every change, surely?
Looking forward to hearing Gorgeous George, upfront and personal, at a local venue next Tuesday. He is speaking after a showing of 'The Killings of Tony Blair'.

Anybody got any questions they would like me to ask him? :hmm:
Looking forwars to hearing Gorgeous George upfront and personal at a local venue next Tuesday. He is speaking after a showing of 'The Killings of Tony Blair'.

Anybody got any questions they would like me to ask him? :hmm:
Why did he never raise siberia in the Commons?
Galloway on Iraq in 2004 and Syria in 2011.
The puppet security forces are no match for the resistance in terms of weaponry or morale....The Iraqi resistance have a right to defend their country against the occupying invader. They are exercising that right, with a considerable degree of success and I predict that they will continue to do that with ever greater success in the months and years ahead.
The dark side of the Syrian regime, its authoritarian character, its police state mentality above all its deep-seated corruption fantastically exacerbated by the regimes neo-liberal turn with its attendant privatisations, substituting state property for private ownership by the regime's comprador, by and large.

To describe the mass uprising in Syria, day after day for months and undaunted by the steadily rising price in blood being paid by the protestors, as the actions of "terrorists" and "gunmen" is a gross distortion. In fact the regime itself looks more and more like the terrorist, certainly the gunmen, in this picture.
2016: Up the puppets and victory to Assad.
For those who've not been watching closely, this may appear to be a single flip but those in the first para are now the excuse he uses for for the support for Assad.So it's actually some sort of double-flip with compound internal connecting flip.
galloway mosul.png

Seems like yesterday when he was cheering them on, as I'm sure the last nodding freaky dregs of his sad cult who attended his fillum were.
Mr Galloway described the insurgents as "ragged people, with their sandals, with their Kalashnikovs, with the lightest and most basic of weapons" but who were still managing to defeat the world's only superpower.

The Respect MP for Bethnal Green and Bow denounced those Iraqis who had joined the security forces as "collaborators" and said it was "normal" for them to be targets for suicide bombers - who have killed hundreds of them.

"These poor Iraqis… are writing the names of their cities and towns in the stars. With 145 military operations every day, they have made the country ungovernable by the people who occupy it."

Mr Galloway denied the claim, made by American and British forces, that most of the resistance was coming from non-Iraqi fighters.
I've gone right off him, these days. And I remember seeing him speak on the anti-war demos, even shaking his hand, all those years ago. He was inspirational, back then. :(
Gorgeous now sniffing around Gorton, it seems:

George Galloway may enter race to become Gorton MP

Bit unfortunate that - and given today's Hopkins verdict, I feel I must tread very carefully in how I express this - the Graun continues to choose to illustrate its articles about His Indefatigableness with a photograph which would not be out of place above a story about some seventies Radio 1 DJ or other up before the beak on Yewtree-type charges.
Gorgeous now sniffing around Gorton, it seems:

George Galloway may enter race to become Gorton MP

Bit unfortunate that - and given today's Hopkins verdict, I feel I must tread very carefully in how I express this - the Graun continues to choose to illustrate its articles about His Indefatigableness with a photograph which would not be out of place above a story about some seventies Radio 1 DJ or other up before the beak on Yewtree-type charges.
The source said the idea to run in Gorton formed around three to four weeks ago, saying: “He was always quite close to the previous incumbent. They always got on really well. They shared the same political ideals. That is what probably triggered it.
Sounds like he was seizing the opportunity of Kauffman's death before he'd even died. Classy.
Gorgeous now sniffing around Gorton, it seems:

George Galloway may enter race to become Gorton MP

Bit unfortunate that - and given today's Hopkins verdict, I feel I must tread very carefully in how I express this - the Graun continues to choose to illustrate its articles about His Indefatigableness with a photograph which would not be out of place above a story about some seventies Radio 1 DJ or other up before the beak on Yewtree-type charges.

ETA pic:

It's pressure to be let back in and then fight a quieter safer seat in 2020. He's nowhere left but labour.
May well be, but I don't think it will work. Aside from Corbyn not wanting a rehash of the party's anti-Semitism wars, the dynamics of the seat don't work well as a threat. Lab got 2/3 of the vote last time with Greens in second, so there's no chance of ukip or tories coming through on a split 'left' vote. Only threat would be a direct one from Galloway himself and I don't see that he could win. Even if Labour hold the seat on a reduced majority (to Galloway) it has none of the risks of Stoke for example.
I had missed this from earlier in the year, Galloway begging for Arron Banks to found a new political party which he wants to participate in
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