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General Coronavirus (COVID-19) chat

I'm generally feeling a bit better about things having seen this article. I guess part of me was assuming everyone else in Europe was round each other's houses and going to the pub and kids in school, but generally, no: Covid: How are European countries tackling the pandemic?

I mean, we're still way more fucked than any of them and will have a much harder time opening anything up in spring/summer, but it's not like things are fine everywhere else, which you kind of forget about just because of the massive shitshow here.
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I'm generally feeling a bit better about things having seen this article. I guess part of me was assuming everyone else in Europe was round each other's houses and going to the pub and kids in school, but generally, no: Covid: How are European countries tackling the pandemic?

I mean, we're generally still way more fucked than any of them and will have a much harder time opening anything up in spring/summer, but it's not like things are generally fine everywhere else, which you kind of forget about just because of the massive shitshow here.
the shitshow is mostly global bar a few exceptions
edited for typo
Going for a SMART Lateral Flow test tomorrow as part of testing out a new facility before it goes live and is open to the public 5 days a week.
Result within half an hour apparently.

Yep, results in half an hour.

Source: the wife has to take a lateral flow test every four days.
Our lovely neighbour across the road, R, who goes to our synagogue, has just been taken to hospital - his wife told road Whatsapp group yesterday they'd tested positive. Apparently he had a bad night, he did walk into the ambulance, but who knows what will happen next? I think they may both be vulnerable - late-60s, but have taken a lot of care with masks etc since early on I suspect because they have underlying health issues. They do have lodgers though, so I'd imagine that's the most likely way they caught it :(
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I am beginning to get the impression that the UK government has finally twigged that lowering restrictions/reopening things for the sake of 'improving morale' during a pandemic is A Bad Idea at least

Now we just need the Media to catch on and stop asking stupid questions relating to when we can go on holiday and going nuts on the story whenever they hear the mearest squeek of opening up being mentioned by any politician or 'expert'.
I work with idiots. (Not the learners; the staff.)

A colleague is apparently off on a 2-week international holiday in a few days, with all his family, to get some sun. Booked the flights and everything. Very keen.

1. Going on holiday is currently illegal.
2. The country they think they're going to requires 2 weeks of quarantine on arrival.
3. They'd have to quarantine for 2 weeks on return.

How far do you think they'll get, urbs?

Turned back from the airport here? Arrested? Somehow manage to wrangle an essential travel permit to get there, but be stuck indefinitely? Even somehower get there and back, but have to pay for an additional fortnight's hotel quarantine?

I work with idiots. (Not the learners; the staff.)

A colleague is apparently off on a 2-week international holiday in a few days, with all his family, to get some sun. Booked the flights and everything. Very keen.

1. Going on holiday is currently illegal.
2. The country they think they're going to requires 2 weeks of quarantine on arrival.
3. They'd have to quarantine for 2 weeks on return.

How far do you think they'll get, urbs?

Turned back from the airport here? Arrested? Somehow manage to wrangle an essential travel permit to get there, but be stuck indefinitely? Even somehower get there and back, but have to pay for an additional fortnight's hotel quarantine?

Has this been pointed out to them?
Has this been pointed out to them?
I tried. Gently. Mentioned it.

They'd googled travel advice but not found anything. I found a current, relevant .gov.uk link and sent it to them (they asked me to send them anything I found). The page starts with a great big alert stating that travel is currently illegal.

Nothing doing.
I tried. Gently. Mentioned it.

They'd googled travel advice but not found anything. I found a current, relevant .gov.uk link and sent it to them (they asked me to send them anything I found). The page starts with a great big alert stating that travel is currently illegal.

Nothing doing.
crikey, am I correctly inferring that these fools are academics?
I work with idiots. (Not the learners; the staff.)

A colleague is apparently off on a 2-week international holiday in a few days, with all his family, to get some sun. Booked the flights and everything. Very keen.

1. Going on holiday is currently illegal.
2. The country they think they're going to requires 2 weeks of quarantine on arrival.
3. They'd have to quarantine for 2 weeks on return.
Which country?
Neighbour R is in ICU and on ventilator, but stable apparently

It's going to be a long recovery for him if he comes off that I fear, I don't think he was in great health before this. We have contacted our synagogue and gsv found out his Hebrew name so he can be added to the prayer for the sick they say on the Shabbat Zoom service. Let's be straight, neither they nor us believe in prayer as such but it's to let the community know, and to let his wife know we're all thinking of them. gsv's checked in on R's wife - she's on her feet and not very ill, plus has lodgers at home, so she is OK to look after herself at least

A quick question that I hope someone can help me with.. I've just had my first jab. I was told at the jab centre it would be 12 weeks until I get my second. What level of immunity do I currently enjoy, or do I enjoy over the 12 weeks leading up to my second jab?
I do know that one should assume no extra protection for first 2-3 weeks, as the body has to have time to respond, not sure what it's like after that, or how variable by individual. Someone here will probably know!
A quick question that I hope someone can help me with.. I've just had my first jab. I was told at the jab centre it would be 12 weeks until I get my second. What level of immunity do I currently enjoy, or do I enjoy over the 12 weeks leading up to my second jab?

Which vaccine? I checked earlier because I had mine yesterday, Oxford.

"In the case of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine, PHE said, "High protection against hospitalisation was seen from 21 days after dose one until two weeks after the second dose, suggesting that a single dose will provide high short term protection against severe disease . . . An exploratory analysis of participants who had received one standard dose of the vaccine suggested that efficacy against ..."

A quick question that I hope someone can help me with.. I've just had my first jab. I was told at the jab centre it would be 12 weeks until I get my second. What level of immunity do I currently enjoy, or do I enjoy over the 12 weeks leading up to my second jab?
You can't know without performing a series of blood assays.

Irrespective, and no matter which vaccine is involved, you need to act as if your are infectious and also as if you can be infected now and after the second jab, until data on sterilising immunity becomes clear. Even then varying percentages of people will still carry and transmit the virus and/or experience mild symptoms and/or experience severe symptoms and/or die (in order of decreasing likelihood).
Some problems with vaccination centres.

Yeah, I wasn't too impressed with where I went for my vaccination. Individual chairs spaced about 6 feet apart, and everyone was wearing masks - don't know if it was mandatory or if no-one was daft enough to try to claim an exemption - but it was quite a small room. And it was so warm that I literally could not see the form I was filling in because my glasses were entirely steamed up. My handwriting's fucked as it is, but this was ridiculous. With some context I was able to work out what to write where, but I went over the lines and the nurse couldn't read my birthdate.

And there were two of us being vaccinated in the same room. My blood tests have gone down to one in a room, and I thought this'd be the same.

Then, when leaving, it was via the fire exit, which is better than via the one fairly narrow entrance, but involved a sharp corner. Two people bumped into me, physically I mean, having just bumped into one another - they were mumbling apologies to each other and then apologising to me while I also apologised to them. I think they were going the wrong way, but there were no arrows or directions, so it's not surprising. We were all trying so hard not to touch each other again while getting past each other that we ricocheted like pinballs against the walls. :facepalm: It was almost comical.
Yeah, I wasn't too impressed with where I went for my vaccination. Individual chairs spaced about 6 feet apart, and everyone was wearing masks - don't know if it was mandatory or if no-one was daft enough to try to claim an exemption - but it was quite a small room. And it was so warm that I literally could not see the form I was filling in because my glasses were entirely steamed up. My handwriting's fucked as it is, but this was ridiculous. With some context I was able to work out what to write where, but I went over the lines and the nurse couldn't read my birthdate.

And there were two of us being vaccinated in the same room. My blood tests have gone down to one in a room, and I thought this'd be the same.

Then, when leaving, it was via the fire exit, which is better than via the one fairly narrow entrance, but involved a sharp corner. Two people bumped into me, physically I mean, having just bumped into one another - they were mumbling apologies to each other and then apologising to me while I also apologised to them. I think they were going the wrong way, but there were no arrows or directions, so it's not surprising. We were all trying so hard not to touch each other again while getting past each other that we ricocheted like pinballs against the walls. :facepalm: It was almost comical.
A friend's volunteering as a marshall at a vaccination centre and she was expressing similar concerns last night about people catching it while there getting vaccinated.

She was also a bit surprised that most of her fellow volunteers are retired and therefore at higher risk. They were all vaccinated but started work immediately after so they obviously aren't protected yet...
Yes place I went to had three marshalls and three vacinatees in a small room. all masked and 2m between each of us but only just. Hadn't really registered but could have been a lot safer.
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