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Not an option for me due to kids and school locations, but has anyone on U75 who is working from home, changed home to somewhere cheaper and sunny? Were I younger and childless, I would have worked the last 5 months from a beach somewhere
Not me, and not really same thing, but my sister and her husband (with 9yo kid) sold their place in Crouch End, just spent a month living on an airbnb houseboat, and are completing on a house in the Chilterns on Friday! Nothing to do with lockdown, they were doing it anyway - accepted offer on their place just before lockdown, it all trundle on & now they're moving. She has been wfh for last 4 years anyway.
Not an option for me due to kids and school locations, but has anyone on U75 who is working from home, changed home to somewhere cheaper and sunny? Were I younger and childless, I would have worked the last 5 months from a beach somewhere

Really interesting idea...
Not an option for me due to kids and school locations, but has anyone on U75 who is working from home, changed home to somewhere cheaper and sunny? Were I younger and childless, I would have worked the last 5 months from a beach somewhere

I have heard of it though it wouldn't work for me and my partner as our jobs are tied to the city we live in. A couple I know have temporarily decamped to rural Ireland (where she originally comes from) for a few months whilst still working. Before the virus they already had a mind to sort of splitting their time between London and Ireland so this has been a good opportunity for a trial run.

I think if you have somewhere to go and live it'd be a goer but we could yet be called back to offices at short notice its not really viable to get a rental contract. I suppose you could air b&b but you'd then be paying for two places.
Really interesting idea...

Considering how expensive it is to live in London, through rent or owning somewhere, with many of the things London offers not open or subject to off-putting restrictions. I wonder how many people who came to London for work, might continue those jobs from somewhere different
I have heard of it though it wouldn't work for me and my partner as our jobs are tied to the city we live in. A couple I know have temporarily decamped to rural Ireland (where she originally comes from) for a few months whilst still working. Before the virus they already had a mind to sort of splitting their time between London and Ireland so this has been a good opportunity for a trial run.

I think if you have somewhere to go and live it'd be a goer but we could yet be called back to offices at short notice its not really viable to get a rental contract. I suppose you could air b&b but you'd then be paying for two places.

Devil's in the detail of course, but there's bound to people that could make it work. If I didn't have kids, I definitely could.
Not an option for me due to kids and school locations, but has anyone on U75 who is working from home, changed home to somewhere cheaper and sunny? Were I younger and childless, I would have worked the last 5 months from a beach somewhere

Someone I know went to Greece for a few months and 'WFH' there. I think they were going anyway for a trip, and they decided to extend it a while when WFH came in.
Devil's in the detail of course, but there's bound to people that could make it work. If I didn't have kids, I definitely could.

We normally get pretty decent summers in the South East (no exception this year) so I never go away this time of year anyway. Now, winter time that would be tempting. Just there will be no need because our reliable and trustworthy leader has already told us it will be all normal by Christmas.
Considering how expensive it is to live in London, through rent or owning somewhere, with many of the things London offers not open or subject to off-putting restrictions. I wonder how many people who came to London for work, might continue those jobs from somewhere different
We're, well.. will be, moving to the coast (to a bungalow or cottage by the sea is the dream/preference).
It was a 3 year plan but we're now thinking of doing so next year instead.
The commute in to London every day was one of the key topics and that's no longer the case so fuck it.
Considering how expensive it is to live in London, through rent or owning somewhere, with many of the things London offers not open or subject to off-putting restrictions. I wonder how many people who came to London for work, might continue those jobs from somewhere different

Quite a few, if the estate agents in North Norfolk are to be believed.
Not an option for me due to kids and school locations, but has anyone on U75 who is working from home, changed home to somewhere cheaper and sunny? Were I younger and childless, I would have worked the last 5 months from a beach somewhere
Now there's a feature the Guardian haven't got round to yet.
Yep work freelance so I've just moved to Cornwall get further out into the Styx.

Ah no it was 20 years ago now. Was a shame to have left friends behind but never regretted the move for a second. :)
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Not an option for me due to kids and school locations, but has anyone on U75 who is working from home, changed home to somewhere cheaper and sunny? Were I younger and childless, I would have worked the last 5 months from a beach somewhere

I'm off to Ibiza for a month this weekend :oops: WFHing for some of it, and spending the rest writing my Masters dissertation in an isolated-ish villa
Not an option for me due to kids and school locations, but has anyone on U75 who is working from home, changed home to somewhere cheaper and sunny? Were I younger and childless, I would have worked the last 5 months from a beach somewhere
Few people I work with are doing this but the they're typically visiting family. One person's been in Turkey for the last few months, someone else is in Portugal and another's 'accidentally' stuck in New Zealand. :hmm: Someone in my team's coming back from Ireland tomorrow -- he'd been there for about six weeks or so.
It's kind of chilling reading some of the early posts in this forum tbh. Did anyone imagine it would get as bad as 22 million cases and 782 thousand deaths back in January?

No. :( The idea that this would become global really didn't cross my mind. Especially because early on, with the repatriation flights from Wuhan and the subsequent quarantines of those on the flights, it looked like the rest of the world intended to keep it out.
I got into a debate on another site with some individuals who truly believe their freedoms are being taken away from them because the government has asked that certain restrictions be brought back til mid Sept.
These people were frothing at the mouth because indoor games are restricted to 6 people and outdoors to 15.
Because they were advised to work from home and not use public transport unless absolutely necessary
One of them said they thought if they refused the vaccine that they'd be put in a camp.

They clearly had no understanding of the words "temporary measures ". I was told to shut up and let them live their life whatever way they wanted...and "we only have today"... I pointed out that the virus doesnt actually care about that and was rounded on.

One of them was clearly losing the plot saying he wouldnt let the government put him into a prison in his own home.

When I pointed out that we only have 465 ICU beds in the entire country I was laughed at and told that was a lie.

What is wrong with these very vocal people?
Genuinely confused at how self centred some people are.
Sugar Kane said:
I got into a debate on another site with some individuals who truly believe their freedoms are being taken away from them because the government has asked that certain restrictions be brought back til mid Sept.
These people were frothing at the mouth because indoor games are restricted to 6 people and outdoors to 15.
Because they were advised to work from home and not use public transport unless absolutely necessary
One of them said they thought if they refused the vaccine that they'd be put in a camp.
Do those individuals actually dominate that site :eek:, are are there other, more sensible people there?

If the former, definitely time to abandon the place, I'd say!! :hmm:
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It's kind of chilling reading some of the early posts in this forum tbh. Did anyone imagine it would get as bad as 22 million cases and 782 thousand deaths back in January?

Not in January, no. I do however, remember saying in April I think that this is going to kill millions. In that respect its actually not as bad thus far but lets face it there are loads more deaths out there from covid that have not been counted for various reasons.
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It's kind of chilling reading some of the early posts in this forum tbh. Did anyone imagine it would get as bad as 22 million cases and 782 thousand deaths back in January?

Yeah totally, I sometimes see this post from 31st January as the first post in the 'Coronavirus in the UK' sub-forum and have a moment...

There have been two positives in the Newcastle area.

And so it begins... :(
It's kind of chilling reading some of the early posts in this forum tbh. Did anyone imagine it would get as bad as 22 million cases and 782 thousand deaths back in January?

I was stressed in January and February as was reading the WHO reports and warnings and none of them were very good news, and hardly anyone at work had really heard of it, let alone people taking it seriously. I relaxed a bit when it started to be talked about and things changed, but until then I felt a bit like a madman telling people about it.

I was at a class in early March and when we were hanging about before I was chatting to people and I said that I thought this would be the last class for a while, and a few people laughed, and a few people were like 'Huh, why?' I saw one of them last week and they said they thought I was being totally bonkers then.
Do those individuals actually dominate that site :eek:, are are there other, more sensible people there?

If the former, definitely time to abandon the place, I'd say!! :hmm:

Yep. I've left it. They roundes on me last night and I was told that "everybody dies and I would die anyway". They know I am in the extremely vulnerable category. And still this was the reply.
Not in January, no. I do however, remember saying in April I think that this is going to kill millions. In that respect its actually not bad as bad thus far but lets face it there are loads more deaths out there from covid that have not been counted for various reasons.

Yeah looking at excess deaths its almost certainly killed more than 782 thousand and probably at least a million :(

LynnDoyleCooper i went to synagogue for a Jewish festival about March 10th, and some people were kinda making jokes about it, the rest didn't really know that much or thought lockdowns etc weren't going to happen (including me tbh) . It was only because my mum knew people in Italy that I was that aware of it at the time. Remember going to a pilates class the week Italy locked down where people were rubbing anti bac gel on the mats and complaining that it was a fuss over nothing :hmm:
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