But we didn't know we weren't going to need them! Early on it looked like a possibility we might have. Can you imagine what a disaster and how much you'd be moaning if they'd not been opened and thousands of people would have died from a lack of facilities. I feels like you putting on a seatbelt at start of a drive, moaning that you didn't use it, then after ten drives moaning that installing it was a waste of money and time as it's not getting used.
I think what grates is people with no medical understanding making suggestions that make it obvious they don't understand a fraction of the complexities of dealing with sick patients, don't comprehend their own lack of knowledge, and then being certain that they have better answers than people that work in this area.
I think there are plenty of good criticisms to be made of stuff done by both the government and the NHS, but they'll get lost if people are just making criticisms of eveything and anything, including the things that worked or are working OK or well.