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General Coronavirus (COVID-19) chat

yeah - my local gp is saying the same thing.
Mine too. Big banner on their website, and reception staff quiz you when trying to make an appointment. a number of texts so far about it.

I had some bloods done recently and the nurse said they were planning to more or less cancel face to face appointments. Presume you could still get one if it was urgent though.
is there any informed speculation on weather food supplies are going to be affected If half of the world is in lockdown?
is there any informed speculation on weather food supplies are going to be affected If half of the world is in lockdown?
Informed by my understanding of the meaning of the phrase 'half the world is in lockdown', I would speculate that the chances of food supplies being unaffected is low.
I've just had a text saying not to go to the GP surgery under any circumstances! Anyone know if this is a general thing that is happening, or do I have a local issue?

Had a copd revue booked for next Monday, surgery have cancelled.
The first one yes, I remember linking to either it or a tweet about it.

The 2nd one I dont think but, but I'm glad you mention it since a small bunch of people on the forum have called for just such a deference to authorities and some experts (but not others), much to my disgust.

edi - this post has been moved from elsewhere and no longer has the context to make sense.

the context was:


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Finally got 3 days of script but warned there are 'supply problems' for Thursday. Wondering how quickly I can safely taper without leaving myself vulnerable to corona. My lovely, lovely pharmacist asst. has taken it upon herself to keep is updated...unlike CGL who are still inaccessible. Saw a couple of others on 'supervised' daily pick-up and a number of panicking people who have been unable to get their scripts too. This is terribly worrying since we are barely out of the starting gate. Have confessed to eldest (also the one most able to keep mouth zipped) and am attempting to acquire some extra opioids to get us through what seems to be inevitable and fat-teaching changes.

Also have a shit of a sore throat!
Went for my second chemotherapy session this morning.
I don’t know if anyone on here knows Weston Park hospital in Sheffield, the side entrances were sealed and all patients and visitors had to go through the main entrance. Once in the foyer everyone was questioned as to whether they had felt unwell over the last few days and everyone had to say what they were there for. All hands had to be sanitised while being observed. Then they let us through.
I was told after my session that my next face to face pre treatment consultation would be done via phone.
I was also told to arrive earlier on the day of my next treatment to have my bloods checked on the day instead of the previous Thursday.
It was also the most empty I have seen it in over thirteen years of visits.
I've just had a text saying not to go to the GP surgery under any circumstances! Anyone know if this is a general thing that is happening, or do I have a local issue?
The surgery group I work for closed both their surgeries to patients, other than pre-screened people with a clinical need to attend (eg INR injections, etc). I think the decisions are still being made on an individual surgery-by-surgery basis, but I suspect there'll be an official declaration at some point.

College is still open, but nobody's under any illusions about how long that situation will prevail for. I am not particularly astonished that there is no central contingency planning for how to deliver teaching during a shutdown...personally, I'm out of the game as far as their "official" Skype for Business offering goes (it won't run on Linux, and it runs like shit on a virtualised Windows instance), so we'll be rolling our own and delivering seminars via Zoom. I shall "steal" my other teaching organisation's account for that...
I've just had a text saying not to go to the GP surgery under any circumstances! Anyone know if this is a general thing that is happening, or do I have a local issue?

Ive been delivering to GP’s recently and noticed signs on the doors saying if you have flu type symptoms, don’t come in but go home and call 111.
Jeff Bezos recently pledged $10 billion to combatting climate change.

Wonder how much he’s going to pledge to assist his army of workers and contractors during this pandemic? I suspect the sum will be zero.
I've become ill today. Felt pretty well yesterday, bit of sniffles, same as for weeks. Sore throat this morning, almost dry throat. Runny nose developed this afternoon. Mrs SI and both kids are ill so I suppose it was going to happen, but I'm wondering how ill is ill. Could do with staying off but if I do everyone has to, right? I don't think I've got the bug. No cough, no high temp. Still worried though
I work in central London. Posted this up on Brixton virus thread:

Was in City and West End working today. It had a lot less people in it. Lots of companies are getting people to work at home.

With a few staff in offices. Postroom staff mainly. As well as security guards.

Looks like big companies are keeping small staff at main offices with where possible home working. With stuff being sent by courier to and from main office and private addresses.

This is going to have big knock on effect on those who depend on city and west end workers. Cafes and street food business.

Lot less traffic as well.
Forgot to mention in my above post.
The staff went around the main waiting room in the day case unit removing all the Macmillan pamphlets and locking them in a side room. They then collected all the magazines and periodicals in disposal bags.
IMO I thought this measure in hospital waiting rooms is about forty years too late.
There needs to be less 'every man for himself' and more looking out for each other. I've seen examples of both. Some people will be fucked if we don't all look to the latter. Stopping anyone going hungry is pretty much the priority. Anyway, I like it round here. A lot of hustle, gang. :)
I've become ill today. Felt pretty well yesterday, bit of sniffles, same as for weeks. Sore throat this morning, almost dry throat. Runny nose developed this afternoon. Mrs SI and both kids are ill so I suppose it was going to happen, but I'm wondering how ill is ill. Could do with staying off but if I do everyone has to, right? I don't think I've got the bug. No cough, no high temp. Still worried though

one of the things this is exposing, is just how high the level of low grade fevers, bugs chills, etc, is in the UK as people reveal they have them wondering if it is C19, i suespect this is partly due to the way people are forced to go to work or have the macho attitude they can. I have M.E i get those sort of symptoms weekly, tonight i have a sore throat, migraine, have nearly passed out, dizzy, near delerious, the young barman in the pub yesterday had a right hacking cough, was quite unstable, feverish, but i don't think him or me have C19, though i will at some point.
There needs to be less 'every man for himself' and more looking out for each other. I've seen examples of both. Some people will be fucked if we don't all look to the latter. Stopping anyone going hungry is pretty much the priority. Anyway, I like it round here. A lot of hustle, gang. :)

seeing the best, massive growth in support groups, and the worse, profiteering, over stockpiling, agression in shops,

expect the latter to get worse, organised crime wont accept massive losses, etc
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