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Just got an email from my local theatre (it's a charity). They've suspended all performances and are looking for donations to stay afloat. The first of many such organisations I fear. :(
Again another media source claiming to have 'seen reports or tip off' so hardly scientific facts. Still a concerning read and does not sound unnecessarily alarmist.

I'm fed up of reading 'possible' 'maybe' forcasts. They are guesswork at best. Journalists should curb all speculation. Its all alarmist.

Fed up of big PLAGUE YOU ARE ALL GOING TO DIE type headlines, even when they are followed with don't panic text.
I’m working abroad really well isolated so no real corona worries.
No one can guarantee any of my movements that’s at a National Gvt level so fuxking nothing I can control
so I’m just gonna log off the corona virus forum and social mediaTry and stay sane and healthy and when i get a chance to get back to the U.K. take it

3/4 of the family are stranded outside the country so we are all “in the same boat” at least we will all have good tans for the summer :D

stay frosty
this is not a tornado, it is a hurricane
What an absolutely ridiculous thing to say. A tornado and a hurricane are the same thing, just one is over water and the other is over land. Really fills you with confidence in scientists' proclamations when they come out with idiotic faux-profundity like that. :rolleyes:
What an absolutely ridiculous thing to say. A tornado and a hurricane are the same thing, just one is over water and the other is over land. Really fills you with confidence in scientists' proclamations when they come out with idiotic faux-profundity like that. :rolleyes:
He was using the analogy as a means to illustrate the scale difference between the government's ineffective short-termist, knee-jerk responses and the long-term/huge impacts the virus will have.
Tornadoes & Hurricanes are different weather phenomena with differing genesis, form, scale, life-cycle and impacts, but this is probably more readily appreciated by Americans.
What an absolutely ridiculous thing to say. A tornado and a hurricane are the same thing, just one is over water and the other is over land. Really fills you with confidence in scientists' proclamations when they come out with idiotic faux-profundity like that. :rolleyes:

Um, no, hurricanes are the same as typhoons, and cyclones, but tornadoes are a different kettle of fish entirely. Not that it’s particularly important in the grand scheme of things, but I wouldn’t want people to be dismissing his words on the basis of a misunderstanding of the phenomena in his metaphor.

The pertinent comparison being (I believe) that tornados are intense, localised and short-lived, whereas hurricanes are immense, cover huge areas and go on for much longer.
What an absolutely ridiculous thing to say. A tornado and a hurricane are the same thing, just one is over water and the other is over land. Really fills you with confidence in scientists' proclamations when they come out with idiotic faux-profundity like that. :rolleyes:

I dunno if you're being wrong on purpose for comic effect or what but at tornado is not the same thing as a hurricane at all. Also you can get tornados over water. There was one in Wales the other week.
Seemed to be less kids coming into school today, think some are being kept away. Reckon this might snowball and predict we’ll be shut by the end of the week, though I’ll probably still go into work there when I’m not looking after my own kids, plenty of stuff I can do.
definitely less traffic than normal today and much reduced numbers at primary school gate. I would be surprised if schools are still open by the end of the week.
I dont generally suffer from anxiety - but i have been losing sleep over this. The implications are massive on so many levels and most of them are very troubling. In two days Ive gone from stressing about leeds united being robbed of promotion to fearing a massive community/life wrecking recession combined with collapse of the NHS and public services. And not having any work for .... who knows? The BBC diet of "keep calm and carry on" followed by uplifting stories of how people are coping and smiling is not helping either.
Germany has just closed its borders to neighbouring countries.

But, but, I was told, repeatedly, by the people now in Government, that we would have leave the EU to Take Back Control Of Our Borders. Now it turns out to have been wrong. Is it possible the government are nothing but perfidious cunts?
Looks like we are in deep scary shit. \this morning, no pharmacist, clinic closed, facing complete methadone withdrawal after more than 3 decades. |Feeling very, very frightened as it is clear people like me are no sort of ptiority at all. Dunno how I am going to get through this, as I cannot even tell my kids about our addiction issues. Surely, there are goiing to be other people who need community pharmacies but I am afraid CGL and other privatised healthcare places are going to be seen for the shoddy rubbish they really are. Terrified.
campanula do you know why pharmacist is closed this morning?
Totally get why you are panicking but its got to be a priority, getting people the medicines they are dependant on, those places surely would not be closed for virus reasons whilst people are still swanning about going to restaurants etc. even in the European countries that are in full lock down, pharmacies are still open.
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Depressing stuff
From within that article, it refers back to an article written by Steve Albini from 1993 about how bands got / get screwed over by 'the music industry' which was interesting too:
I'm sure it's already been posted but it is interesting

Illustrative but I think the scale is very misleading.

Plus Buddy Bradley's response a few posts later.

Plus I think this is relevant too:
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Fucking hell campanula, hope that gets sorted for you.

I've got a meeting with CGL this afternoon coz they're taking over contract here from next month, will ask what plans if any they've made for people to continue getting their scripts...
I'm sure it's already been posted but it is interesting

There have been more technical responses to this notion before, but my general take is that government doesn't have enough control to operate a sophisticated 'turning the tap on and off' strategy. At the moment very little is being done to create social distancing, there's panic buying and the rest. But most of all we haven't got a clue about the extent of community transmission because we are not testing for it. Even more so, we are no longer even testing those people who seem to have the virus but don't get as far as a hospital. Similarly, telling the over 70s to self isolate is a blunt instrument, regardless of the impact it will actually have on the over 70s.
Totally get why you are panicking but its got to be a priority, getting people the medicines they are dependant on, those places surely would not be closed for virus reasons whilst people are still swanning about going to restaurants etc. even in the European countries that are in full lock down, pharmacies are still open.
The pharmacist called in sick on Sunday night. There is about half of out script waiting until a pharmacist can be sent over (for an hour between 2-3pm. We are only allowed 3 days worth at a time and everything is 'just on time' ordering meds every week, no stocks... so even if we wait till then, get half what we need, this is going to be an issue. Whilst I was at the pharmacy, at least half a dozen people arrived, most needing urgent prescriptions. I think we are going to see the effects of 40 years of austerity/privatisation. There is no-one picking up the phone at the treatment clinic either. I feel we have been abandonned and am very, very scared.
I had to go to the surgery this morning for a routine blood test. I decided to walk as it's only 1 1/2 miles. There was hardly anybody about on foot. In all, I can't have seen more than half a dozen people. I can't ever remember seeing so few cars parked on the road outside the surgery. They'd disabled the touch screen log in and there was "hazard" tape on the floor by the receptionist which I'd been told not to cross in a text beforehand. I had to confirm, yet again, that I was showing no symptoms. The waiting room was empty! The phlebotomist came out and asked me, yet again, if I was showing any symptoms before she allowed me to follow her to the consulting room. She was wearing a mask and gloves. She took the sample and she said it was highly unlikely that I would be able to keep my face to face appointment with the doctor on Friday. Instead, she suggested I might be able to have a phone consultation instead. I appreciate they have to take every precaution but it hadn't hit me just what precautions they might be taking until this morning.
I've just had a text saying not to go to the GP surgery under any circumstances! Anyone know if this is a general thing that is happening, or do I have a local issue?
I've just had a text saying not to go to the GP surgery under any circumstances! Anyone know if this is a general thing that is happening, or do I have a local issue?

It's happening more and more. Phone consultation and only face to face if the issue warrants it.
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