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General Coronavirus (COVID-19) chat

I assume vaccines produce slightly different antibodies to the various different variants of covid, and they can work out which is which, in a similar way as they tell the different between the various variants.

Oh, here you go, seems to be the difference between standard antibodies, and spike protein antibodies.

I find that a little confusing..

I took a covid 19 antibody test a few weeks ago.
And this was what the kit said..


It seems to say that spike proteins show in naturally produced antibodies and also in antibodies created in response to the vaccine.
I find that a little confusing..

I took a covid 19 antibody test a few weeks ago.
And this was what the kit said..

It seems to say that spike proteins show in naturally produced antibodies and also in antibodies created in response to the vaccine.

OK, must be different spike proteins.

Natural infection with coronavirus will produce different antibodies. These antibodies can bind to not just the spike, but also to other viral proteins such as the nucleocapsid. Current COVID-19 vaccines in development do not lead to antibodies against the nucleocapsid protein.

The two different antibody tests look for nucleocapsid (N) or spike (S1, S2 region). The former assumed to be from natural infection only. Though this won't hold for those immunised with inactivated or attenuated whole virus vaccines (not yet approved in the UK).
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I went on the bus and tube today for various reasons, armed with my FFP2 mask.

One of a few 'why the fuck did I do this' prompts was a person who got on the tube and sat a couple of seats down from me; no mask; got out a hand fan to flap their covid breath at everyone; and was sniffling and dabbing at their snotty nose with a tissue. I had to move.

I hate this. Hate feeling so hostile to people. Hate the real risk that some don't get or don't believe in or don't care about.

Hate it hate it hate it.

(I can be grown up and practical about managing it some other time.)
Went for a walk today, when strolling down Church Road, CP, I saw a couple in their late 30’s sporting t shirts that said ‘track and trace this’ with a middle finger gesture, the other one had some similar but slightly different message along the line of ‘you’ll not vax me’ I’m starting to despair again and not looking forward to autumn nor winter.
Went for a walk today, when strolling down Church Road, CP, I saw a couple in their late 30’s sporting t shirts that said ‘track and trace this’ with a middle finger gesture, the other one had some similar but slightly different message along the line of ‘you’ll not vax me’ I’m starting to despair again and not looking forward to autumn nor winter.

Just remember the loons are a minority, amongst the minority of 12.5% yet to have a first jab, the UK is doing a lot better than most counties.
We are putting way too much reliance on the Vaccine, its not just the anti-vaxxers that will fuck it up its all those (and there are many) who think they can go around as if its all over because they've been jabbed.
At a rough estimation about 80% of people I know are now behaving like this

I am in Cornwall :rolleyes: luckily just house (and beach hut :cool: ) sitting so not hitting pubs or shop's or owt.

There are LOT of places closed :(
Paywalled but you get the general idea :(


I am in Cornwall :rolleyes: luckily just house (and beach hut :cool: ) sitting so not hitting pubs or shop's or owt.

There are LOT of places closed :(
Why have the home test kits changed? You don't need to shove it down your throat any more, only up your nose - is that because that's where Delta mostly lives?
Work in a pub and a fellow worker who refuses the jab and keeps telling us who who have had the jab that we are stupid got covid and was hospitalised, we did have a chuckle to be honest.

He said information had been skewed by social media and conspiracy theorists and he had not had the vaccine.
The 40-year-old said his symptoms started with a flu-like feeling, which got progressively worse, and he was eventually admitted to hospital, suffering from breathing difficulties.
"First thing I am going tell all my family to do is get the vaccine and anybody I see," he said.

Hindsight is a lovely thing 🙄
Good channel. He’s Dr Ed Hope who works in A&E. He also does trauma diagnosis of movie fight scenes.

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The local pharmacy has offered to give me my free flu jab early - I suppose I should go for it - though for as long as I continue to mask up in the supermarket I'm unlikely to catch it ...
Since I'm hoping to have a social life in the future I suppose I'll need to get used to having the jab every year ...
The local pharmacy has offered to give me my free flu jab early - I suppose I should go for it - though for as long as I continue to mask up in the supermarket I'm unlikely to catch it ...
Since I'm hoping to have a social life in the future I suppose I'll need to get used to having the jab every year ...
Yep. Do it. I’m a peer immuniser at work (i give other nurses the annual flu jab). Everyone should get it unless you’ve got a good medical reason not to. Covid-19 is likely an endemic so expect to have a regular repeat jab depending on how it mutates.
I was listening to Dr John Cambell today.

He is saying there has been a shift in the medical and scientific community very recently.
The consensus is saying you are going to meet COVID-19, its just a matter of time. Unless of course you don't leave the house and don't have anyone around.

Given you can still get COVID-19 post vaccination, heard immunity isn't possible, its here to stay for the future. There is no point in the mass testing because its out there, rather than just scaring ourselves with big numbers, its better to just test sick people like we do for other illnesses such as the flu. Germany are going to stop free testing soon.
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