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I heard the first commercial airplane for months flying over London yesterday, while I was playing tennis in Maida Vale. It nearly brought a tear to my eye. Several other park-goers commented on the sight and I even heard one or two low cheers :)
I heard the first commercial airplane for months flying over London yesterday, while I was playing tennis in Maida Vale. It nearly brought a tear to my eye. Several other park-goers commented on the sight and I even heard one or two low cheers :)
That’s like a really really shit version of the last paragraph of Niven and Pournell’s Lucifer’s Hammer....
Lots of aircraft activity this morning.
Being on the flight path as aircraft leave Doncaster there have been several freight planes over the house about 3,500 ft.
We are also on the approach to Manchester and have had quite a few around 14000ft coming in. The last two in twenty minutes from Islamabad and Amsterdam. Things are getting busy again. Thankfully.
Airship development is discussed in Nevil Shute’s book Slide Rule. He was employed by Vickers on the development of the R100 and R101 projects as the chief calculator.
The British government envisaged fleets of airships connecting the Empire. Imagine how amazing that would have been?
I read the book years ago when I was an apprentice. When we still only had slide rules.
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I "borrowed" my dad's slide rule, learned how to use it, and then took it into school and used it in lieu of a calculator (this was the mid-70s, calculators were the preserve of the comfortably-off). I got shit for it, even off some of the teachers, but I got the right results, so it all quietly went away.
Being confined to the house since the 3rd of March we take any activity after weeks of nothing as a bonus.

Sorry, it was a joke because I live directly under the flight path of Heathrow.

And on that subject. I can't say I've noticed any uptick in air traffic. Maybe a few more BA wide body planes in the sky than before. Hopefully they're all transatlantic flights because they seem to have a handle on this whole Covid thing in the states.
For last week EUROCONTROL reported a 13% increase on movements compared to the previous week. Though this is, of course, well over 80% (~26K movements) down on the same period last year. There is a very slowly growing trend since around mid-April.

Sorry, it was a joke because I live directly under the flight path of Heathrow.

And on that subject. I can't say I've noticed any uptick in air traffic. Maybe a few more BA wide body planes in the sky than before. Hopefully they're all transatlantic flights because they seem to have a handle on this whole Covid thing in the states.

Doncaster gets the six engined Antanov visiting, LHR never gets that bad-boy...
Doncaster gets the six engined Antanov visiting, LHR never gets that bad-boy...

Meh. I saw it at Stansted one time when I was landing. They can keep it, I suspect it might not be the greenest plane of the planet.

We have had a lot of unusual liveried old 747's and the like coming over. Probably freight services flying in unusable PPE.
We had a RAF Airbus A400M doing circuits for about two hours yesterday afternoon. It was dropping to around 100 feet above the runway at DSA then climbing again. Several circuits then off back to Brize Norton. I assume it would have been a training exercise.
Going back to Airships, I never realised the Hindenburg rocked up in Keighley and dropped off a package:

What a site that must have been in the 30's.
That is incredible because this confirms a story my dad told us.
He and my uncle told us they saw a zeppelin fly over in the mid -thirties.
My dad and uncle have been dead years, but I will ask one of my cousins, he’s 84 if he remembers his dad telling him. Thanks.
I’ve just done a quick google and apparently both The Hindenburg and The Graf Zeppelin regularly flew over Britain on their trans-Atlantic crossings.
Questions were asked in parliament why the Germans were doing this, seemingly at will and regularly flying over docks and airfields. The question most asked was . Are they spying on us? As if!
There was some reason for suspicion when the LZ 130 cruised up the entire British east coast from south to north and then back down southwards just a month before the outbreak of the Second World War allegedly with special radio equipment and extra crew onboard in order to investigate the new Home Chain radar which played such a vital role in the Battle of Britain.

See LZ 130 Graf Zeppelin II - Wikipedia
Not ideal, but as potential damage arising from any ground collision between two aircraft goes, this looks as good as one could hope for. In most such incidents no matter how slow a collision you expect to see a pierced or slashed fuselage or wing/ tail/ engine. This looks like a paint job...
If you ever thought your own driving was in need of improvement...

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Warning. Underwhelming footage.

The best bit is watching the ground crew all going "oh fuck" and running around like headless chickens.

I've jinxed myself now and will break something next time i'm at Duxford. 😬

I once saw somebody reverse a Humvee into Tommy Frank's Blackhawk at Bagram. I (and everyone else watching) was flinching in expectation a bollocking that would strip paint but General Franks showed his leadership credentials, remained calm and just asked the 19 year old PFC driving it if he was ok. I'm sure bollockings were administered by a phalanx of NCOs later though...
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