It's funny because this is the futureA poll of Express readers, that also watch GB News, and thus are totally mad, have concluded...
View attachment 279965
It's funny because this is the futureA poll of Express readers, that also watch GB News, and thus are totally mad, have concluded...
View attachment 279965
No, it's not a phone in.I agree but from what I gathered it isn't a phone in show. I might be wrong though I haven't watched it.
I'll try to remember to grab a copy tomorrow.
Dead more than a decade and still doing better numbers than the puce-cheeked youcantevensayers of GBN
He died a month and a half after Farage failed to Big Bopper himself into posterityFuck, a decade already?
He died a month and a half after Farage failed to Big Bopper himself into posterity
Tempus fugit, innit.
It’s fake ‘anti-establishment’, just the same as the UKIP lot being run by hedge fund libertarians and other private school rabble-rousers. Works on the premis that the 50-something white male is society’s greatest victim, because you can’t do a racism anymore without someone telling you off a bit. Totally sits in this world view and was always intended to, it should be no surprise that it’s not actually something fresh and new, just tedious bog-standard top-down reactionary drivel.What really confuses me - is why after all their bleating about being this fresh, new alternative to the mainstream BBC etc who'll report 'real' news and not the Westminster briefed 'establishment' news - they start by basing their entire setup in London, and then go on to employ this bunch of has-been over 50s white male ex-establishment media presenters with nothing new to offer and no unique/unreported news from around Britain. They seem to have barely any regional reporters at all. The other day, watching for a while I saw a grand total of one live linkup to a reporter in Leeds and that was the only remote link they seemed to have all day, which they kept going back to over and over for this non-story. It was beyond crap.
If they'd actually based themselves outside of London, ditched the old past-it presenters and gone with more interesting new talent/regional reporters and live-links on the ground, instead of this weird anti 'woke' thing with a crap studio - they could've totally carved out an audience by being different and delivering something fresh and identifiably not BBC/ITN/Sky. They had so much opportunity to break new ground but wildly missed the mark from day one by putting Andrew Neil, Alistair Stewart, Simon McCoy et al front and center, trying to hold down these boring ass discussions in a crappy studio and then throwing their toys out because they get caught out with prank calls or a presenter makes a gesture of anti-racism.
I'm heading into middle age, I hope I don't get like that.
Don't blame you. Nicer than Monaco.i have informed friends that if i start showing signs of becoming a tory then they can arrange the one-way ticket to switzerland
Coincidentally the same guests will also be on the first episode of the flagship weekend entertainment show MICHAEL BARRYMORE'S IT'S ALL WHITE POOL PARTY, with music from Van Morrison, Clapton, Fox and that Mumford & Son's bloke.
If only, the boring racist cunt.He added that he feared the "disastrous" reaction would leave him unable to play music again.
A poll of Express readers, that also watch GB News, and thus are totally mad, have concluded...
View attachment 279965
If I'm reading that right they will disappointed that he's not even out performing the generic BBC news output at that time. I watch a lot of the other news channels in the background when using my laptop and around that time there's nothing noticeable on iirc.