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GB News: a thread so you never have to watch it

Flicked it on for just a few seconds of Farage, to see if they had sorted out the flickering backdrop, in particular, and also how blurred it is, they hadn't. :facepalm:

FFS, this is their new flagship show, with a brand new set, yet the backdrop doesn't work on close-ups, it's a total fucking mess, who in their right mind would think it's acceptable to use it for a second show?
Flicked it on for just a few seconds of Farage, to see if they had sorted out the flickering backdrop, in particular, and also how blurred it is, they hadn't. :facepalm:

FFS, this is their new flagship show, with a brand new set, yet the backdrop doesn't work on close-ups, it's a total fucking mess, who in their right mind would think it's acceptable to use it for a second show?
I expect nobody's ever bothered to review the final broadcast output on anything bigger than a laptop screen. In my own amateurish efforts, I have learned that relying on a little OBS preview window is not a good idea when the final output is going to be put onto a huge monitor - all kinds of unnoticeable details (blurring being a massive case in point) suddenly show up bigtime when viewed at more normal resolutions.
Dewberry is not happy about losing an hour of her show to Farage, apparently she referenced how short her show is now, several times yesterday. They've dropped her overnight repeat too, repeating Farage twice instead, at midnight & 5am, so she's gone from 4 hours (2 live/2 repeat) to just an hour a day.

I reckon see should stop moaning and make the best she can out of her last few days with them. :D

It was leaked last week that McCoy was taking over breakfast, but he hasn't yet, got to wonder if that was leaked before he had even been asked, and he then told them to fuck off. Although yesterday he had moved from his 3 pm slot with Alex Phillips to the noon slot with Gloria De Piero, so the question is, did McCoy take the opportunity to insist on ending the pairing with Phillips, he would walk, or kill her? :hmm:

All a bit intriguing.

The big question is which camp is winning the battle as to the future direction of the station, the appointment of Farage does tend to suggest the loons are. There's a good piece on their dilemma.

The chaos that has consumed GB News demonstrates how the channel has become caught in a catch-22 of its own creation. GB News sought to present itself as an ‘anti-woke’ alternative to the BBC, ITV and Sky, appealing to a right-wing audience with culture-war coverage whilst maintaining a core of respected journalism and news.

The problem is that these two things are not compatible. By using their pitch of non-woke news as a dog whistle to lure in right-wing viewers, GB News has built a core audience that does not want to see independent journalism or free and fair debate. Instead, it demands content that reinforces and validates their worldview and regards anything else as a betrayal. In order to keep them watching, GB News has no choice but to abandon any pretence of impartial, balanced journalism and increasingly lean on the more conspiratorial aspects of its lineup — something that has already led to the departure of respected off-camera staff such as McAndrews. They are now trapped in a vicious cycle that is pushing them ever further rightwards, simultaneously reducing the chances of mainstream success and forcing the channel to continue pandering to the political inclinations of its audience, or face irrelevance.

Signs of this shift are already apparent. The arrival of Nigel Farage, as the host of a nightly show imaginatively titled ‘Farage’, feels like an inevitability, but also a clear signal of which way GB News is now heading. Similarly, it has been reported that Piers Morgan is in talks over potentially joining the channel. Morgan feels like a natural fit for GB News. But will he want to attach himself to a channel that is bleeding viewers, much less one that has flirted with right-wing conspiracies and pandemic scepticism and seems likely to continue down that road?

Whether Morgan and Farage can save GB News is unclear. The channel, having dug itself into an almighty hole, has clearly decided that the way out is to keep digging harder. Andrew Neil, after weeks of social media silence on GB News, acknowledged that the news channel has faced a ‘fraught and fractious’ start but insisted that it had a ‘great future’. If GB News continues to be in thrall to its audience, that seems unlikely.

De Piero interests me, I used to work with her on an advisory board, and she always struck me as a Blairite Centrist, working class feminist type* who might go down a for want of a better phrase Terfy + Dan Hodges route, if she was to get worse politics, but not the kind of right wing free speech anti taking the knee route. Is she just taking the money? Or does she believe?

*I found her quite personable; and sensible in many ways when talking about class, gender, and community.
I had heard of Wootton before, and knew he was a cunt, but this brilliant article highlights various reasons why he's cunt, well worth a read.

Desperate Dan Wootton has a brass neck, the morality of a particularly unreliable alleycat, and the manipualtive powers of a cartoon snake in a Disney film.

There’s a myth that everyone from New Zealand is nice. People imagine that being home to Hobbiton and an odd kind of pseudo-1950s civility, Jacinda Arden’s plague-free island is populated entirely by lovely people. Two words — and one person — disprove that theory: Dan. Wootton.

UK journalism is such a hive of scum and villainy that it makes the Mos Eisley Cantina look like a creche, but Dan Wootton, who combines oleaginous pseudo-moralising with a howling amorality that allows him to traffic cruel celebrity stories and culture war bullshit without blinking, is the worst of them.

I wonder what they really think of him...
To call Wootton shameless is an understatement. He is a black hole into which shame is drawn and destroyed so that not one atom of self-reflection remains.


What really confuses me - is why after all their bleating about being this fresh, new alternative to the mainstream BBC etc who'll report 'real' news and not the Westminster briefed 'establishment' news - they start by basing their entire setup in London, and then go on to employ this bunch of has-been over 50s white male ex-establishment media presenters with nothing new to offer and no unique/unreported news from around Britain. They seem to have barely any regional reporters at all. The other day, watching for a while I saw a grand total of one live linkup to a reporter in Leeds and that was the only remote link they seemed to have all day, which they kept going back to over and over for this non-story. It was beyond crap.

If they'd actually based themselves outside of London, ditched the old past-it presenters and gone with more interesting new talent/regional reporters and live-links on the ground, instead of this weird anti 'woke' thing with a crap studio - they could've totally carved out an audience by being different and delivering something fresh and identifiably not BBC/ITN/Sky. They had so much opportunity to break new ground but wildly missed the mark from day one by putting Andrew Neil, Alistair Stewart, Simon McCoy et al front and center, trying to hold down these boring ass discussions in a crappy studio and then throwing their toys out because they get caught out with prank calls or a presenter makes a gesture of anti-racism.

It's so shite really. I've seen better produced small-town cable news in the US than this shambles. In fact I saw better news production on the Big Breakfast.
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What were Farage's ratings at LBC? He's very popular and I think that's going to be more important than competent presentation. Have none of you seen the shite that's popular on YouTube these days? All the most popular shows in the world at the moment are people talking shit with low production values, they're just not on granddad telly.
What really confuses me - is why after all their bleating about being this fresh, new alternative to the mainstream BBC etc who'll report 'real' news and not the Westminster briefed 'establishment' news - they start by basing their entire setup in London, and then go on to employ this bunch of has-been over 50s white male ex-establishment media presenters with nothing new to offer and no unique/unreported news from around Britain. They seem to have barely any regional reporters at all. The other day, watching for a while I saw a grand total of one live linkup to a reporter in Leeds and that was the only remote link they seemed to have all day, which they kept going back to over and over for this non-story. It was beyond crap.

If they'd actually based themselves outside of London, ditched the old past-it presenters and gone with more interesting new talent/regional reporters and live-links on the ground, instead of this weird anti 'woke' thing with a crap studio - they could've totally carved out an audience by being different and delivering something fresh and identifiably not BBC/ITN/Sky. They had so much opportunity to break new ground but wildly missed the mark from day one by putting Andrew Neil, Alistair Stewart, Simon McCoy et al front and center, trying to hold down these boring ass discussions in a crappy studio and then throwing their toys out because they get caught out with prank calls or a presenter makes a gesture of anti-racism.

It's so shite really. I've seen better produced small-town cable news in the US than this shambles. In fact I saw better news production on the Big Breakfast.
That would be a cunning plan, if they wanted that.
But what then mean is, a right-wing, baby boomer channel, for the terminally confused that are hanging on the the middle aged white male privilege and looking for a creche for similar people while not understanding the world has changed.

I'm heading into middle age, I hope I don't get like that.
What were Farage's ratings at LBC? He's very popular and I think that's going to be more important than competent presentation. Have none of you seen the shite that's popular on YouTube these days? All the most popular shows in the world at the moment are people talking shit with low production values, they're just not on granddad telly.
They can't have been that great otherwise why would he have left only, albeit some time later, to appear on a shittier tv channel? I guess his post Brexit bitcoin/gold grifting was even less so.

He's got no hand left to play other than to double down on racism. I bet he'd like to be on the circuit in America doing after dinner speeches to republicans. I guess that didn't work out
What were Farage's ratings at LBC? He's very popular and I think that's going to be more important than competent presentation. Have none of you seen the shite that's popular on YouTube these days? All the most popular shows in the world at the moment are people talking shit with low production values, they're just not on granddad telly.

They were decent for the slot. LBC has seen pretty good ratings spurred on by high profile presenters. But then also it's a lot easier doing radio than telly. He was mostly taking calls and being perfectly charming while espousing his man of the people schtick. Doing live telly with autocues, in-ear direction, and holding together an on camera guest discussion is a whole other kettle compared to chatting with Doris from Hendon.
They were decent for the slot. LBC has seen pretty good ratings spurred on by high profile presenters. But then also it's a lot easier doing radio than telly. He was mostly taking calls and being perfectly charming while espousing his man of the people schtick. Doing live telly with autocues, in-ear direction, and holding together an on camera guest discussion rather than chatting to Doris from Hendon is a whole other kettle.
Well they'd be stupid if they tried to turn it into a serious political programme anyway. If they stick to whining about immigrants with Doris from Hendon I can see it doing quite well.
Well they'd be stupid if they tried to turn it into a serious political programme anyway. If they stick to whining about immigrants with Doris from Hendon I can see it doing quite well.

I agree but from what I gathered it isn't a phone in show. I might be wrong though I haven't watched it.
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