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Gaza under attack yet again.

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Israeli Jews would already be a minority if there were a one state solution, and a right to return - 9 million to 6 million. Of course not all Palestinians would return (I bet most of the half million in Chile, mostly Christian, would stay there).

The birth rate thng certainly has some truth - Gaza is massivekly young, average age - the average! - is 17. It has one of the highest birth rates in the world (fourth highest or something). No jobs, nowhere to go, what else are you going to do but fuck?

Fair enough - maybe there's something to it then. It still seems a weird way to back up the two state solution idea though.
Israel, the West Bank and Gaza all have relatively high birth rates compared to Europe or the US, but the birth rates for Palestinians and Israeli Arabs, although falling, remain higher. Also a large portion of the high Israeli birth rates are due to very high birth rates in the Haredi, who won't fight in the IDF and aren't Zionists.

In what way do you think it's bollocks? I can't find anything that says birth rates are the same or lower.

I've seen that they're slightly higher but falling rapidly - just kind of reminded me of "the blacks will outbreed us" type shit I've heard from racists.
cheers, the basic position of most of the left then is, no answer except socialism. Bugger.

And, of course, your reply begs the question of why the hell anyone would want two socialist states, divided on ethno-religious lines, rather than one multicultural socialist state.

Aye. Trick is that it's a demand - our section in Israel/Palestine uses this line in order to get past the "whats the big solution" question and argue that Jewish workers and Palestinians should unite in the struggle against the state basically. Thing is, if we ever do manage to push this idea enough that it's reflected in mass movements against the govt, the one/two state solution basically wouldn't matter anymore.
Israel, the West Bank and Gaza all have relatively high birth rates compared to Europe or the US, but the birth rates for Palestinians and Israeli Arabs, although falling, remain higher. Also a large portion of the high Israeli birth rates are due to very high birth rates in the Haredi, who won't fight in the IDF and aren't Zionists.

In what way do you think it's bollocks? I can't find anything that says birth rates are the same or lower.

I thought the Israelis were making them join the IDF now, rather than go to Torah study?
Not much more outrage I can add to what's already been said, but watching the hysterical finger-pointing pro-war Israelis on C4 news tonight, along with the footage of Shejaiya and the school, really is the angriest I've ever been watching the TV. :(:mad:

I almost smashed my TV in tonight.
It doesn't start until 2017 and even then only a quota of Haredi will have to serve. It's largely considered an unworkable law which will probably change and will not lead to all Haredi serving.

Ah... given the way that they kicked off about it I thought it was everyone.
Zionists have a lot of past form and since Israel is the 'panic room' for world jewry I very sadly see no end in sight.


From 1948 sounds familiar ?


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That's not the point. The point is, how often do we hear this message on tv? This isn't about a cult of Paul Mason. This is about demanding more of these views to be aired on prime time telly, by people who other people look to for their news. We hear nothing but "Hamas should stop firing rockets" and "Israel is defending itself" and "Hamas hides behind children" on mainstream news at tea time, so damn right I'm going to cheer hearing someone say "if you really don't want to kill children, stop killing children."
David Mellor was a minister in Thatchers govt, and was minster for the Middle East at the foreign office
"Mellor attracted controversy when, as a Foreign Office Minister in January 1988 during an official visit to Israel he protested angrily in front of press and TV cameras to an Israeli army colonel about what he saw as the "excessive" and brutal way troops were treating local Palestinians. Mellor's furious demand that it be stopped, and later statement to journalists that the treatment was "an affront to civilised values" was broadcast around the world, and caused an international incident for which Mellor refused point blank to apologise. He was later privately reprimanded by Thatcher."
Cant find the vid on Youtube, but it was a proper red in the face demolition attack
He was sidelined then sacked by the tories
Speaking out seems to mean best have another string to your bow if you want to able to work
Aye. Trick is that it's a demand - our section in Israel/Palestine uses this line in order to get past the "whats the big solution" question and argue that Jewish workers and Palestinians should unite in the struggle against the state basically. Thing is, if we ever do manage to push this idea enough that it's reflected in mass movements against the govt, the one/two state solution basically wouldn't matter anymore.
well, I could go on about the value of such a line, but best left till another time
UNRWA said:
We have moved beyond the realm of humanitarian action alone. We are in the realm of accountability. I call on the international community to take deliberate international political action to put an immediate end to the continuing carnage.

Bloody hell. Normally, it would have taken a week or more to get clearance for that.

UNWRA, like other UN bodies (and the Red Cross and even Amnesty International) is very, very cautious about observing the diplomatic niceties.

Something really has changed when diplomats are saying publicly and promptly the things they previously said only privately and belatedly.

Now we just need the change to spread to the places that can actually stop the State of Israel :mad:

(As one UK diplomat said privately and belatedly to a friend, "before we can do anything else we have to make the Israelis behave like human beings").
From Guardian live blog

The US has agreed to supply Israel with various types of ammunition in a “non-emergency” sale, CNN cites an unnamed US defense official as saying:

Among the items being bought are 120mm mortar rounds and 40mm ammunition for grenade launchers, officials said. Those will come from a stockpile the United States keeps inIsrael, which is worth more than $1 billion.
Is it really a panic room? Far more Jews fled to the usa than israel following the holocaust.

My phrase but used to reflect if all the world turned on ethnic Jews then they would build a Jewish state and defend to the death and with nuclear weapons an inviolate state where human beings would never again be led like cattle to the slaughter.

I only wish that Hezbollah participation would actually make the situation any better for the Palestinians, rather than worse..
My phrase but used to reflect if all the world turned on ethnic Jews then they would build a Jewish state and defend to the death and with nuclear weapons an inviolate state where human beings would never again be led like cattle to the slaughter.

David Mellor was a minister in Thatchers govt, and was minster for the Middle East at the foreign office

He was sidelined then sacked by the tories
Speaking out seems to mean best have another string to your bow if you want to able to work

Much as I'd like to think something positive about the child abuse excusing wanker, he was sacked several years later after the infamous Clifford orchestrated "Chelsea shirt" sex scandal. This was likely much more related to his strong stance on press regulation. The Sun doesn't give a fuck about Palestine, it does care about press regulation.
well, I could go on about the value of such a line, but best left till another time

No, come on - we must have had about a thousand "oh my god its so terrible" posts, might as well talk about what the left should be doing about all this.
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