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Gaza under attack yet again.

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@faresakram Hamas just declared death of its 3 top commanders for southern #Gaza Strip in pre-dawn Israeli airstrikes in Rafah town.

@ANimer Alqassam announce the death of Muhamad Abu Shamaleh, Ra'd Alatar and Muhamad Barhoom! Killed in #Rafah Airstrike.

‏@AlArabiya_Eng Hamas says three senior commanders killed in #Gaza


@Belalmd12 Israel flattened an entire neighborhood with 9 massive bombs to kill Raed al-Attar, a senior Qassam commander of Rafah division. RIP
I'm not convinced it'll get worse. There's nowhere Israel can really escalate to, short of "scorched earth" (in the old sense of "kill everyone and ruin the land too") short of a tactical nuke, and they want the land for themselves too much to turn Gaza into radioactive glass.
Just more and more pressure until enough people have left to make it safe for colonisation, TBH how much more can people take?
Just more and more pressure until enough people have left to make it safe for colonisation, TBH how much more can people take?

I think we can safely say, given how those who could and wished to escape, have already done so over the past 60 or more years, that they can take whatever the state of Israel throws at them, and that really pisses the Israelis off. They played hardball when they should have played softball, and now they're reaping what they sowed. They've manufactured several generations of Palestinians who are all dedicated to their own version of "never again".
Eamonn McCann is the "#Goebbels" of the Irish "anti-Israel movement" according to that rather eccentric Israeli embassy twitterer.
I think we can safely say, given how those who could and wished to escape, have already done so over the past 60 or more years, that they can take whatever the state of Israel throws at them, and that really pisses the Israelis off. They played hardball when they should have played softball, and now they're reaping what they sowed. They've manufactured several generations of Palestinians who are all dedicated to their own version of "never again".

Tell you something, the Israeli actions over the last few years have really opened my eyes as to what they really stand for, I used to make lazy assumptions re; the good ( Israel, Western values, democracy etc) V the bad , Hamas, terrorists, suicide bombers Muslim fundamentalists etc, never again.
Tell you something, the Israeli actions over the last few years have really opened my eyes as to what they really stand for, I used to make lazy assumptions re; the good ( Israel, Western values, democracy etc) V the bad , Hamas, terrorists, suicide bombers Muslim fundamentalists etc, never again.

I was never quite that wilfully naive (I used to get grief for "seeing both sides of the argument" with regard to Ireland when serving in Belfast!) :p , but I reckon it's all too easy for people, even in this age of near-instant information access, to have stuff misrepresented to us so we get the power-friendly version, not the people-friendly version.
The good thing, in my view, is that more people are building up enough cynicism to look behind those representations to see who benefits from them.
I think we can safely say, given how those who could and wished to escape, have already done so over the past 60 or more years, that they can take whatever the state of Israel throws at them, and that really pisses the Israelis off. They played hardball when they should have played softball, and now they're reaping what they sowed. They've manufactured several generations of Palestinians who are all dedicated to their own version of "never again".

Indeed - though of course up until 1995 the sane elements at the top of the state did understand that something would have to be worked out, and that it was vital to ensure that they had a responsibility to deal with and support (in terms of giving some tangible achievements to) the people they were negotiating with. Obviously once Rabin was killed that stopped, with all the success that we see now.
Indeed - though of course up until 1995 the sane elements at the top of the state did understand that something would have to be worked out, and that it was vital to ensure that they had a responsibility to deal with and support (in terms of giving some tangible achievements to) the people they were negotiating with. Obviously once Rabin was killed that stopped, with all the success that we see now.

I disagree. The only reason they decided to do something is because :
1. They sensed that the Arabs in Israel and more so in Westbank were going to outnumber 'Jews'. So they decided to set in motion a 2-state that would contain the Arabs and simultaneously ship in loads of people to the zionist entity from around the world with tenuous links to Judaism. They even picked the proxy quisling that would run the Palestinian affairs on their behalf. It was a failure from the start.
2. During Gulf war 1, Bush Senior and James Baker threatened to withhold financial and military aid to the zionist entity if they did not enter into discussions with the Palestinians re: 2-state solution.
FFS!!! The orthodox in Jerusalem are some of the worst perps when it comes to women's and gay rights- and in terms of tolerance, they spit on and insult anyone who is not a practicing Jew. FUCKING HYPOCRITICAL CUNTS! POT CALLING KETTLE BLACK!


Just a little aside to mention that a goodly minority of the Orthodox in Jerusalem are ultras, misanthropic headbangers who excuse their intolerance through reference to contentious arguments other Jews got over decades and centuries ago.
@Belalmd12 If Israel thinks people might just stop supporting the resistance maybe they haven't seen today's Qassam funerals!



Incredible images.
Many more deaths & serious injuries today, & the Zionist bombardment continues unabated. Then this tweet;

@OccPalGaza Sitting on balcony enjoying last bit of light in the sky & nice air from the Sea. This is the Gaza I love.

Kind of puts my anger & emotions in check.
he's not lost it, he's doing the propaganda war by tying a current very newsworthy islamic jihadi mayhem into the gazans and hamas. Its utterly transparent and laughable but expect this line to become accepted argument amongst fox news and hasbara trolls
I'm not convinced it'll get worse. There's nowhere Israel can really escalate to, short of "scorched earth" (in the old sense of "kill everyone and ruin the land too") short of a tactical nuke, and they want the land for themselves too much to turn Gaza into radioactive glass.

Any evidence or inklings that the Zionists use DU? What with all the bombing of agricultural land?
The regular bombing of agri land during this Op got me thinking about DU. Why the fuck would you bomb agri land with anything other than to contaminate? Cunts.
@DaliaHatuqa Israeli forces arrested 111 Palestinians this week alone, incl. 20 from Jerusalem. This brings the total no of ppl detained in Aug to 477.

They want to control us physically and mentally. Psychologically break us down and rebuild us as zionist stepford wives.

ETA, they will never succeed! I will make sure my kids grow up with a strong sense of Palestine.
Never regarded the terrorists on either side in Belfast or Derry as anything but murdering scumbags but I liked the people, now in Gaza
Holy crap. Bibi has lost it:

Aye,but there will be plenty willing to accept this and Israel knows it.
PFLP salutes the martyred resistance leaders: the occupiers assassinations will not break our will

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine joins the masses of our people and the Arab nation in mourning three of the most prominent leaders of the Brigades of the Martyr Izzedine al-Qassam, the martyrs Mohammed Abu Shamala, Raed al-Attar and Mohammed Barhoum, who were martyred with a number of our people on Thursday, August 21 in intensive Zionist raids which targeted a full residential block in the Tal al-Sultan neighborhood in Rafah city, Gaza, Palestine.

Palestine and Gaza have lost three of the greatest leaders of the resistance in Gaza at the hands of the enemy. Over the years, they caused great woes for the Zionist enemy and were responsible for a large number of quality military operations, and who always worked together with other resistance factions, in operations including the capture of the Zionist soldier Gilad Shalit, for whom over a thousand of our political prisoners were released and the development of the tunnels on the edge of the Gaza Strip from which Palestinian resistance fighters inflicted serious blows on the enemy.

The martyred leaders of the resistance in Rafah today join their predecessors, the martyred leaders Mohammed al-Aswad (Guevara Gaza), Wadie Haddad, Salah Shehadeh, Abu Jamal Abu Samhadana, Jihad al-Ammarin, Khaled Dahdouh and other resistance leaders who took up the commandment of resistance and gave their lives for the freedom of their land and people.

The martyrdom of the leaders in Rafah today will not break our will and will only increase our commitment and determination to continue the struggle and confrontation, adhere to the choice of resistance, and motivate the resistance factions and their military wings to attack the occupier everywhere.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine extends its deepest condolences to the brothers in the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) on the martyrdom of its leaders, and to the bereaved families in Rafah attacked in the bombing of Tal al-Sultan. We vow to continue the resistance and the goals for which these martyrs struggled, until the achievement of the liberation of our people, the expulsion of the occupier, the return of the refugees and the establishment of our independent Palestine on the entire land of historic Palestine.

Glory to the martyrs! Victory is inevitable!

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

Gaza Strip
Interesting Adam Curtis article about how the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and the Israeli right became co-dependents in an abusive relationship here. http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/legacy/adamcurtis/2012/11/save_your_kisses_for_me.html

"Last week there was yet another cycle of horrific violence in the Gaza strip. This week there are demonstrations in Cairo driven by fears that the revolution is being hi-jacked by the Islamists. Liberals in the west look on baffled and horrified. What they thought was a glorious revolution in the Arab world is morphing into something they don't understand. While Gaza is like some brutal other planet forever possessed by hi-tech assassinations and bearded aliens dragging corpses around the streets on motor cycles.

All this is comprehensible though - but only if you look at it in a wider context. A context that western liberals really don't like to think about because it makes them very depressed. It is the great shift of our time - the collapse of the dream that politicians could change the world for the better. A dream that was replaced by a conviction that politicians were untrustworthy and always become corrupted by power.

The collapse of that optimistic vision of what politics could achieve then left the way open for powerful, reactionary forces to take power who don't want to change the world. Instead they want to manage the world and hold it stable - backed up by the threat of violence. A threat to which they have become increasingly addicted.

This has happened not only in America and in Britain - but all over the world. And I want to tell the story of how it happened in the Middle East. It is the intertwined story of the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Hamas in the Gaza strip and the reactionary right-wing nationalist groups in Israel.

All three groups are driven by an angry, pessimistic vision of the world, of human nature - and the inability of politicians to transform things for the better. It's a fascinating story because it shows how the underlying similarities led those groups to become tightly locked together - helping each other cement their ruthless grip on their people - and freeze out any progressive alternatives."

Interesting read, not sure I agree with all of it, I though it was worth putting on here though.
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