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Gaza under attack yet again.

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Ok, so, what 1200-1500 dead during this conflict? How many displaced? And internally displaced, cos I can't imagine they are going to refugee camps outside of Palestinian territories.

The Israelis loathe the Palestinians yet are taking steps not to kill as many as they can. With all the fire power they have could easily double that or more. It's not like anyone who matters would care how many Palestinians they kill:(:mad:.
Nothing makes sense to me.
I have always been saddened and sickend at the actions of Israeli forces but at the moment I am as shocked at what is being allowed to happen as much as I was reviled by the sabra and shatila massacres.
It shows how little support the Palestinian people receive in the world. Shameful:(
The Israelis loathe the Palestinians yet are taking steps not to kill as many as they can. With all the fire power they have could easily double that or more. It's not like anyone who matters would care how many Palestinians they kill:(:mad:.
Nothing makes sense to me.

Do you know how many have been seriously wounded?

And to be honest, I don't think the zionist entity want to kill the Ghazzans off. They need the Ghazzans to exist, albeit at a sub-human level to program fear into their racist society. The zionist entity is nothing without its paranoia.
The Israelis loathe the Palestinians yet are taking steps not to kill as many as they can. With all the fire power they have could easily double that or more. It's not like anyone who matters would care how many Palestinians they kill:(:mad:.
Nothing makes sense to me.
I think they do care inasmuch as there may be a calculated 'psychological' line which it is prudent not to cross in terms of casualties in relation to the international reaction that might be expected; perhaps they have miscalculated this time.
The Israelis loathe the Palestinians yet are taking steps not to kill as many as they can. With all the fire power they have could easily double that or more. It's not like anyone who matters would care how many Palestinians they kill:(:mad:.
Nothing makes sense to me.

People are starting to care, they(me) are starting to see beyond the 'they are all Islamic fundamentalists, remember9/11' and seeing people who have been displaced, terrorised and murdered and who are attempting to fight back in the only way they can.

Don't , please fucking don't ,any bugger try to paint me as a dewy eyed liberal, I hate terrorists but what is going on in Gaza is way beyond the pale.
Witness: “Israeli soldiers used us as Human shields after shooting my old father in the heart, twice.”

While Israeli soldiers invaded Gaza, the media was exploding with the Israeli induced propaganda which states “Hamas uses Palestinians as Human shields” Who really uses Palestinians as human shields? In this video, a witness that was used as a human shield by Israeli soldiers speaks of his experience. And how he was used as a human shield being placed behind a window while Israeli soldiers were shooting at Gaza’s resistance soldiers right next to him. Making it impossible for resistance in Gaza to shoot back out of fear of shooting their own people. This witness was not only used as a human shield, but witnessed his own father get shot in the heart, twice, after trying to explain that he wants nothing but peace.

The Israelis loathe the Palestinians yet are taking steps not to kill as many as they can. With all the fire power they have could easily double that or more. It's not like anyone who matters would care how many Palestinians they kill:(:mad:.
Nothing makes sense to me.

They can't carry out anything like the massacre they would like to carry out because they would lose their already waning support across the world. They do as much as they can get away with and then stop, that's why they've withdrawn their forces from Gaza not having accomplished anything they claimed to (prevent rocket fire, destroy tunnels) because America told them to cut it out. Israel is losing public support everywhere, even in America, but it's not lost its crucial support from government in the US and EU states. An enormous massacre that would dwarf this one would cost them that support, not even America would be able to support it and Israel can't afford, literally in financial terms, to jeopardise that.
Wtf? The question isn't really about me, although I've framed it that way for the benefit of my MP. What's the point of citizens of the UK giving money to charities helping Palestinians while arms companies in the UK are allowed to sell weapons that will inevitably cause more death and destruction there? The point isn't really that hard to understand. Basically, what I'm wanting is for the UK to stop arming Israel - at least for a couple of years.

Oh, give it a rest, eh? And well done for basically missing the point yourself too.

In other news, the Gaza solidarity demo was a fantastic success - over 150,000 people there, and for me, a lot of positive energy and all sorts of people coming together, Mind you, I am now nicely sunburned, and after participating in all the chanting etc, I officially sound like Tom Waits. Will try and post pics up later on today. Not had time to check over the rest of this thread, but nice one to all other Urbz who made it along to the demo in London.
They are, this oppression has similarities to the Warsaw Ghetto.

Yes, I'm well aware of all that, thanks, but Johnny Vodka seems to think that lobbying MPs here (yeah, that's always worked in the past with regard to arms sales, hasn't it?) is preferable to actually practically helping out the people in Gaza right here and now. And even if there was an arms embargo in the short term (which there won't be), how is that meant to help out Gazans in need of medical attention today? Or food and shelter?
Yes, I'm well aware of all that, thanks, but Johnny Vodka seems to think that lobbying MPs here (yeah, that's always worked in the past with regard to arms sales, hasn't it?) is preferable to actually practically helping out the people in Gaza right here and now. And even if there was an arms embargo in the short term (which there won't be), how is that meant to help out Gazans in need of medical attention today? Or food and shelter?

I don't suppose it will have an Immediate military effect, but it does send an important message, not just to Israel but to the international community at large. It would send a big message and put extra pressure on other countries to do the same. Not the USA of course but I believe that the supply of arms of to a state that clearly has a case to answer for war crimes is a step in the right direction.

Immediate relief efforts are virtually impossible to a population that is blockaded from land, sea and air. If you've got some positive suggestions on how this can be done then share them.
I don't suppose it will have an Immediate military effect, but it does send an important message, not just to Israel but to the international community at large. It would send a big message and put extra pressure on other countries to do the same. Not the USA of course but I believe that the supply of arms of to a state that clearly has a case to answer for war crimes is a step in the right direction.

Immediate relief efforts are virtually impossible to a population that is blockaded from land, sea and air. If you've got some positive suggestions on how this can be done then share them.
I wonder what would happen if a large, powerful country - somewhere like France, perhaps - were to decide they were going to break the blockade and ship supplies to Gaza. I guess Israel's strategy relies on everyone seeing them as the "mad dog" that'd bite anyone, but would they really risk the reaction to, for example, attacking a French warship?

(actually, I'm not sure where France stands on the whole Israel/Palestine thing, but they're not a NATO member AFAIK. Isn't it a shame that one of the most solid international consensuses there is seems to revolve around supporting Israel?)
The support that the Palestinians have been getting from Latin America has really been increased during Israel's bombardment of Gaza


Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa has decided to cancel his visit to Israel, where he had planned meetings with government officials, including Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, teleSUR English said on August 6.

Correa cancelled the visit in protest against the atrocities being committed by Israeli forces against the people of Gaza.

During a radio interview, Correa accused Israel of "genocide". He referred to the fact that the Israeli Defense Forces had killed more than 1880 Palestinians in less than a month, mostly civilians, including at least 430 children.

"Ecuador was the first South American country to withdraw its ambassador from Israel and we must continue denouncing this genocide," Correa said. "We have obviously canceled our trip after these events."

Two days early, Ecuador announced it would open an embassy in Palestine, for which a diplomatic delegation is already in Ramallah.

Meanwhile, Uruguay has announced it will join Ecuador, as well as Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Peru and Venezuela, in opening an embassy in Palestine, teleSUR English said on August 8.

Uruguayan ambassador Enrique Ribeiro will travel to Ramallah in the West bank to open the new embassy.


Bolivian Leader among a list of recognized names including former Honduran president Mel Zelaya and Nobel peace prize winner Adolfo Pérez Esquivel calling for support to the Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel.
Bolivian President Evo Morales has officially signed on as a supporter of the Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel.

In an open letter released yesterday, Morales heads a long list of signatories from Latin America and elsewhere condemning "apartheid and genocide" against Palestinians, and calls on Israel to respect United Nations resolutions. Among those listed as signatories include former President of Honduras Mel Zelaya, Nobel peace prize winner Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Uruguayan author Eduardo Galeano, Cuban musician Silvio Rodríguez and teleSUR President Patricia Villegas (see full letter below).
(actually, I'm not sure where France stands on the whole Israel/Palestine thing, but they're not a NATO member AFAIK. Isn't it a shame that one of the most solid international consensuses there is seems to revolve around supporting Israel?)

French media coverage is generally quite sympathetic. Every wispy mustachioed, Barcelona shirt wearing youth that TF2 interview in la Bande de Gaza seems to be studying to be a human rights lawyer or doctor but the Israelis have blown up his pencil case.
"@OccPalGaza: Israel killing more children:12-year-old Palestinian killed by the IOF in Hebron, West Bank this morning via @pnnenglish"
I wonder what would happen if a large, powerful country - somewhere like France, perhaps - were to decide they were going to break the blockade and ship supplies to Gaza. I guess Israel's strategy relies on everyone seeing them as the "mad dog" that'd bite anyone, but would they really risk the reaction to, for example, attacking a French warship?

(actually, I'm not sure where France stands on the whole Israel/Palestine thing, but they're not a NATO member AFAIK. Isn't it a shame that one of the most solid international consensuses there is seems to revolve around supporting Israel?)

I don't know the answer to that either, but I do know that France gave Israel it's nuclear weapons capability. So I doubt they'd be the ones to try and break the blockade.
Most disturbing about the killing was how familiar scenes like it had become. According to Abukhalil, the Israeli army has exhibited a clear pattern of either shooting to kill or shooting to cripple over the past six months. Rather than disperse protests with traditional means like teargas and rubber coated metal bullets, the army has begun firing at protesters’ knees, femurs, or aiming for their vital organs.

Like the army’s old policy of breaking the arms of young stone throwers to deter protests during the First Intifada, the new tactic suggests an attempt to winnow out the ranks of demonstrators by shattering their legs. By eroding the front line of protests through brute force, Israel’s military is apparently trying to undermine the capacity of Palestinian society to mount an effective new Intifada.
Evidence Emerges of Israeli “Shoot To Cripple” Policy In the Occupied West Bank
Let's not forget that the Gaza Strip is roughly 1 3rd the size of London. When the Israelis issue warnings to residents in one part of Gaza generally they try to move, only to come under tank shells and air to ground missiles elsewhere. There is nowhere 'safe' to hide. These are war crimes being committed by a powerful military state with the international communities refusing to take action. I proud of of certain South American countries stating support but they don't have the power individually or collectively to change things but at least they are speaking out.

Another case of the UN being a fucking joke. Impotent and controlled via vetoes of the security council.
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"@OccPalGaza: Israeli occupation has closed Karem Abu Salem crossing into Gaza so I guess no aid or medical supplies will be coming in today."
You're probably right, though things did change a lot with de Gaulle - I think France's assertively pro-Israel stance was of its time, and temporary.
The French state is still very pro-Israeli state and doesn't hesitate to prosecute/persecute people for publishing criticisms. And of course, their more aggressive historical stance (Nuclear weapons) has set the absolute context for the entire region - not just Israel.
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@IsraeliPM: Prime Minister Netanyahu at the weekly cabinet meeting: "Operation Protective Edge is continuing. At no stage did we declare its conclusion » The operation will continue until its goal is met: restoring quiet for a long period. I said at its outset that it'll take time & patience » Israel will not negotiate under fire and will continue to take action to change the current reality and bring quiet to all of its citizens » We will stand together, united and determined, until we complete the work."
i know one thing for sure, the arguments carted out on behalf of israel are so shallow, it is truly offensive: they keep on using burnt mantras about their military superiority, how there must needs be casualties of war (as if they have anything near the same credibility of the USA bombin nazis) and how ludicrous and stupid we are for sticking up for the underdogs. i'm sick of repeating my principles and reasoning with these stubborn robbers: as Jeremiah the prophet said of backslidden Israel "Let them go forth", and as Samuel the prophet said of David's brethren standing in front of him "the LORD hath not chosen this."
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