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Gaza under attack yet again.

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I'd prefer it if Fat Benny died while free, hanging upside down from a lamp-post and with his throat slit in approver kosher-style. Unfortunately for those who believe in justice, he'll probably die in his bed like that voluminous sack of shit Sharon.

Shades of Piazzale Loreto?

Thought this may be of interest. This from Eran Efrati, a former IDF soldier turned whistle blower. He wrote this on his facebook page last week. Seems to explain that video of the civilian being shot by a sniper, looks like there was plenty more cases like that not caught on tape :(

Eran Efrati said:
In recent weeks I was on the border of Gaza and getting reports from soldiers in the Gaza Strip who leak information out to me. I am in the process of publication of two big stories in major U.S. newspapers, but there are some things I can share with you right now: Soldiers in two different units inside Gaza leaked information about the murdering of Palestinians by sniper fire in Shuja'iyya neighborhood as punishment for the death of soldiers in their units. After the shooting on the Israeli armored personnel carriers, which killed seven soldiers of the Golani Brigade, the Israeli army carried out a massacre in Shuja'iyya neighborhood. A day after the massacre, many Palestinians came to search for their relatives and their families in the rubble. In one of the videos uploaded to YouTube, a young Palestinian man Salem Shammaly calls the names of his family and looking for them between the ruins when he is suddenly shot at in his chest and falls down. A few seconds after that, there are two additional shootings from snipers into his body, killing him instantly. Since the video was released, there was no official response from the IDF spokesperson. Today I can report that the official command that was handed down to the soldiers in Shujaiyya was to capture Palestinian homes as outposts. From these posts, the soldiers drew an imaginary red line, and amongst themselves decided to shoot to death anyone who crosses it. Anyone crossing the line was defined as a threat to their outposts, and was thus deemed a legitimate target. This was the official reasoning inside the units. I was told that the unofficial reason was to enable the soldiers to take out their frustrations and pain at losing their fellow soldiers (something that for years the IDF has not faced during its operations in Gaza and the West Bank), out on the Palestinian refugees in the neighborhood. Under the pretext of the so-called "security threat" soldiers were directed to carry out a pre-planned attack of revenge on Palestinian civilians.
Anyone heard whether there's agreement to 72 hour ceasefire extension?

Then I see this;

"@ALQadiPAL: Breaking : AlQassam: we will resume firing rockets Friday morning if Israel doesn't agree to our terms."
Dispatch from a Left on the Defensive

In a settler-colonial society that continues to be structured around the effort to displace and dispossess the indigenous inhabitants of the country, can there be a left? Commitment to basic left principles of freedom and equality would set “left-wing colonizers” against the majority within their own societies – including the poor, marginalized ethnic groups, and women, obviating the classical left strategies which aim to mobilize this majority against economic and political tyranny. Thus, the question is difficult to dismiss even in principle.

In practice, the (Jewish) Israeli left has faced this dilemma since its inception, developing a variety of responses to its challenge. These have included leaving the country and defecting to the national “enemy”, as well as pretending that Israel is a “normal” capitalist country and wishing colonialism away (or expelling it to the realm beyond the Green Line). The question of whether to reject the colonial project or to try to effect “change from within” has historically split the Israeli left into a Zionist and a non/anti-Zionist or “radical” wing. And yet the recurring cycles of violence to which succeeding stages of the colonial thrust have subjected Palestinians and Israelis continue to de-stabilize all answers to the dilemma. On the one hand, leftists organizing with oppressed sections of Jewish Israeli society are always forced, sooner or later, to deal with these groups’ active adherence to the colonial “rule of difference.”[1] On the other, as many Palestinian militants have acknowledged, organizing within their own society is the most specific contribution Israelis, as Israelis, can make to Palestinian liberation.
Anyone heard whether there's agreement to 72 hour ceasefire extension?

Then I see this;

"@ALQadiPAL: Breaking : AlQassam: we will resume firing rockets Friday morning if Israel doesn't agree to our terms."
So, can you literally tweet and follow Hammas? The GCHQ servers must be a little bit warm at the moment.
Also, something I've been wondering. Are there Israeli spies inside Palestinian territories?

Probably lot of drones and other assets though. So no one knows if someone gets lifted because of a spy or for some other reason. Mossad probably happy to suggest someone is an agent when they are not. Security services did it in Ireland.
What, like undercover police officers in this country?
there will be several classes of people in the palestinian terrorities working for the zionist entity.

1) informers, coerced

2) informers, voluntary

3) palestinians employed by the zionist entity, "proper" undercovers.
The repercussions of the war are beginning to gradually unfold. From bombing wells used for drinking water, sewage and power plants, to launching gas bombs suspected of being toxic, to targeting medical workers and even preventing municipalities from disposing of garbage away from residential areas, Israel has condemned Gaza to an environmental and health disaster.
Gaza residents now face battle against infectious diseases
So, can you literally tweet and follow Hammas? The GCHQ servers must be a little bit warm at the moment.

You could follow Al Qassam, until twitter shut the English account down. Just goes to show the revolution will not be tweeted.
So, can you literally tweet and follow Hammas? The GCHQ servers must be a little bit warm at the moment.

No different to following the IDF I guess, dunno if GCHQ will see it that way though! The news Bishie posted has been reported in the Jerusalem Post anyway.
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