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Gaza under attack yet again.

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Seanad Éireann is an institution: the speech is by one of its members :D

E2A: given the huge numbers of out gay members of the Seanad, the chances on it being David Norris are slim indeed :)
cheers laptop - and yes, it was David Norris, who sounds like a bit of institution himself
lost in facebook translation there...
The Union of Palestinian Womens Committees released the following statement
on August 3:

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon gave a green light to the
Zionist occupation to continue its aggression and carry out more massacres
against our people in the Gaza Strip using internationally prohibited
weapons. Following his remarks about the need to immediately and
unconditionally release the soldier, relying on the false claims by the
occupation state to justify breaking the humanitarian ceasefire, the
occupier has killed more than 200 children, women and men, wounding
hundreds more and destroying more homes and displacing thousands more
during what was alleged to be a United Nations-sponsored ceasefire!

This comes in addition to his comments that the United Nations strongly
condemns the rocket attacks on Israel, and calls for an end to them
immediately. He says this while there are massive massacres taking place in
the Strip impacting every one of our people in Gaza, even those who have
taken refuge in UNRWA schools. We are left to bury our people, after these
vicious attacks, following which the occupation state declared that the
soldier in question was dead.

We demand that Ban Ki-Moon immediately resign from office, as it is clear
that he is biased to stand with the perpetrator and the criminal, the
occupation, rather than to stand with the victim. We demand that he be
tried for the consequences of his actions. And we demand from all forces
and institutions, and from all the friends of the Palestinian people to
work together to campaign demanding his resignation and his trial as a
partner in the aggression against the sons and daughters of our people.

We also emphasize the urgent need to continue all activities to support our
people in Gaza, in Palestine and in all areas of the world
Jon Voight is infamous as one of Hollywood's most right wing kooks.

From Wiki.

In May 2008, Voight paid a solidarity visit to Israel in honor of its 60th birthday. "I'm coming to salute, encourage and strengthen the people of Israel on this joyous 60th birthday", said Voight. "This week is about highlighting Israel as a moral beacon. At a time when its enemies threaten nuclear destruction, Israel heals."
UK activists shut down Israeli arms factory
Victory to the Palestinian struggle! Stop arming Israel! #StopElbit

For nearly a month, Israel has bombarded Gaza from land, sea and air. More than 1800 Palestinians have lost their lives and war crimes have been committed. To our collective shame, the UK government has not only failed to take action to pressure Israel to stop its massacre, but has refused to take steps to end the material support it provides to Israel’s brutal regime of apartheid and colonialism. When governments support crimes against humanity, grassroots movements must take direct action.

A group of activists from the London Palestine Action network have today (5/8/14) chained the doors shut of an Israeli weapons factory based near Birmingham in the UK and are now occupying the roof. As part of the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement (BDS) and in response to calls for action from Palestinian movements, we are demanding the permanent closure of the factory and an end to all forms of military trade and cooperation with Israel.



The Union of Palestinian Womens Committees released the following statement
on August 3:

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon gave a green light to the
Zionist occupation to continue its aggression and carry out more massacres
against our people in the Gaza Strip using internationally prohibited
weapons. Following his remarks about the need to immediately and
unconditionally release the soldier, relying on the false claims by the
occupation state to justify breaking the humanitarian ceasefire, the
occupier has killed more than 200 children, women and men, wounding
hundreds more and destroying more homes and displacing thousands more
during what was alleged to be a United Nations-sponsored ceasefire!

This comes in addition to his comments that the United Nations strongly
condemns the rocket attacks on Israel, and calls for an end to them
immediately. He says this while there are massive massacres taking place in
the Strip impacting every one of our people in Gaza, even those who have
taken refuge in UNRWA schools. We are left to bury our people, after these
vicious attacks, following which the occupation state declared that the
soldier in question was dead.

We demand that Ban Ki-Moon immediately resign from office, as it is clear
that he is biased to stand with the perpetrator and the criminal, the
occupation, rather than to stand with the victim. We demand that he be
tried for the consequences of his actions. And we demand from all forces
and institutions, and from all the friends of the Palestinian people to
work together to campaign demanding his resignation and his trial as a
partner in the aggression against the sons and daughters of our people.

We also emphasize the urgent need to continue all activities to support our
people in Gaza, in Palestine and in all areas of the world

Thanks for this Red, but could we not have a link to go with it?
London Palestine Action occupying the roof of arms supplying Elbit https://www.facebook.com/londonpalestineaction
brilliant FBU statement
The Fire Brigades Union is aware that television news and social media are showing footage and pictures of a fire service aerial appliance, which has been in use this morning for the purposes of assessing any potential fire or other safety risk, at a demonstration taking place at the Elbit arms factory in Shenstone in the West Midlands.

The FBU wishes to make it clear that the fire and rescue service is a neutral organisation and is not an arm or agency of the police.

The service’s neutrality is something which the union and its members cherish and allows us to reach out to all sections of our communities; including those groups or individuals who feel alienated.

Firefighters, the majority of whom are FBU members, take action on any incident on the instruction of the fire services incident commanders who themselves will act to ensure that they do all they can not to compromise the trust of the public, including protestors who wish to demonstrate their grievances.

The FBU supports the right to peaceful protest.

Andy Dark, FBU assistant general secretary, said: “We are receiving a number of enquiries regarding the fire service attendance at the Elbit factory.

“The fire and rescue service is not a law enforcement agency. The FBU has made contact with senior managers in the fire and rescue service and is assured that firefighters will not be deployed in that capacity.

“As a union we are also mindful that it is not uncommon for rooftop demonstrators to discover that they are not comfortable soon after making their way to the roof of a building. The last thing we want is for anyone to become injured or ill. We understand that the aerial appliance was deployed to ensure that no-one on the roof was hurt or feeling unwell.

“The demonstration at the factory is an example of the widespread condemnation of the human suffering in Gaza; an issue that the FBU executive council made a statement on last week.”

Read the FBU statement on Gaza here.
Looks like the army bottled it.

haaretz said:
High-ranking ministers were recently exposed to the nightmare scenario that would result from an Israeli effort to recapture the Gaza Strip, as part of an attempt to get ministers to reject even considering such an objective, high-ranking ministers have said.

The ministers were told that nearly every home in Gaza's large cities would be booby-trapped and entire streets would be lined with explosive devices aimed at killing Israeli forces. Under this scenario, hundreds of Israeli troops would be killed during the months it would take to capture the Strip and the years it would take to clear out weapons and terrorists from Gaza, in an operation that would cost billions of shekels.
choir told to remove Freedom for Palestine badges at National Eisteddfod or wouldn't get on tv

While everyone is crying for Peace and crying out for Justice and crying out for justice, heard about this worrying incident at the Welsh National Eisteddfod yesterday, a choir called Cor Seingar from Carmarthenshire was wearing pro-Palestinian badges and the BBC told them take the badges off or the BBC would not broadcast their performance.
The BBC has said that this was just a misunderstanding but the choir disagrees, and the choir is taking it further. All they were doing is wearing badges as a gesture of support and solidarity
I just came across this and I'm sure that a cropped version was posted earlier. here's the full image anyway.

Thanks for the link, have forwarded it to a relative performing by coincidence in a choir there tomorrow. Hopefully he'll be wearing one :)

Did that instruction come from the organisers or the TV people?

Just wondering as I've got a mate here whose old man is involved with the organising committee.

E2A: Sorry, I should've read the blog first... it was the BBC that wanted the badges removed.

Arabic doesn't have a "P". It's pronounced "Falesteen" (though anyone doing that whose first language is English needs a slap).

So that could have been the even more Welsh "Rhyddid i Ffalesteina"

(Unless of course there's some kind of Welsh initial-consonant-mutation thingy going on?)
Really good, interesting read too.

I dont think that is pessimistic. It sets the israeli left a standard, a challenge, and a goal.

Challening the violence, war and opression means developing the ability to stand up against what Israel has become. To reject fighting for a two state solution when this inevitably the same inequalities and injustices will continue.
Arabic doesn't have a "P". It's pronounced "Falesteen" (though anyone doing that whose first language is English needs a slap).

So that could have been the even more Welsh "Rhyddid i Ffalesteina"

(Unless of course there's some kind of Welsh initial-consonant-mutation thingy going on?)
had to google that initial-consonant-mutation thingy then
but ai, what Belushi said
wiki reckons this (including table) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colloquial_Welsh_morphology#Initial_consonant_mutation
May be of interest Verso have just made their book The Case for Sanctions Against Israel free to download. Just have to add it to your basket.

This essential intervention considers all sides of the movement—including detailed comparisons with the South African experience—and contains contributions from both sides of the separation wall, along with a stellar list of international commentators.

With contributions by Ra'anan Alexandrowicz, Merav Amir, Hind Awwad, Mustafa Barghouthi, Omar Barghouti, Dalit Baum, Joel Beinin, John Berger, Angela Davis, Nada Elia, Marc H. Ellis, Noura Erakat, Neve Gordon, Ran Greenstein, Ronald Kasrils, Jamal Khader, Naomi Klein, Paul Laverty, Mark LeVine, David Lloyd, Ken Loach, Haneen Maikey, Rebecca O'Brien, Ilan Pappe, Jonathan Pollak, Laura Pulido, Lisa Taraki, Rebecca Vilkomerson, Michael Warschawski, and Slavoj Žižek
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