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Gaza under attack yet again.

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As fucking horrible as this onslaught was, it is clear that the zionists will never be able to crush us or extinguish our determination to live freely without restriction.

4 weeks of every fucking 'weapons system' available to them unleashed on a civilian population and an under equipped but determined urban gorilla group. Bibi the cunt stated early on in the onslaught that the objectives would be achieved in a few days. Yeah right you shit stain in history.

The one state solution is looking closer than ever. They know that. Hence the word genocide is getting casually thrown about more in public.

Edit to add- the PA are cunts too. Useless impotent corrupt thugs.

Btw, thank you all for supporting the Palestinian right to self determination. I've learnt a lot from you lot.
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was jsut reading a piece worrying that support for israel is weakneing in washington here

but this paragraph stood out

"Late that day, 20 minutes short of 10 p.m. Friday, members of the U.S. House of Representatives headed to the floor for a roll call on $225 million in extra funding for Israel’s Iron Dome anti-missile system.

It was the end of the session, time to head home for the August recess. Last trains had gone, flights were missed, aides were busy booking Saturday travel, but few Congress members would dare miss a critical pro-Israel tally. The appropriation passed 395-8 at 10:03 p.m."

so even though it would pass near unanimously few congress members would DARE to miss a pro-Israel tally? What would they have to fear if they did miss it?

Even after the events of the last month and still solid support for Israel? Buggernell just how thick are Americans,
Apologies in advance to those Americans who are sickened by their administrations response.
Not being pedantic at all - look, I feel there is a strong case for the Israel govt/apartheid thing, but that ad is terribly worded, frankly.

It's in American English.

You know damn well what it means, and you know it's all true.

Feel free to print one that opens "The country in question contains cities, housing, buses and restaurants access to which is restricted to members of the dominant group (which would be White in the slave states of the US; and Jewish in the State of Israel and especially in its colonies and 'settlements')"
It's in American English.

You know damn well what it means, and you know it's all true.

Feel free to print one that opens "The country in question contains cities, housing, buses and restaurants access to which is restricted to members of the dominant group (which would be White in the slave states of the US; and Jewish in the State of Israel and especially in its colonies and 'settlements')"

Hmm, haven't I dealt with this already w/my replies to DrRingRing and coley?
I don't know. Did you intend to acknowledge that it's true, and to withdraw "Excuse me, but where the fuck were ...", but merely word it badly?

My response to that....person - given his, uh, "pedigree" here - I stand by.

As for the actual substantive points on the "Israel state as an apartheid state" issue , I - again - answered directly to DrRingRing about that (check out what I say to him), and also to coley.
Ah. So is it a cross-thread pursuit thing; or are you prepared to hear criticism of Israel only from... certain people?

Yer kinda right on the first point, on the second though - I'll take on board most views on criticism of the Israeli govt/state etc, but, I dunno, I draw the line at someone like matey-boy who comes out w/such gems like "most Jews are capitalist scum" (which he said on this here thread).

Now then - have you checked out my replies to DrRingRing and coley yet? (Just so we can resolve this discussion and stuff)
My response to that....person - given his, uh, "pedigree" here - I stand by.

As for the actual substantive points on the "Israel state as an apartheid state" issue , I - again - answered directly to DrRingRing about that (check out what I say to him), and also to coley.

Sorry, but he made a good point, clumsily, in that you may have a point, but this is about the real suffering being endured by the poor sods in Gaza, not about scoring points, this isn't Crufts.
Sorry, but he made a good point, clumsily, in that you may have a point, but this is about the real suffering being endured by the poor sods in Gaza, not about scoring points, this isn't Crufts.

Well, bloody exactly! My whole point is not about some look-at-me post-fest - look, when it comes down to it, I'm just an average person, and would way prefer this thread to concentrate on the "big stuff", as you say. I simply felt that a badly worded ad confused an average me (and potentially others), and - more importantly - could be used by the Regevs of this world to "prove" their "points" that us lot supporting the Gazans are being dishonest.
Yer kinda right on the first point,

Thank you for acknowledging that breach of board rules.

on the second though - I'll take on board most views on criticism of the Israeli govt/state etc, but, I dunno, I draw the line at someone like matey-boy who comes out w/such gems like "most Jews are capitalist scum" (which he said on this here thread).

No he didn't. It was:

Kalfindin said:
From what I can gather, poorer Jews went to to become socialists, richer vile capitalists. Some of the greatest socialists/anarchists have been Jews, as are some of the new world orders wealth owners and exploiters, bankers.

Which is different, and (within the parameters of heated argument) true.

One could equally say - to take another bit of my mixed-up background: "poorer Irish Travellers went to to become socialists, richer vile capitalists" - though I'm not aware of any new world order wealth owners who own up to Irish Traveller ancestry.

Now then - have you checked out my replies to DrRingRing and coley yet? (Just so we can resolve this discussion and stuff)

Yes. That's why I phrased my response, carefully, the way I did.

So it is about who is allowed to criticise?
Well, bloody exactly! My whole point is not about some look-at-me post-fest - look, when it comes down to it, I'm just an average person, and would way prefer this thread to concentrate on the "big stuff", as you say. I simply felt that a badly worded ad confused an average me (and potentially others), and - more importantly - could be used by the Regevs of this world to "prove" their "points" that us lot supporting the Gazans are being dishonest.

You can't get more average than yours truly but, and I share your reservations re; the poster, but he made a good and easily understandable comparison atween the Israeli government and that of the white SA administration.

Leave the pedantry to old picky-:)
laptop - I was gonna crash, but will reply to yr points:

1. I haven't checked the FAQs lately, but isn't cross-thead etc citing slapped down when it becomes abusive etc? Hey, I've been abused in this fashion too, but simply treat it as the cut and thrust of Urbz life.

2. Look at his "new world order" citation - er, hello? And his inference on "wealthy Jewish bankers"? (Sorry, but I have a REAL issue with these ones - see D Icke etc). And hey, I know this is (arguably?) a contradiction in terms, but there are not so poor Jewish socialists too. Are we to bracket them as "vile capitalists", too?

3. Re criticism - well, anyone here is open to state their case and criticise, and I respect people who will e.g. argue very much against a position I take, as long as they are factual, clear and sober - nothing wrong with being passionate, either! But, well, the individual in question....let's just say I'm not well disposed to him, and I'll leave it at that - BUT, I was hoping he would at least have addressed what I raised (which you, DrRingRing and coley have done instead).

4. Thanks for reading my replies to DrRingRing and coley - hopefully(!) I've made my own position clear on the issue that that ad brought up.
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I think calling Israel an apartheid state lets them off the hook with regards to their actions in the occupied territories.

Agreed, but if we can take a stance, such as we did against apartheid SA, how come their seems to be such a reluctance to do the same against an even more oppressive regime?

Ok, rhetorical question, unsinkable aircraft carrier comes to mind:facepalm:
laptop - I was gonna crash, but will reply to yr points:

1. I haven't checked the FAQs lately, but isn't cross-thead etc citing slapped down when it becomes abusive etc? Hey, I've been abused in this fashion too, but simply treat it as the cut and thrust of Urbz life.

Is the mods' call. You were well on the way to abuse, no?

2. Look at his "new world order" citation - er, hello? And his inference on "wealthy Jewish bankers"? (Sorry, but I have a REAL issue with these ones - see D Icke etc). And hey, I know this is a contradiction in terms, but there are not so poor Jewish socialists too. Are we to bracket them as "vile capitalists", too?

My irony detector was working fine when I read that reference. Especially when combined with the reference to fine socialists and anarchists.

When there's a set of vile conspiracy theories about Yorkshire folk, will we be forbidden from mentioning that Sir James Crosby is not only Yorkshire, but also a banker?

3. Re criticism - well, anyone here is open to state their case and criticise, and I respect people who will e.g. argue very much against a position I take, as long as they are factual, clear and sober - nothing wrong with being passionate, either! But, well, the individual in question....let's just say I'm not well disposed to him, and I'll leave it at that - BUT, I was hoping he would at least addressed what I raised (which you, DrRingRing and coley have done instead).

Animus, then.

4. Thanks for reading my replies to DrRingRing and coley - hopefully(!) I've made my own position clear on the issue that that ad brought up.

We all look forward to the version that is correct British English, logically unassailable and pellucid, and short enough to fit on a sticker :D
laptop - OK, one more before I go crash:

1. Well, you saw his reply to me, so.....1-1?
2. Without going into gavel-banging mode (again) - yeah, you could see it as massive irony fail, but, well, I don't, and that stuff really sets my own personal bullshit detectors off.
3. Animus towards that specific individual, yeah, but as I said, I STILL would have heard him out and debated w/him.
4. I actually laughed at this - so, uh, well played! But do you kinda see my point on the clear language thing?
Agreed, but if we can take a stance, such as we did against apartheid SA, how come their seems to be such a reluctance to do the same against an even more oppressive regime?

Ok, rhetorical question, unsinkable aircraft carrier comes to mind:facepalm:

I don't think there is a reluctance tbh. The tide of public opinion is turning against Israel, it's been turning for some time. If you look at polls, Israel ranks near the bottom in terms of favourable opinion, threat to world peace and so on all around the world. I was just watching a Finkelstein lecture about how American Jews are turning against Israel, he makes a pretty convincing case. Remember, it was the public that took a stance against SA and not the government and, as far as I know, they did it in a manner similar to now through protests, boycotts and so on. We just don't have any free Palestine concerts....yet, perish the thought!

Reluctance on the government's part to take a stance is a different question but since when did government ever really care about public opinion? Plus we know all to well why western governments won't take a stance, although tbf they do in the UN, except America of course.
Is the mods' call. You were well on the way to abuse, no?

My irony detector was working fine when I read that reference. Especially when combined with the reference to fine socialists and anarchists.

When there's a set of vile conspiracy theories about Yorkshire folk, will we be forbidden from mentioning that Sir James Crosby is not only Yorkshire, but also a banker?

Animus, then.

We all look forward to the version that is correct British English, logically unassailable and pellucid, and short enough to fit on a sticker :D

Line breaks: pel|lu¦cid
Pronunciation: /pɪˈluːsɪd , pɛ-, -ˈljuːsɪd/
1Translucently clear:mountains reflected in the pellucid waters

Urban, a necessity to us thick northerners :D

1Translucently clear:mountains reflected in the pellucid waters

I'm sure there's a technical term in rhetoric (ρητορική) for "using a deliberately obscure word to make a point about clarity" but I can't be arsed to look it up :)
‘Big Bang Theory’ Star Donates Money To The IDF To Get Israeli Soldiers Bulletproof Vests

EntertainmentKatie Gonzalez • Aug 1, 2014 - 1:06pm
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Joining a group of other celebrities who are weighing in on the Israel-Gaza conflict, “Big Bang Theory” actress Mayim Bialik announced she was showing her support for Israel’s actions by donating money to the Israel Defense Force.

Bialik said her donation would go directly to purchasing and supplying “bulletproof vests to the IDF.”

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