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Gaza under attack yet again.

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I said world wide revulsion against Israel, if it allows bigots and other assorted nut jobs free reign worldwide then that is just an unfortunate consequence, but being refused service in shops? Terribly inconvenient it might be but it sorta pales into insignificance when compared to what is happening in Gaza, don't you think?
But I'd be careful about even tacitly accepting without evidence that the kind of outrage being claimed actually occurred. There are plenty of people out there with axes to grind who are happy to make up such events for a political end (or creatively misinterpret something innocent), even if those who then spread them are just uncritical, if somewhat naive, dupes.

And even against the possibility that the story might somehow be true, what does one example of someone supposedly being anti-Jew really mean? Is it any wonder that people who are looking at the carnage being wrought in Gaza and who aren't, perhaps, quite as politically informed as many here, might make an overbroad equivalence between a Jewish person and what is being done by Israel in the name of Judaism?
I think a lot of ordinary folk are seeing past the Hasbara smokescreen this time around

What I meant was: one of the major things that keeps Jews in the diaspora from seeing through the Hasbara smokescreen is the constant reporting in Jewish media of every slight and wrong look - as well as every attack on a Jew, every desecration of a cemetery, and serious shit like that. I've heard "this is how it starts..." in response to that. [E2A: do I have to spell out what it is?]

And... dodgy ground in this context, but there is a stereotype of people who are strongly Jewish-identified insisting that everything must be discussed in terms of Jewishness. And the stereotype wouldn't flourish without fertile ground.

Or, to put it more directly, American secular non-aliyah-making Jews in particular wryly recognise my half-serious description of the State of Israel as "the worst piece of attention-seeking behaviour in history". And, for that matter, "the longest, loudest kvetch".
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Israel vows its military campaign in Gaza will continue "until security is restored", as its seven-hour "humanitarian window" ends.


Wonder what they mean by "restoring security"..
I said world wide revulsion against Israel, if it allows bigots and other assorted nut jobs free reign worldwide then that is just an unfortunate consequence, but being refused service in shops? Terribly inconvenient it might be but it sorta pales into insignificance when compared to what is happening in Gaza, don't you think?

Neither Israeli bombardments on civilians nor antisemetism are right.

Article below is one of the fairest I've read...

But I'd be careful about even tacitly accepting without evidence that the kind of outrage being claimed actually occurred. There are plenty of people out there with axes to grind who are happy to make up such events for a political end (or creatively misinterpret something innocent), even if those who then spread them are just uncritical, if somewhat naive, dupes.

And even against the possibility that the story might somehow be true, what does one example of someone supposedly being anti-Jew really mean? Is it any wonder that people who are looking at the carnage being wrought in Gaza and who aren't, perhaps, quite as politically informed as many here, might make an overbroad equivalence between a Jewish person and what is being done by Israel in the name of Judaism?



Neither Israeli bombardments on civilians nor antisemetism are right.

Article below is one of the fairest I've read...

One ends up with thousands dead
One ends up with not one dead person to date
I agree that to carry out anti-semitic attacks on people who are not pulling triggers is wrong, pretty much everyone of here both thinks and has said that
It what way is this balanced?
It makes no mention of the Palestinian dead except in a tangential way
Its simply review of anti-semitism in Europe
Can you see that?
Or does the Embassy block certain sites?

That's not researching what's going on. That's quote-mining in support of a position that you now think you've taken (though "think" may be putting it strongly) and you now think is being opposed.

Let me spell out my post on the Flemish story.

Yes, I predict that there will be a rise in anti-semitism.

No, I do not take every report of an alleged attack/insult/slighting at face value.

Most people can see that these are not contradictory positions.
One ends up with thousands dead
One ends up with not one dead person to date
I agree that to carry out anti-semitic attacks on people who are not pulling triggers is wrong, pretty much everyone of here both thinks and has said that
It what way is this balanced?
It makes no mention of the Palestinian dead except in a tangential way
Its simply review of anti-semitism in Europe
Can you see that?
Or does the Embassy block certain sites?

I guess you missed this ...

"Palestine’s health ministry lists some 1,400 dead since July 8th, of whom four-fifths are civilians; one-fifth of these are children. Palestine’s only power station has been destroyed, as have more than 4,000 homes, some with families inside. Fifty-six Israeli soldiers, including ten on July 28th, three Israeli civilians and a Thai have also been killed. Hamas’s rockets continue to fly, though in smaller numbers."
I guess you missed this ...

"Palestine’s health ministry lists some 1,400 dead since July 8th, of whom four-fifths are civilians; one-fifth of these are children. Palestine’s only power station has been destroyed, as have more than 4,000 homes, some with families inside. Fifty-six Israeli soldiers, including ten on July 28th, three Israeli civilians and a Thai have also been killed. Hamas’s rockets continue to fly, though in smaller numbers."
but what do YOU think?
I guess you missed this ...

"Palestine’s health ministry lists some 1,400 dead since July 8th, of whom four-fifths are civilians; one-fifth of these are children. Palestine’s only power station has been destroyed, as have more than 4,000 homes, some with families inside. Fifty-six Israeli soldiers, including ten on July 28th, three Israeli civilians and a Thai have also been killed. Hamas’s rockets continue to fly, though in smaller numbers."
Two sentences?
Yeah right
Keep it up bubbles, you really dont have a clue
That's not researching what's going on. That's quote-mining in support of a position that you now think you've taken (though "think" may be putting it strongly) and you now think is being opposed.

Let me spell out my post on the Flemish story.

Yes, I predict that there will be a rise in anti-semitism.

No, I do not take every report of an alleged attack/insult/slighting at face value.

Most people can see that these are not contradictory positions.

My post was a reply to existentialists which seemed to doubt the validity of the anecdotes quoted earlier.
And on a quick skim your links say nothing whatsoever about the "anecdote", which therefore remains just that.

Has anyone ever explained to you the difference between a fear, an opinion, an idea, and a fact?

The links show the increase in antisemitism.
Are you doubting Ban - Ki- Moon now?
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