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Gaza under attack yet again.

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What are you on about? What does that sentence mean?
israel's already showing their hand to be willing to afflict the small guys while hiding behind sacred territory: similar to guys holding hostages....once the hostages are out of the way, what will the avengers of blood think to do?
Hamas charter.
"Hamas has been looking forward to implement Allah’s promise whatever time it might take. The prophet, prayer and peace be upon him, said: The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them); until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: O Muslim! there is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him! This will not apply to the Gharqad, which is a Jewish tree (cited by Bukhari and Muslim)."

As you know Israel has had to defend against more than Hamas over it's history

Between 1948 and 1997, 20,093 israeli soldiers were killed in combat, 75,000 Israelis were wounded, and nearly 100,000 Israelis were considered disabled army vets. Seven armed conflicts / campaigns /defence...whatever. Some fought alongside allies including tge UK. Others fought on their own.

Palestinian war.
Suez crisis.
Six day war
War of attrition
Yom Kippur
First intifada
Second intifada

The list goes on....
I'm quoting this because the current situation needs to be viewed in the context of Israels history...at the moment it's being regarded as an isolated thing going back a few years.

What is frightening about the current situation is the lack of a viable solution that will work..permanently.
It looks hopeless.

This is from a book called defending the holy land written by an Israeli historian called Zeev Maoz:


Bear in mind he wrote it in 2006 so he's considered all the conflicts you mentioned and concluded the above, correctly in my view, not that I'm well versed in the topic but when you look at the invasions of Lebanon and Gaza since then do you see any sign that Israel's policy has deviated from the aggressive folly that Maoz describes? Do all the crazy calls for genocide in the press and from politicians convince you of anything other than the conclusion that Israel is an aggressive state who would rather go to war than try and make efforts for peace with its neighbours?
israel's already showing their hand to be willing to afflict the small guys while hiding behind sacred territory: similar to guys holding hostages....once the hostages are out of the way, what will the avengers of blood think to do?

Is that you Dwyer? Whoever you are you're off your tits.
Sorted for you
There is almost nothing with any trace of sense in any of your posts
Have you perhaps had a brain injury?

No need to get personal....or indeed nasty.
I'm was simply looking at the possibility indeed probability that Hamas and Israel will never reach a permanent truce because neither are peace loving. I'd have had more faith in the PLO because they were not radicalised jihadists. I don't hold much truck for Israel either.

It's been mentioned OVER AND OVER AGAIN on this thread that the context of the issues lie precisely with the establishment of the state of Israel as a Zionist state for Jews.

Do you think that the state of Israel should not exist?
By deciding to take the Begin/Irgun model to heart by electing the man that the early state of Israel had rejected as being far too violent, Israel started down the road that leads to today by way of his avowed acolyte Sharon, via Sabra and Shatila, to Bibi who modeled himself on his chubby pederast appearing leader/daddy bear and hey presto we end up back at Deir Yassin - just a thousand times the size - with the same daft excuses about the victims brought it on themselves and were gagging for it - how fitting that Israel should end up with a rapist president. (even then the Beeb only mentioned his name with the addition of "Iranian born" at all times, Hasbara's deep and all enveloping tentacles have long been imbedded there!)
The entire society has been corrupted by the choices of the electorate to elect gradually more and more right wing governments. Bibi is the first I think who has not been senior commander in the army - perhaps that knowledge makes him overcompensate in an attempt to look hard
Extrapolating this curve leads to mass slaughter and madness
There is no peace and quiet on this road
Time to make peace with Philistines otherwise that road will be ever more dangerous with none to cross and help when disaster strikes
No need to get personal....or indeed nasty.
I'm was simply looking at the possibility indeed probability that Hamas and Israel will never reach a permanent truce because neither are peace loving. I'd have had more faith in the PLO because they were not radicalised jihadists. I don't hold much truck for Israel either.

Do you think that the state of Israel should not exist?
In its present form?
From something that started full of hope, making the desert bloom, it has turned into something that renders human life a desert

In times of war all countries launch weapons from civilian areas. This is a red herring.
How did such a large Jewish population in South Africa arise? Did they disproportionately emigrate to South Africa from Holland back in the day?

They were originally traders with the Portugese then Dutch, diamonds, gold, wool, sugar, slaves etc, Dutch East India company. Later more modest backgrounds.

From what I can gather, poorer Jews went to to become socialists, richer vile capitalists. Some of the greatest socialists/anarchists have been Jews, as are some of the new world orders wealth owners and exploiters, bankers.

Interesting article.

Until the early part of the eighteenth century, the entire world's supply of diamonds came from India. The caravans that brought them across Arabia traded these rare stones to Jewish traders in Aden and Cairo for gold and silver. The traders then resold them to Jewish merchants in Venice, Lithuania, and Frankfurt. It was a natural enterprise for the Jews scattered throughout central Europe: Since they were moneylenders, they had to concern themselves with assessing, repairing, and selling gems that had been offered to them as collateral for loans. They also had close connections with the Jewish trading centers in the Ottoman Empire through which all the Indian diamonds passed.

The cutting and polishing of diamonds, moreover, was one of the few crafts that Jews were permitted to participate in by the medieval guilds in Europe. For most Jews, there was no choice in those days: If they wanted to have a vocation, it had to be either gem-polishing or money lending. In either case they dealt with diamonds.

In the sixteenth century, when the Portuguese succeeded it, establishing an ocean route to India, the caravan routes were supplanted by ships. The Jews in Portugal, who were mainly Sephardic (i.e. non-European) Jews, quickly made arrangements in Lisbon for ships' officers to buy diamonds directly from the Indian miners in Goa. And Lisbon became the main entry point in Europe for diamonds.
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Do you think that the state of Israel should not exist?

Absolutely not as it is in Palestine. If they don't want a multi ethnic, multi faith, democratic, non sectarian country they can fuck off to the USA or wherever.

"Israel"? I can only think of Pakistan ("Land of The Pure") as having such an offensive name for a state.
Obama's 'helplessness' an act: Snowden reveals scale of US aid to Israel

The turmoil gripping the Middle East is a direct result of the provision of cash, weapons and surveillance to Israel by the US, the latest Snowden leak illustrates. Obama’s “helpless detachment” is just for show, the Intercept’s Glenn Greenwald writes.

In a bold examination, the former Guardian journalist reveals the amazing contrast between what the United States says publicly, and what it does behind the curtain. This involves President Barack Obama’s apparent heartbreak over the Middle Eastern region, as well as the American love for publicly listing Israel as a threat to regional peace at a time when billions of dollars’ worth of its weaponry and intelligence were being supplied to the Jewish state since the 1960s.

That reminds me of something I forgot to post last week.

How come the Kremlin and Beijing have been so very, very quiet?
Have you stopped reading the news?
Ruskies :- Ukraine
Beijing :- Uighurs - China's own "Islamic" problem
They are a trifle busy
Plus it seems their Yank "friends" are being dragged into ignominy, thus more rope aint such a bad thing
So, the IDF thinks it has dealt with the tunnels.
But it has not disarmed Hamas whose rockets continue to fly.
What next?
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