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G20: Getting to the truth- the death of Ian Tomlinson RIP

Maybe. I think he misses,if not, it's only a smack to the back of the legs, got a lot worse at school.
He died of an heart attack, not beaten to death by the police.
If a minority of protesters had not attacked the police, none of this would have happened, that's why they were in riot gear, they must take a part of the blame for his death(the violent protesters).

also further from the guardian website...

"Witnesses said that, prior to the moment captured on video, he had already been hit with batons and thrown to the floor by police who blocked his route home."

Your pityful attempts to put any blame on protesters are pathetic. The police went ready for a riot, one they never got. They tried to create one and through redmist, they have killed an innocent man.

Although the family arent saying much now, im sure that it isnt the protesters they will have grudges or questions for.. as will a lot of the country.
if you and i have a ruck in a pub and i push and hit you and you fall and bang your head and then die very soon after, i'd be looking at a manslaughter charge in court i imagine.

I have watched it a dozen times now, the policeman has done nothing wrong.
It's not in a pub is it? It's the end of a day when the police had become under non stop attack from a minority of protesters, the police were in a crown/riot control situation. They were following their training
The whole incident will be on CCTV anyway.
I have watched it a dozen times now, the policeman has done nothing wrong.
It's not in a pub is it? It's the end of a day when the police had become under non stop attack from a minority of protesters, the police were in a crown/riot control situation. They were following their training
The whole incident will be on CCTV anyway.

even if that were true, does that allow them to carry out some sort of collective punishment?
I have watched it a dozen times now, the policeman has done nothing wrong.
It's not in a pub is it? It's the end of a day when the police had become under non stop attack from a minority of protesters, the police were in a crown/riot control situation. They were following their training
The whole incident will be on CCTV anyway.

you really are a completly clueless twat, or a shit troll.
I have watched it a dozen times now, the policeman has done nothing wrong.
Apart from hit him from behind and push him to the concrete.
It's the end of a day when the police had become under non stop attack from a minority of protesters
the police were in a crown/riot control situation
They were following their training
not their official training
The whole incident will be on CCTV anyway.
Oh, I imagine that will show him diving to the floor by himself and bashing his head on the paving stones for a laugh. We've all just misinterpreted this, bad camera angle or something.
The police went ready for a riot, one they never got. They tried to create one and through redmist, they have killed an innocent man.

Bollocks, stop being a drama Queen.
It was a minority of protesters who went looking for a ruck, and as per usual scream police brutality if the police react.
Quite a lot of the allegations of police lying here, for instance with regards to the bottles, seem to stem more from how the media has reported the official statement, rather than the official statement itself.

Ever heard of lying by omission? Omission, for example, of the very pertinent fact that Tomlinson was assaulted by a copper moments before he died? Surely even the most feeble of investigations would have involved questioning police officers who were nearby at the time, none of whom apparently saw fit to mention that one of their number had decided that Tomlinson's presence was grounds for corporal punishment. As far as it's possible to tell, the police were happy to keep this under wraps and it was only independant investigation by journalists and someone's personal video footage that brought the matter to light. Never mind bottles, that's a big enough lie for me thankyou.
Bollocks, stop being a drama Queen.
It was a minority of protesters who went looking for a ruck, and as per usual scream police brutality if the police react.

But Ian Tomlinson clearly was no part of that minority, so why attack him?
I have watched it a dozen times now, the policeman has done nothing wrong.
It's not in a pub is it? It's the end of a day when the police had become under non stop attack from a minority of protesters, the police were in a crown/riot control situation. They were following their training
The whole incident will be on CCTV anyway.

If you're being serious, then you;re a sad example of humanity. I hope for your own sake you're a silly little troll.
Unfucking believable that some can still condone this.

Like some posters have said it IS typical police behaviour, especially at a protest, football match etc.

I can recall numerous times when I've sent someone flying at work and they've cracked their head. And despite the fact this person may have been trying to punch me in the head at the time, or stamp on someone's face, if *anyone* makes a complaint, no matter how spurious, the police are always very keen to chase it as far as possible. And they've done this before even when the CCTV footage clearly shows the fight from beginning to end, with the "victims" starting it.

It appears I've been doing it all wrong - I should have been pushing random people over in the street who were minding their own business. That's obviously above reproach.
Surely one of the key objectives of a post-mortem is to establish the primary and contributory causes of a person's demise? The fact that it was simply reported as a heart attack, rather than raising or mentioning what one would imagine to be fairly clear bruises and markings as perhaps also having contributed to this heart attack, does tend to arouse suspicions, as do smokescreen stories about protestors being somehow complicit in Mr Tomlinson's death. Even his family are asking for further investigations and evidence which has only occuring due to people challenging the official verdicts that tried to brush all this under the carpet.

Firstly, if thats what the PM said, and assuming that the PM was done and reported correctly, then its difficult to see what the COLP did wrong by reporting it as such, especially if they or the IPCC did not know about what we now know.

Secondly, and this is not a criticism though it will appear to be, I note that the familys request for people to speak to the IPCC rather than the media/blogs in that appeal was not followed in this case.
Bollocks, stop being a drama Queen.
It was a minority of protesters who went looking for a ruck, and as per usual scream police brutality if the police react.
i think you'll find that there's quite a significant and growing number of people who are talking about police brutality following this incident. far larger than your rather hysterical "minority of protestors".
Bollocks, stop being a drama Queen.
It was a minority of protesters who went looking for a ruck, and as per usual scream police brutality if the police react.

there's nothing dramatic about it, it's how it played out. You've got reports from the news papers saying things like "I've felt more threatened in a primary school playground" because it was...*ahem* A PEACEFUL FUCKING PROTEST YOU THICK LITTLE CUNT *ahem*

It only kicked off when the police moved in, everyone was happy before the police moved in. Most of them remained happy till LONG after they were penned in. The police started it, all, yes some people did react, but they fuckign would. Being treated like that by them thuggish wankers.

you're on a troll and I'm paying you no more attention.
Bollocks, stop being a drama Queen.
It was a minority of protesters who went looking for a ruck, and as per usual scream police brutality if the police react.

If what's shown in that video doesn't strike you as 'police brutality' then you're a fucking idiot. They weren't 'reacting' to anything, they were just being cunts.

And there's still no evidence any protestors, minority or otherwise, went 'looking for a ruck' as you put it.
Apart from hit him from behind and push him to the concrete.



not their official training

Oh, I imagine that will show him diving to the floor by himself and bashing his head on the paving stones for a laugh. We've all just misinterpreted this, bad camera angle or something.

I'm faintly surprised that neither of our far-right trolls has suggested yet that the fact that the assailant had his face covered means he was an anarchist provocateur trying to bring the police into disrepute by dressing up as a copper and going around killing random people in front of video cameras.
What seems important to most posting their comments on the video, is a chance to demonise the police. Not the sad death of a non protester.
What seems important to most posting their comments on the video, is a chance to demonise the police. Not the sad death of a non protester.

why do you think that might be, hmm?

oh, so he's a non-protestor now is he? so what's the justification for the police attack on him?
The police with dogs appear to be form the City of London - the same force that's been asked to investigate the death by the IPCC as far as I can see. umm not conflict of interest there. carry on.
I will upload to you tube as soon as I've finished downloading. Will provide link as soon as that's done. Any suggestions for non-hysterical title?
Yes, how dare people be so disrespectful :rolleyes:

A unnecessary death possibly caused by the wrongful action of the police.
Firstly, if thats what the PM said, and assuming that the PM was done and reported correctly, then its difficult to see what the COLP did wrong by reporting it as such, especially if they or the IPCC did not know about what we now know.

Secondly, and this is not a criticism though it will appear to be, I note that the familys request for people to speak to the IPCC rather than the media/blogs in that appeal was not followed in this case.
On your second point, then of course the family would be asking that - trial by blog might be annoying but it doesn't really have any real legal clout does it? I know we like to pretend that u75 really puts the world to rights but i ain't convinced yet....

On your first, why didn't a competent coroner observe what would be visible bruising and markings, especially in light of the circumstances of his death? Why weren't questions being asked publically immediately following the PM about his being beaten by cops?? Because, imo, 'they' tried to cover up the backstory I'm afraid. And because people subsequently kept coming forward and because real hard evidence has been found that directly proves much of what has been claimed as being the true story, we now see the IPCC saying that they'll look more deeply at the events surrounding his death.

For all the good that I suspect that this will ultimately do.
Ever heard of lying by omission? Omission, for example, of the very pertinent fact that Tomlinson was assaulted by a copper moments before he died? Surely even the most feeble of investigations would have involved questioning police officers who were nearby at the time, none of whom apparently saw fit to mention that one of their number had decided that Tomlinson's presence was grounds for corporal punishment. As far as it's possible to tell, the police were happy to keep this under wraps and it was only independant investigation by journalists and someone's personal video footage that brought the matter to light. Never mind bottles, that's a big enough lie for me thankyou.

Again, did they know that at the time? Tomlinson collapsed 200 yards away from where this incident occured, and from the statement in its initial form they clearly spoke to independent witnesses at Cornhill to get their account of events there.

The journos, witnesses and everyone else did not know the dead man was Tomlinson, and that he was the same guy as was the person at the Royal Exchange until pictures of him being treated came to light. They then came forward and informed the press and IPCC, and the IPCC appears to have reacted appropriately to those reports.
What seems important to most posting their comments on the video, is a chance to demonise the police. Not the sad death of a non protester.

you really are clutching at the lowest of the low. In numerous threads and posts, im not going through them all for you, it has been mentioned that sadly an innocent man has died.

Your not worth replying to ..
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