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G20: Getting to the truth- the death of Ian Tomlinson RIP

One witness, Anna Branthwaite, a photographer, described how, in the minutes before the video was shot, she saw Tomlinson walking towards Cornhill Street.

"A riot police officer had already grabbed him and was pushing him," she said.

"It wasn't just pushing him – he'd rushed him. He went to the floor and he did actually roll. That was quite noticeable.

"It was the force of the impact. He bounced on the floor. It was a very forceful knocking down from behind. The officer hit him twice with a baton when he was lying on the floor.

"So it wasn't just that the officer had pushed him – it became an assault.

"And then the officer picked him up from the back, continued to walk or charge with him, and threw him.

"He was running and stumbling. He didn't turn and confront the officer or anything like that."

The witness accounts contradict the official version of events given by police.

*Total speculation warning*

I'm now wondering whether this *might* have been the same officer shown in the video. Maybe some earlier 'issue' (as described by the report above), officer and his mate denumber, mask up, ready to prove a point that they think they'd failed to make a few minutes earlier?

Total speculation on my part.

Even if the two events were unconnected, the video is clear about the incident. There's no mob, no visible threat at all. The man hasn't "only just" turned his back on the officer. There's nothing I can see in the video that's mitigating at all.

I think one would need alot more info, and medical qualifications I certainly don't have, to positively link it all the way to his death, but it's difficult to see anything less than assault with the very limited info we have. (And I'm not suggesting then, that it should be left at that, BTW).
Wasnt that on here a while back?
yes and its all a bit pointless and distracting on a thread about Ian Tomlinson's death and the police's role, whatever that appears to be. so i don't think we should allow the discussion to be dragged into completely unrelated areas.
Not only is he not doing anything to warrant that level of violence, he isn't fazed by the dogs right around him and hasn't moved with the crowd, which has pushed back to a safer distance.

He looks unwell.
yes and its all a bit pointless and distracting on a thread about Ian Tomlinson's death and the police's role, whatever that appears to be. so i don't think we should allow the discussion to be dragged into completely unrelated areas.

Fair enough, wasnt me who posted it.
Yep. It's part of a feature which is seriously questioning the police version of events. There is clearly nothing in the man's behaviour that warrants the violent police response.

ive just watched the slowmotion again, probably for the last time for a while. its actually really really fcking disturbing. He was showing no threat at all, there was clearly a baton to his leg, then a push that resulted in a fall that appears as tho his head strikes the concrete.

You see him sitting up trying to probably ask officers what they were doing as he is just trying to get home.. (okay ive no way of proving that, but open hand jestures etc)..

watching someone innocent trying to get home, showing no threat at all.. their last fcking seconds. to be let down by the police like that ... it makes you mad.

lets see what "justice" comes of this.


How many cops saw what happened, and said nothing, did nothing, condemned this man to death? One of them seems to be a FIT copper - can anyone identify them? http://bristle.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/blogg20witnessoraccessory.jpg
Stephen Moss, staff writer at the Guardian just posted this.....

When the Guardian offered this astonishing footage to the BBC News at 6, apparently the response was "No thanks, we're not covering this, we see it as just a London story." Great news sense down there at TV Centre.

Brilliant work by Paul Lewis to pull apart the Met's web of lies. Now let's hope the new commissioner will set about changing this masonic, closed-ranks culture ... or is that wild optimism on my part? A police force that lies through is teeth is, in effect, no police force at all.

What the fuck?

I think a BBC bombardment is due....
Right, posted this about in a few place. I read sky covered it as a lead story tonight. Leaving this now as it's far too depressing...that poor guys family.
They almost got away with brushing this under the carpet... they were about to declare the investigation done and dusted just 48 hours after it happened...

How many cops saw what happened, and said nothing, did nothing, condemned this man to death? One of them seems to be a FIT copper - can anyone identify them? http://bristle.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/blogg20witnessoraccessory.jpg

Lets wait until we find out what the IPCC have found out before condemning people, shall we? As for him being a FIT cop, I doubt it - his colleagues seem really poorly equipped, as if they have only kitted up from spare gear.

Barking Mad said:
What the fuck?

I think a BBC bombardment is due....

Its shabby if they did do that, but as I posted at the time Sky News did trail a report along these lines about two hours before they actually showed it, you dont know what terms the Guardian actually put on its use or whether there were legal issues involved.

Also, I have said this before but it is deeply misleading for them to claim the Met span a web of lies around this - unless they have access to other info that has not been reported. Certainly Paul Lewis' article only mentions that the Met didnt mention it at the time, which as has been mentioned could easily be because they didnt know.
That fucking police patsy Daniel Sandford has just been on the BBC saying that the footage "raises arkward questions"

What a cunt.
The IPCC have the City Police investigating it (they are the guys with the red bands on their caps in the video)

At the moment, yes. As I said above I would question whether thats appropriate, unless they know it was a Met officer involved.
The establishment are all over this one. A friend of mine posted a link to the gaurdian story and vid on facebook. It has now curiously disappeared! :(
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