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French magazine publishes controversial cartoons of Prophet Muhammad - many killed in revenge attack

Being a plastic anarchist won't help your personality disorder.

Wow, so you're not only so expert on anarchism and anarchists that you're able to categorise individual anarchists, but have qualifications in psychiatry too!:)
Try harder not to be a twat,eh?
Phil, I don't think you know where anarchists diverge from small c communists. That's fine. You can't know everything. As to your last point, I'm not sure what you're sending me to prison for?
The thing with Judaism is that it often goes through all sorts of intellectual acrobatics to avoid naming Yahweh with a true name, so many of the names that one does come across are titles or attributes of the deity, rather than what you or I would recognise as personal names.

This is because of the idea that naming grants power, an idea that originated with the Sumerians, and because to define is to limit, and god cannot be limited.

But these days archeaological and epigraphic evidence means that we can trace back to the original semitic sky-god who was turned into the one-and-only god of the Hebrews, and his name was El.
A blazingly angry response from Zaynab bint Mohammad ibn al-Mâatî al-Rhazwî al-Harîzî to the piece from Olivier Cyran that some grinning leftists have been circulating:

If Charlie Hebdo is racist, then so am I

If you will allow an Arab to address her own complaint, let me tell you that your rhetoric and arguments are the most sophisticated variety of racism that exists in France. Rare are those today who would risk shouting from the rooftops, “Ragheads Out!” The extremists who would do so would immediately be jeered by you, by me, and by a majority of the French people. First of all, you quote Bernard Maris, Catherine, Charb, Caroline Fourest. What about me, what about me! You preferred to omit my name, when it was my articles that you pointed to as dangerously “Islamophobic,” thus, according to you, necessarily racist. Frankly, I wondered why, and I see only two options:


  1. you didn’t want to let Charlie Hebdo’s detractors (who can only subscribe to your thinking if they never read the paper) know that the author of these racist ravings belongs precisely to the Muslim “race,” or
  2. you simply didn’t think that, as a person, I was worth naming, since in a fascist rag like Charlie I couldn’t be anything but the house Arab.
I must have been hired as an alibi, so that Charlie could hit its diversity quota, but you could never imagine that I could be brought on staff for the same reasons that you were. An Olivier, of course, is hired for his professional qualities; a Zineb is only hired by affirmative action. Or maybe you spared me because in my case you have no personal scores to settle, as you do with a fair number of your former colleagues. In that case, I would have readers seek the motives behind your article somewhere other than the realm of ideas.

The Jacobin piece linked to in the intro blurb is basically a rehash of the Olivier Roy thing i posted earlier in the week but also contains another look at yet another cartoon that's been brought up ("A cartoon that included a colonial-style caricature of an African “native” — which one left-wing writer thought was some kind of racist attack on a French-Arab politician — was actually part of a joint campaign with SOS Racisme against a proposed anti-immigration law") but is more interesting because it pretty much calls Richard Seymour and his analysis that the Jacobin leapt two footed into publishing, 'foolish' - now given the author is a Jacobin editor and Seymour isn't, i'd suggest this should be read as either/both 1) a rowing back from their first reaction (post and defend this Seymour thing) to a more nuanced informed contextual reading of the situation 2) big editorial row as a fuller picture of ch and its history emerges. I wonder if other sections of the left are able to do this?
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Has anyone linked to this yet

Paris attacks: US politician Jack Lindblad claims Charlie Hebdo killings were by 'US and Mossad' to keep Israel's Netanyahu in power

Speaking to PressTV, Jack Linblad, of the Green Party of LA County Council, claimed that the actions of the Kouachi brothers and Amedy Coulibaby, who collectively shot and killed 17 people in three separate and shocking attacks in Paris, were not acting on their extremist religious beliefs but were instead carrying out orders from the US and Mossad.

Above does seem criminal stuff. Anyway:

Kuffarsplaining – A How-To Guide For Talking About Islam

Insisting that Islamists who murdered over a dozen people in Paris, or over 2000 people in Nigeria, or over 135 children in Pakistan were all somehow disaffected with your Western hedonistic countries’ ways, and had no agency or thoughts beyond thinking of you and how much they hate you , because the universe revolves around you and your country, and your culture, and your history, and your colonialism.

Believing that calling out murderers who happen to be from Muslim faiths – who specifically murder people in the name of Islam, while reciting Quranic verses, and leaving videos about how they do it to glorify Islam – is ‘punching down’, which gives away the sense that you actually feel superior to them, without you having to admit it.

Just because Islamist murderers say they did it in the name of Islam doesn’t mean they really did. You don’t need to believe them. I mean, you know better, right? They don’t know their own minds or why they do what they do. You know.


Promoting the notion that, until all other problems in the world are solved, nobody, anywhere, should critique or satirize or scrutinize or academically deconstruct any aspects of Islam or Arab or Muslim cultures.

Not even Muslims, Ex-Muslims, Arabs, or people from those backgrounds should do it. Especially not them.

Once all white people have come to terms with their colonial pasts then non-white people can be granted the privilege of looking within so they can come to terms with their own (and your) past.

Ignore your own privilege when you ‘otherize’ Muslim and Ex-Muslim women. Just because you would not want to live in an environment ruled by Islamic laws and norms doesn’t mean they don’t want to, right?

I mean, they are different, right? Something about their DNA just makes them more receptive to things like modesty culture, taking on responsibility for rape, patriarchy, FGM, along with all the usual Western beauty standards.
Gunman at post office nr Paris armed with Kalashnikov & grenades – reports

At least 3 people taken hostage at post office nr Paris - reports
Published time: January 16, 2015 12:14
Edited time: January 16, 2015 12:45
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Three people have been taken hostage by an unknown gunman at a post office in Colombes, a northwest suburb of Paris, French media reported.

The gunman is armed with a Kalashnikov rifle, a gun and numerous grenades, French RTL radio reports. He is holding from two to five people hostage, Le Figaro says citing police sources.

Ces dirigeants qui étaient «Charlie» dimanche, qui ne le sont plus aujourd'hui

Plusieurs chefs d'Etat ou de gouvernement ont participé dimanche 11 janvier au rassemblement parisien. De retour dans leur pays, ils ont critiqué l'hebdomadaire, voire l'ont fait interdire.
Une épidémie de schizophrénie s’est abattue sur quelques-uns des dirigeants étrangers présents dimanche dernier à la marche parisienne, en hommage aux victimes des frères Kouachi et de Coulibaly, et notamment aux douze «Charlie» tués à la kalachnikov. Une marque de solidarité envers la France, touchée par le terrorisme, mais qui pourrait s’interpréter comme un soutien de leur part à la liberté d’expression… Cela ne les a pas empêchés de critiquer, voire faire interdire, la dernière édition de l’hebdomadaire satirique.

These leaders who were "Charlie" on Sunday, who are no longer today

Several heads of state or government participated Sunday, January 11 at the Paris rally. Back in their countries, they have criticized the weekly or have even banned it.
An epidemic of schizophrenia has hit some foreign leaders attending last Sunday at the Paris march, in tribute to the victims of the Kouachi brothers and Coulibaly, including the twelve "Charlies" killed with Kalashnikovs. A sign of solidarity towards France, affected by terrorism certainly, but it could also be interpreted as support from them for freedom of expression ... That did not stop them criticizing or even banning, the latest edition of the satirical weekly.

People showing solidarity with an idea. I nearly queued, but had to get to work. Wish I had now. So if the writers of Viz got shot to fuck by some nutters, you wouldn't want to show any solidarity with them?
I'd smoke 30 tabs, get hammered, buy a kebab
Because Viz really is for laffs
I would not line up for the latest edition as some sort of act of "solidarity" if they had put blatantly offensive stuff on the cover of an issue where they had maxed out the print run in an obvious greed for coin
Well sad for their deaths, but really this "they only ever did it as a laff, no hurt intended" is tosh
They shouldn't be killed for that, but then neither should the survivors of the rag profit by it
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