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Freeman-on-the-land idiocies

At the end of the day people what it all boils down to is we have been unknowingly deceived by the world as we know it!! I just hope that the future generations realise our mistakes and make them right!! Educate your children and let them decide what's right and wrong!!! No the despotic leaders we all blindly follow...........
But if we have been unknowingly deceived by the world as we know it, how come YOU know this? What's your special superpower that has enabled you to come by information that has, apparently, eluded nearly everyone else? :hmm:
If you actually read the pdf files I posted you will come across what is called a 'kangaroo' Court!! The powers that be are trying to make examples!! Scaremongering people!! As they do everyday and always have done!! If said gentlemen is informed enough then he will have appealed the decision and attained real justice through a Court de Joure!!! They won't publicise that though!!
To answer existentialist;
I met a person through my work who was part of a freedom movement!! At the, time he had told me of the information here given and was in the process of becoming a common law barrister!! At first I dismissed his notions but after a little experiment by myself I found out that it was right!! Ask any LEGAL representative if you want about contracts!! Without a signature they are all null and void!! They know this........ Consensus facit legum
If you actually read the pdf files I posted you will come across what is called a 'kangaroo' Court!! The powers that be are trying to make examples!! Scaremongering people!! As they do everyday and always have done!! If said gentlemen is informed enough then he will have appealed the decision and attained real justice through a Court de Joure!!! They won't publicise that though!!
To answer existentialist;
I met a person through my work who was part of a freedom movement!! At the, time he had told me of the information here given and was in the process of becoming a common law barrister!! At first I dismissed his notions but after a little experiment by myself I found out that it was right!! Ask any LEGAL representative if you want about contracts!! Without a signature they are all null and void!! They know this........ Consensus facit legum
Your mate could be absolutely right, but anyone who uses exclamation marks with the gay abandon that you do is automatically hugely suspect in my book. :hmm:

Anyway, I hope your bullshit detector comes back from the menders soon.
If you actually read the pdf files I posted you will come across what is called a 'kangaroo' Court!! The powers that be are trying to make examples!! Scaremongering people!! As they do everyday and always have done!! If said gentlemen is informed enough then he will have appealed the decision and attained real justice through a Court de Joure!!! They won't publicise that though!!
To answer existentialist;
I met a person through my work who was part of a freedom movement!! At the, time he had told me of the information here given and was in the process of becoming a common law barrister!! At first I dismissed his notions but after a little experiment by myself I found out that it was right!! Ask any LEGAL representative if you want about contracts!! Without a signature they are all null and void!! They know this........ Consensus facit legum

What sort of a contract is an unsigned contract then?
And if it's unsigned how is it a contract?
I've no idea what the argument is.
It's called a 'Lien' which is a contract the law will uphold

Isn't that part of loan & mortgage agreements? Anyone signing up for a bank loan or mortgage knows that if they dont keep up repayments that they could have their property reposessed. It can be challenged if the borrower had a large % repaid and ran into trouble with payments. Other arrangements can be put in place..lower cost payment plans. But yeah..some banks have done the dirty on customers by selling their "bad" loans (poor performance) to other debt collecting scumbag banks who then can repossess property and have no scruples about throwing people out of their homes.
Isn't that part of loan & mortgage agreements? Anyone signing up for a bank loan or mortgage knows that if they dont keep up repayments that they could have their property reposessed. It can be challenged if the borrower had a large % repaid and ran into trouble with payments. Other arrangements can be put in place..lower cost payment plans. But yeah..some banks have done the dirty on customers by selling their "bad" loans (poor performance) to other debt collecting scumbag banks who then can repossess property and have no scruples about throwing people out of their homes.
Don't bother with this fella. He hasn't got a clue what he's posting and is just regurgitating nonsense he's heard in the pub.
Judge me and mock me whatever....... Not here to argue but to re-educate choice is all yours
No, "education" implies some kind of advancement process. I think the word you're looking for here is "delusion".

And no, I'm not mocking you because I want to - I am mocking the transparent idiocy that you seem to have hoovered up. Since there is little point engaging in meaningful debate with people who hold views like yours, only two options remain: mockery, or ignoring. Mockery's more fun, at least for a while.

By then, I expect you'll probably have been flung off the boards, anyway.
Yeah, he's just chucking around a few disjointed bits of Latin and legalese, little of which means what he thinks it does :D
Well this is the thing with these types. They hear about something that's vaguely in line with whatever nonsense they're spouting, then they twist, dent, hammer, and mangle it into something that sort of fits their agenda. Then when they post they reinforce their lunacy and fake legal claims with lots of exclamation marks!!! and CAPITALISATION!!! to convince others that what they are saying is REALLY correct!!!!!!
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A truth’s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn’t the
world being round that agitated people but that the world wasn’t flat. When a well-packaged web of lies has
been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its
speaker a raving lunatic. – Dresden James
Each progressive spirit is opposed by a thousand mediocre minds appointed to guard the past. ~
Maurice Maeterlinck
Well this is the thing with these types. They hear about something that's vaguely in line with whatever nonsense they're spouting, then they twist, dent, hammer, and mangle it into something that sort of fits their agenda. Then when they post they reinforce their lunacy and fake legal claims with lots of exclamation marks!!! and CAPITALISATION!!! to convince others that what they are saying is REALLY correct!!!!!!
You said it all fella. LEGAL!!!
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