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Freedom Press, firebombed - donations being accepted

When you add 2 + 2 to get 5, then rush to publish and refuse to listen to any evidence provided to the contrary, well you get toxic nonsense like this, from Indymedia this morning:


That's one of the problems with Indymedia - anonymous people (who could be anyone) can post without responsibility.

Don't blame me for it though. If you appear with the hounds (Hope not Hate) it is bound to raise questions if you then appear with the Fox (Freedom). Yesterday you tweeted to me:

@MrPaulStott I'm closer to ex-Red Action/AFA people than I am to Hope Not Hate, for what it's worth.

Brian - ever thought it is not possible to be both?
Matthew Collins follows me on twitter. Does that mean I'm "in the orbit" of HnH (and by extension, a fully paid up state grass?) :eek:


Although Matthew may get upset if you mention the Australian visa the spooks organised for him, or the Observer interview which talked about his work for Searchlight and the security services in the far right. He was so upset when I raised it, persons unknown went to the Guardian/Observer website and edited out the bit about the security services from the online article.

Good job I had a hard copy!
Paul/Larry I've known Brian a few years on and off and have contacts with people who have known him since he did his crusty teenage anarchist thing back in the day, he can be a dick sometimes but he's not state (mind you that indymedia paranoid seems to reckon I'm state, so make of that what you will ;)).
I've just read that anon comment on Indiemedia. This shit has to stop. It all sprung (unintentionally) from Paul's badly worded blog post. Sowing mistrust amongst activists like that anon post on Indymedia is a classic state trick.

It just looks mental though? Does anyone actually involved with anarchist/left politics take any credence in anonymous shit-stirring posts on indymedia?
I think lazyhack's post from indymedia - can't find it myself - is fall-out from the Aufheben issue. We will have to assume that all of Dialectical Delinquents and the people they've ever spoken with, the 'insurrectionist' types pushing the massive collaboration with police guy John Drury in all nooks and crannies of the social/civil anarchist scene line http://dialectical-delinquents.com/?page_id=9

- don't hail from any middle-class families.

And where did Brian Whelan show up and start sniffing around? Freedom. Freedom is the missing link between "Aufheben and Libcom’s partnership with police consultants" (7) and Brian Whelan's ties to the secret state, exposed by Paul Stott and Larry O'Hara. It is clear that if Freedom wasn't firebombed by the state, it was probably for its naked ties to state collaborators Brian Whelan and John Drury. Sam Fanto, 325, Contra-Info, Paul Stott and Larry O'Hara have done the movement a great service by piecing together this puzzle. This is about as clear as the secret state ever gets, otherwise it wouldn't be secret!

Two wildly opposite sets of firebombers of Freedom are promoted as culprits with very little evidence for either!

It just looks mental though? Does anyone actually involved with anarchist/left politics take any credence in anonymous shit-stirring posts on indymedia?

No, but they're done to create the image of a constantly back-stabbing, vindictive and petty movement in the mind of anyone browsing. See link above.

"Don't forget the Anarchist Federation
21.01.2013 08:21

Bunch of private school tarquins, gays and trannies pretending to be working class. They also have a presence on the libcom admin clique. "
Odd that the person they're pushing forward as making the most damningand substantive of criticisms and drawing together freedom, libcom, aufheben and whatever else pops into their mind comes from a very well known and very well off culturally prominent family. Let's see them turn their juvenile ire on him shall we? If they chose war they've chosen grounds that they're going to lose and lose heavily on.
what was 20 years ago to the day?
when it was last firebombed in 1993

Sabcat are doing a benefit t-shirt for the bookshop - all profits to Freedom


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