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Freedom Press, firebombed - donations being accepted

Of course she's heard of it before I was being facetious and I doubt anyone is surprised she turned up. I am surprised she had time and energy, she's off to Cairo this week I think. No rest for the wicked.

there was a small camera crew in one of the pics. did it get on tv or anything? looks like at least a dozen volunteers as well. good.
It was on the news bulletins on radio 4 a few times, short mentions but still there. I didn't see a mention on the BBC site though, certainly not video.
:facepalm: at myself. These are different organisations that happen to share the same name.

This is the original ENR - image from their blog not much updated now.


'Southern English National Resistance'.
Radical Opposition to Capitalism+Imperialism+Globalism
For too long have Southeners been considered "posh" and "wanky" straight off the bat - an ugly stereotype that must be challenged, a facet of imperialism that must be resisted. It is time for Southeners to live out the true meaning of their birthright, to rise up and call a halt to all Northern, Welsh and Scottish mass immigration (Channel Islands welcome) and the denigration of Southern English culture. Globalism that seeks to mould us all into one identity-less paper bag must be opposed by all true Southerners.
Who speaks Southern English on the BBC News any longer? Only Asians like George Aaligayah. Huw Edwards and Kirsty Wark have taken over, Jeremy Paxman is being sidelined from Newsnight, or at least encouraged to speak in a more northern accent. Puppet traitors such as Nigel Farage (Independence yes but the United Kingdom no!) are constantly paraded on BBC News programmes. The depiction and inverted snobbery of Southern English people as clueless middle-class idiots such as Miranda, Rory McGrath and Phil Juppitus is the norm. We are at the stage where the younger generation believe Des Lynam is Southern English. No! The mongrelisation of the South must stop. We demand anti-politically correct figures for Southern England. (Northerners are allowed to voice anti-Asian opinions with the proviso that they are 'plain speaking', why not us?) Northerners are flooding our housing, and damaging the southern labour market, stealing our opportunities and educational scholarships. A scholarship for a course in Southampton open to people from the Shetland Islands where they do no work on Sundays and take part in the barbaric practice of blackening brides before their weddings. Which people in Britain are the laziest? Yes- the Highlands and Islands Scots - the quango for them the Highland and Islands Development Board has the most taxpayer money pumped in per capita of ANY regional development body. Northerners committing crimes in southern cities then housed in southern prisoners, paid for by your southern tax money, their families even get a visit once every six months paid for by you. The South of England was once considered God's own garden. Now under several waves of northern immigration which the South never had a chance to vote on and never had any sort of way to voice its opinion on, it has been transformed into something our grandparents would never have recognised. Unintelligible Brummie accents on the streets of Acton, vandalism, Old Firm rivalries imported into Portsmouth, crime in every southern market town, dozens and dozens of Mancunian geography teachers in Luton, growing rates of STDs amongst Southern youngsters, Glaswegian levels of alcoholism in Milton Keynes, thousands of robberies, police denuded of intelligence and wit due to entrants from the north who couldn't catch a bus let alone an Albanian criminal, Cumbrian folk dancing in Torquay, Welshmen in the Fenlands? Please do not misunderstand us, we have nothing against the Welsh but simply request they stick to their own coastlines. Northerners raising our insurance premiums, wiping distinct Southern culture to form any ugly monarchistic mud-sludge culture of "British". One solution - southern national liberation. Southern soldiers are busy fighting wars we have no interest in, bring them back to work on our flood defences. Every winter 400% more Southerners are killed due to flash-flooding than Northerners - did you get a vote on this figure? - but where are our troops fighting wars? Abroad? Why? So that northerners get their Jobseekers Allowance paid from hard-working Southerners? They should be working on flood defences but their southern patriotic lives are frittered away as part of an elite globalist plot. Only with Southern English National Resistance will the South will rise once again.

Superb :D
Just out of curiosity mostly, but i'm wondering how Anarchist principles that relate to the police have effected how they have dealt with them over this matter?
Fair play to her if she did - someone in her position could be critical in getting the place back on it's feet and open again.
i don't see why when so many other people have been willing to help out for free & freedom's got along quite nicely for more than 125 years without the likes of laurie penny.
Just out of curiosity mostly, but i'm wondering how Anarchist principles that relate to the police have effected how they have dealt with them over this matter?
do you think anyone at freedom wants to be charged with obstructing the police over this arson assault?

pls engage brain before posting.

incidentally, you mean AFFECT, not EFFECT which is a separate word with its own meaning.
do you think anyone at freedom wants to be charged with obstructing the police over this arson assault?

pls engage brain before posting.

incidentally, you mean AFFECT, not EFFECT which is a separate word with its own meaning.

Why are you so aggressive all the time?!

What I mean is, don't you think the police might be a little reluctant to help considering the whole ACAB attitude usually exhibited by Anarchists
Why are you so aggressive all the time?!

What I mean is, don't you think the police might be a little reluctant to help considering the whole ACAB attitude usually exhibited by Anarchists
a) it's by no means all the time;
b) that's not what you said in post #174;
c) i think that the police would try to do more in this case to avoid being sued for failing to investigate by those notoriously litigous anarchists.
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