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Freedom Press, firebombed - donations being accepted

C18? they tended to attack female ANL members. 'full of public schoolboys?' of course it was. fuck off troll.

Yeah, sorry forgot. This must be a local thread for local middle class poseurs. End of the day, you lot look after your own no? If it's talking confected estuary, wearing a keffiyeh and saying something vaguely 'progressive', it's one of us. And how did you get to be an expert on combat 18...you talking about the Crouch End branch, wanker? What the fuck's that about? Did they pitchfork babies too...throw them out of incubators? You think because someone's a vicious racist cunt, they can't handle themselves? What kinda childish wishful-thinking bullshit's that? Grow up.

Yeah, sorry forgot. This must be a local thread for local middle class poseurs. End of the day, you lot look after your own no? If it's talking confected estuary, wearing a keffiyeh and saying something vaguely 'progressive', it's one of us. And how did you get to be an expert on combat 18...you talking about the Crouch End branch, wanker? What the fuck's that about? Did they pitchfork babies too...throw them out of incubators? You think because someone's a vicious racist cunt, they can't handle themselves? What kinda childish wishful-thinking bullshit's that? Grow up.
Smelly sockpuppet crawled out the dirty laundry basket again....didn't win friends and influence anyone last incarnation either...it's the boil-wash for you....

must have been on the white cider again. fuck off you fuckbugling arsedoughnut you have no idea. and no one cares.
I hope this is just a coincidence, but rather strange, would you not agree, that a new far right formation is taking shape and plans a London demo this very weekend. As evidenced by this email sent out by Britain First the other day below. See what you think: perhaps CCTV of perpetrators can be cross-referenced with neanderthals turning out for this one?

[Edited to remove what I hadn't realised was a live link]

Fellow patriot,
Recently, delegates from a multitude of different existing patriotic groups met to lay plans for aunified, well organised new street protest movement.
Representatives from Britain First, the English Democrats, the South East Alliance and the English Defence League, among others, met in a spirit of unity, friendship and reconciliation and agreed a strategy to launch a new association to bring together the disparate street protest groups that have formed recently.
Among others, speakers such as Paul Pitt (South East Alliance), Robin Tilbrook (English Democrats), Paul Golding, Jim Dowson and Andy McBride (Britain First) discussed the disintegrating situation in the street protest movement and were unanimous in their resolve to salvage the situation and forge a new beginning.
The political / elections route has always been the main focus for patriotic politics, but in recent years the emphasis has shifted away from electionstowards militancy, campaigning and direct action.
Against this backdrop, we are pleased to announce the launch of the'English National Resistance', a new beginning for the patriotic protest / defence movement.
The 'English National Resistance' (new logo crest pictured above right) will confront, demonstrate and protest nationwide against the politically correct enemies of our country.
An infrastructure is being put in place behind the scenes as you read this, and more good news and announcements will be made soon.
The'English National Resistance' will avoid the mistakes of the past and a new strict Code of Conduct is being drafted that will govern the new movement.
Among the historical problems that the 'English National Resistance' is resolved to address is the chronic lack of discipline at demonstrations, the lack of ideology and direction, a weak hierarchical structure and the elimination of outside influences and agendas.
These problems will be solved once and for all by the 'English National Resistance'.
The 'English National Resistance' will also take the form of an 'association', whereby existing street protest groups can join the new cooperative organisation and take a seat on the governing council, and several groups have already taken this step and joined forces.
The 'English National Resistance' will build a new disciplined organisation that mobilises patriotic activists against any attack on our culture, rights and heritage.
This is an exciting new dawn for patriotic politics, and we need the unbridled support of all of our supporters to make this a success.
The first demonstration to be organised by the 'English National Resistance' will take place this Saturday, 2nd February at the taxpayer-funded home of Islamic extremist hate preacher Abu Qatada.
We are calling on all patriots to assemble at Canons Park tube station (Jubilee Line) at 12 midday this Saturday.
From there we shall march the short journey to the taxpayer-funded home of Abu Qatada at180 Uppingham Avenue, Stanmore, HA7 2JT.
If you arrive late, please meet the demonstration at 180 Uppingham Avenue.
Why do European far-rightists use leftist imagery - the SWP fist and sea of black flags boldly smashing through the Matrix.


This doesn't happen in Turkey where they the fascists - have they their own imagery and symbols and don't need to use or adapt the flags of their opponents.

Is it intended as psychological pressure on leftists or something else?
Why do European far-rightists use leftist imagery - the SWP fist and sea of black flags boldly smashing through the Matrix.


This doesn't happen in Turkey where they the fascists - have they their own imagery and symbols and don't need to use or adapt the flags of their opponents.

Is it intended as psychological pressure on leftists or something else?
It's either very clever and cynical branding intended to fool the hard of thinking or it's just that they missed that free Photoshop download or aren't very imaginative.

You could almost play movement bingo if they keep it up.
It's either very clever and cynical branding intended to fool the hard of thinking or it's just that they missed that free Photoshop download or aren't very imaginative.

You could almost play movement bingo if they keep it up.

It's odd almost as if they think the left thinks capitalism is like a Matrix conspiracy.:hmm:

In Germany the "direct action" wing of NPD types go the whole hog and use antifascist symbols but with nationalist messages.

English National Resistance? Is this a new thing? wasn't there a group a few years ago with that name, well into all the autonomous nationalist stuff from continental europe. Bumped into a few of 'em in Leeds abour 4-5 years ago, there weren't many of them and they were a pretty pathetic lot. Thought they'd given it up. Have this lot revived the name, or something?
It's either very clever and cynical branding intended to fool the hard of thinking or it's just that they missed that free Photoshop download or aren't very imaginative.

You could almost play movement bingo if they keep it up.

attempting to coerce working class struggle into nationalist ideas is hardly a new trick.

that enresist url doesnt work and goes to this:

Index of /

  • WestySpring01/
  • favicon.ico
  • pillarsforum.com/
  • westernspring/
Apache Server at www.enresist(snap).orgPort 80

which might be of interest to anyone who knows more about computers than me. one of those websites contains gems like:

As Whites become a smaller percentage of humans both in the U.S. and worldwide, some Whites sniff, incorrectly, that Whites should breed for quality instead of quantity and that’s how, they say, we’ll stave off our extinction.
Nature disagrees. It is so obvious that quantity is what is needed for the survival of a group, that one feels silly even having to argue the point. The simple truth is that Whites, no less than any other living things must breed or die.
Furthermore, this is not the right time for neo-eugenicism. How many stories do some people have to read about blonds dying out or blue eyes becoming rare to get it? How many once mostly white cities and countries, now full of non-whites, do some people need to visit to understand? You don’t win life’s game by being the few. You win by being the many.

if the eng dems and edl are opening signing up to this kind of shit (or happy to be seen to work with those who do) then that is a worrying new directon
attempting to coerce working class struggle into nationalist ideas is hardly a new trick.

that enresist url doesnt work and goes to this:

which might be of interest to anyone who knows more about computers than me. one of those websites contains gems like:

if the eng dems and edl are opening signing up to this kind of shit (or happy to be seen to work with those who do) then that is a worrying new directon

Eng Dems - Chris Beverley's home now - have always been like this as in hard-right nationalists. So have the EDL leadership haven't they?
Eng Dems - Chris Beverley's home now - have always been like this as in hard-right nationalists. So have the EDL leadership haven't they?

fuck no, eng dems were desperate to distance themselves from any overt fash stuff, even threatening to sue anyone who called them fascists at one point
:facepalm: at myself. These are different organisations that happen to share the same name.

This is the original ENR - image from their blog not much updated now.


'Southern English National Resistance'.
Radical Opposition to Capitalism+Imperialism+Globalism
For too long have Southeners been considered "posh" and "wanky" straight off the bat - an ugly stereotype that must be challenged, a facet of imperialism that must be resisted. It is time for Southeners to live out the true meaning of their birthright, to rise up and call a halt to all Northern, Welsh and Scottish mass immigration (Channel Islands welcome) and the denigration of Southern English culture. Globalism that seeks to mould us all into one identity-less paper bag must be opposed by all true Southerners.
Who speaks Southern English on the BBC News any longer? Only Asians like George Aaligayah. Huw Edwards and Kirsty Wark have taken over, Jeremy Paxman is being sidelined from Newsnight, or at least encouraged to speak in a more northern accent. Puppet traitors such as Nigel Farage (Independence yes but the United Kingdom no!) are constantly paraded on BBC News programmes. The depiction and inverted snobbery of Southern English people as clueless middle-class idiots such as Miranda, Rory McGrath and Phil Juppitus is the norm. We are at the stage where the younger generation believe Des Lynam is Southern English. No! The mongrelisation of the South must stop. We demand anti-politically correct figures for Southern England. (Northerners are allowed to voice anti-Asian opinions with the proviso that they are 'plain speaking', why not us?) Northerners are flooding our housing, and damaging the southern labour market, stealing our opportunities and educational scholarships. A scholarship for a course in Southampton open to people from the Shetland Islands where they do no work on Sundays and take part in the barbaric practice of blackening brides before their weddings. Which people in Britain are the laziest? Yes- the Highlands and Islands Scots - the quango for them the Highland and Islands Development Board has the most taxpayer money pumped in per capita of ANY regional development body. Northerners committing crimes in southern cities then housed in southern prisoners, paid for by your southern tax money, their families even get a visit once every six months paid for by you. The South of England was once considered God's own garden. Now under several waves of northern immigration which the South never had a chance to vote on and never had any sort of way to voice its opinion on, it has been transformed into something our grandparents would never have recognised. Unintelligible Brummie accents on the streets of Acton, vandalism, Old Firm rivalries imported into Portsmouth, crime in every southern market town, dozens and dozens of Mancunian geography teachers in Luton, growing rates of STDs amongst Southern youngsters, Glaswegian levels of alcoholism in Milton Keynes, thousands of robberies, police denuded of intelligence and wit due to entrants from the north who couldn't catch a bus let alone an Albanian criminal, Cumbrian folk dancing in Torquay, Welshmen in the Fenlands? Please do not misunderstand us, we have nothing against the Welsh but simply request they stick to their own coastlines. Northerners raising our insurance premiums, wiping distinct Southern culture to form any ugly monarchistic mud-sludge culture of "British". One solution - southern national liberation. Southern soldiers are busy fighting wars we have no interest in, bring them back to work on our flood defences. Every winter 400% more Southerners are killed due to flash-flooding than Northerners - did you get a vote on this figure? - but where are our troops fighting wars? Abroad? Why? So that northerners get their Jobseekers Allowance paid from hard-working Southerners? They should be working on flood defences but their southern patriotic lives are frittered away as part of an elite globalist plot. Only with Southern English National Resistance will the South will rise once again.
fuck no, eng dems were desperate to distance themselves from any overt fash stuff, even threatening to sue anyone who called them fascists at one point

They are nationalists, see the approach in the comments http://morley patriot.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/english-democrats-take-second-place-in.html
Regards to paypal:

Looks like I'll have to get off my arse find ye olde cheque book and scribe.
Cheers for that I was wondering who to make cheques out to.

Good on all those involved in the clean up and I hope things get back on track asap.
English National Resistance? Is this a new thing? wasn't there a group a few years ago with that name, well into all the autonomous nationalist stuff from continental europe. Bumped into a few of 'em in Leeds abour 4-5 years ago, there weren't many of them and they were a pretty pathetic lot. Thought they'd given it up. Have this lot revived the name, or something?

British Movement put up a few of their stickers in manchester about a year ago.
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