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Former Billericay owner Glenn Tamplin takes over Romford FC

It's good to see something up on a blank wall tbh, bit of colour and all that.... but is that tamplin himself emerging from the wall offering a respect fist?
How about the context of using the club's badge/branding to launch a sweeping attack on people with mental health and/or addiction issues? Or the context of jumping into bed with a newspaper that is banned by several clubs for its coverage of Hillsborough?

Seriously, are there no Billericay fans who are actually questioning this guy? Are people genuinely lapping this all up? Or is everyone scared to voice any dissent in case he throws his toys out of the pram and pulls his money out (he seems volatile enough to do just that if someone rubs him up the wrong way, which must surely be a concern in itself?).

I get that the money is exciting for fans but there's a good reason that financial fairplay rules are increasingly a part of football. Bored, rich men should not be allowed to treat football clubs as their plaything. Fans should be asking what happens to the club if Tamplin pulls out or his money dries up.

Is there any example of this sort of thing actually working out well for a small club? Not that I can think of. My references are mainly Scottish as that's where I'm from, but Gretna, Livingston and Dundee all come to mind for me - all were small clubs who had rich owners who thought they could buy success and mocked anyone who dared criticise them. All ended up in administration or worse. And the worst thing is that fans (and the media) fall for it every single time it happens.
You mentioned Livingston...FUCK LIVINGSTON! A franchised club that took over Meadowbank Thistle, to move them from Edinburgh to Livingston, to give Livingston a Scottish League side.
No as much an outcry over that as there was over Wimbledon moving to Milton Keynes...same type of franchise as far as I am concerned!
You mentioned Livingston...FUCK LIVINGSTON! A franchised club that took over Meadowbank Thistle, to move them from Edinburgh to Livingston, to give Livingston a Scottish League side.
No as much an outcry over that as there was over Wimbledon moving to Milton Keynes...same type of franchise as far as I am concerned!

Completely agree. They also cheated their way up the leagues and were widely praised by the Scottish media in the process.
so that picture is actually real?! I thought it was a photoshop effort from the spoof account!!!!!!!!!!!! :facepalm:
Tamplin certainly seems to be the main man in Billericay at the moment. Certainly knows how to promote his Billericay Town product.
The players are visiting all the primary schools in the area, autographs, photo opportunities, etc and we all know how much a children's season ticket is at the Ricay. As I understand it no other club in Essex has done this, he is one step ahead of the competition and has taken a giant leap forward in filling his fast evolving stadium.
Tamplin certainly seems to be the main man in Billericay at the moment. Certainly knows how to promote his Billericay Town product.
The players are visiting all the primary schools in the area, autographs, photo opportunities, etc and we all know how much a children's season ticket is at the Ricay. As I understand it no other club in Essex has done this, he is one step ahead of the competition and has taken a giant leap forward in filling his fast evolving stadium.

Give me strength... no other club in Essex has done this because they haven't got an egotistical rogue pumping in obscene quantities of money in every week. I'm sure other clubs up and down the country have thought of all these ideas and more but don't have the cash, resources or time to make it happen. Don't give him credit for simply being richer than every other club in the league.
Give me strength... no other club in Essex has done this because they haven't got an egotistical rogue pumping in obscene quantities of money in every week. I'm sure other clubs up and down the country have thought of all these ideas and more but don't have the cash, resources or time to make it happen. Don't give him credit for simply being richer than every other club in the league.
I think you maybe missing the point, Ask the kids at the local schools what they think of Ricay, the only way you can usually get a pro footballer at a school is through community service, just ask Cantona on that one. In the school instance it has nothing to do with money but reaching out to the local community. Whatever you think of Tamplin he has certainly liven up this forum topic.
I think you maybe missing the point, Ask the kids at the local schools what they think of Ricay, the only way you can usually get a pro footballer at a school is through community service, just ask Cantona on that one.
Are they all "pro footballers"?
In the school instance it has nothing to do with money but reaching out to the local community. Whatever you think of Tamplin he has certainly liven up this forum topic.
It's straightforward PR and clubs have been doing it for fucking decades.

Tamplin's only getting attention because he's throwing such a ridiculous amount of money around, promising massive, unprecedented, record breaking success to their nu-fans for a relativity obscure club and shooting off his big mouth in a press-worthy manner. It's really not that hard to get column inches when you act like that.

It's also hard not to take a dislike to such boasting and braying.
I think you maybe missing the point, Ask the kids at the local schools what they think of Ricay, the only way you can usually get a pro footballer at a school is through community service, just ask Cantona on that one. In the school instance it has nothing to do with money but reaching out to the local community. Whatever you think of Tamplin he has certainly liven up this forum topic.

On the contrary, I think you're missing the point: I'm sure Gavin would love to trot Sanchez and Dumaka round the local schools to drum up a bit of interest, the benefits are obvious, but he can't because we're not paying them the same wages as professional footballers - they have full time jobs and so can't pop down for a school visit at 10am on a Tuesday. It has everything to do with money, because that in turn gives you the time, opportunity and resources to do stuff like this.

If he was doing all this on a £4k a week budget, I'd applaud him for being resourceful and imaginative, but he's not. The players and management have time to kill because they're now full time staff at Billericay. He's doing what anyone would do in the same conditions. It's not intelligent, it's not inventive, it's common sense at it's most basic level.

The work that Mishi, Liam et al have done with their vast array of initiatives deserves credit because that's done for no financial reward and purely off their own steam. If you want to admire people in football for their engagement with the community then look no further than your own club (assuming you're a DHFC fan). If you recognise their work and how they've gone about it, then surely you can see why Tamplin's activities are truly unremarkable.
You've absolutely nailed it here.

Outreach with schools / colleges is something my club (Hendon) have talked about for many years but ultimately, it all comes down to time and resources. Our players are all gainfully employed elsewhere during the day, as are the coaching staff, board of directors and those others of us that volunteer our time for the club. If we were paying £25k per week on players, then I'm sure the squad would happily give in the day jobs and spend their time out in the local community. We're not paying that - we're paying only a very small fraction of that - as are the rest of the league.

As has been said upthread, there's nothing revolutionary about Tamplin's thinking here. EVERY club I know of does the best it can to engage and mobilise the local community - they have to in order to survive - the only revolutionary thing about him is the size of his wallet.

Credit is due to him for investing in the infrastructure off the field - too many moneymen don't do that. But the level of investment on the playing side makes Margate of a couple of years ago look prudent by comparison. It's his money and he can do what he wants with it, but as a fan I'd find very little glory in winning the league with a budget 5/6 times bigger than any of my competitors.

And as for the whole PR thing he provides through Twitter. Again, he's quite right to be proud of the work happening off the pitch - but this whole 'haters' chip on his shoulder he has needs to be removed. Some of what he posts on there is downright disgraceful - calling people 'cocks'? Accusing people of mental illness / addictions? I too, raised my concerns with the league just before he removed that tweet and 'apologised', yet have had no reply so far. If your side is that good then just sit back and let them do the talking for you on the pitch.

Whilst I'd love for them to implode this season and finish 8th - it would be quite special viewing - I'd also happily be rid of them this summer, let him be the Conference South's problem (Wealdstone's fans would have a bit of fun with him) and leave 2018/9 to those of us that prefer our football served with a side-order of dignity and respect.
You've absolutely nailed it here.

Outreach with schools / colleges is something my club (Hendon) have talked about for many years but ultimately, it all comes down to time and resources. Our players are all gainfully employed elsewhere during the day, as are the coaching staff, board of directors and those others of us that volunteer our time for the club. If we were paying £25k per week on players, then I'm sure the squad would happily give in the day jobs and spend their time out in the local community. We're not paying that - we're paying only a very small fraction of that - as are the rest of the league.

As has been said upthread, there's nothing revolutionary about Tamplin's thinking here. EVERY club I know of does the best it can to engage and mobilise the local community - they have to in order to survive - the only revolutionary thing about him is the size of his wallet.

Credit is due to him for investing in the infrastructure off the field - too many moneymen don't do that. But the level of investment on the playing side makes Margate of a couple of years ago look prudent by comparison. It's his money and he can do what he wants with it, but as a fan I'd find very little glory in winning the league with a budget 5/6 times bigger than any of my competitors.

And as for the whole PR thing he provides through Twitter. Again, he's quite right to be proud of the work happening off the pitch - but this whole 'haters' chip on his shoulder he has needs to be removed. Some of what he posts on there is downright disgraceful - calling people 'cocks'? Accusing people of mental illness / addictions? I too, raised my concerns with the league just before he removed that tweet and 'apologised', yet have had no reply so far. If your side is that good then just sit back and let them do the talking for you on the pitch.

Whilst I'd love for them to implode this season and finish 8th - it would be quite special viewing - I'd also happily be rid of them this summer, let him be the Conference South's problem (Wealdstone's fans would have a bit of fun with him) and leave 2018/9 to those of us that prefer our football served with a side-order of dignity and respect.

Whilst I'd love for them to implode this season and finish 8th - it would be quite special viewing - I'd also happily be rid of them this summer, let him be the Conference South's problem (Wealdstone's fans would have a bit of fun with him) and leave 2018/9 to those of us that prefer our football served with a side-order of dignity and respect.
They're like a bad smell that's going to be wafting around the league all season. He's like a rich toff on holiday in a poverty striken country, telling the locals how amazing he is while flashing his cash in their faces while giving nothing back. The quicker they fuck off/implode/become the world's greatest team the better for all fans of non league football.
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