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Force a band which has split up to reform for at least one more album

Silas Loom

Advanced. Forthright. Signifficant.
A thought experiment to run alongside the split band grief thread. I think the band needs to have definitely split up, rather than being on hiatus, and it’s reasonable to dictate the line-up that you want to be forced into the recording studio, as long as all parties involved are still alive.

I’m not quite sure whether we can insist on the particular era of their career which the band should revisit, or whether they are allowed absolute creative freedom while otherwise confined, so that can be left to the poster’s discretion.

My choice is Finnish post-rockers Magyar Posse, who abandoned music due to “lack of interest and motivation” six years after their third and best album, Random Avenger, and I resent them for it.
Struggling to think of a band that has reunited after a long break and done an album that was genuinely really good.

Madness is the only one that springs to mind.
Somehow I don't think a band being forced to record at gunpoint is going to do their best work.
Somehow I don't think a band being forced to record at gunpoint is going to do their best work.

I don’t see any need for guns. Produce the album, get released from the studio. It’s a reasonable deal.

Or we could get them to comply willingly, using a danny la rouge kind of character, but who specialises in humans instead of dogs

Why does Urban always obsess over the details?
What about an earlier line-up of a band that's still going? Aly Bain and Dick Gaughan back in Boys of the Lough would be good, though one of the others from that era since died.
How about the Teardrop Explodes with Cope, Dave Balfe, Paul Simpson, Troy Tate and Gary Dwyer. With Bill Drummond managing it all.

It would but utterly nuts, and, err, end in tears.. :beer::beer:
Struggling to think of a band that has reunited after a long break and done an album that was genuinely really good.

Madness is the only one that springs to mind.
My Bloody Valentine? Daft Punk? Neither had officially split up by the time of mbv and Random Access Memories, but they had been on very long haitii.

Anyway, the answer to the question is The Delgados.
Yeah, it has to be a band who broken up after one really good album, to maximise the chances you'll get the best out of them... so first name that comes to mind is Life Without Buildings, if for whatever reason they're unavailable for kidnapping then Siddeleys or Shop Assistants or maybe Dolly Mixtures at a push?
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