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Force a band which has split up to reform for at least one more album

Struggling to think of a band that has reunited after a long break and done an album that was genuinely really good.

Madness is the only one that springs to mind.
I dunno if it counts as an album, but the last record Rudimentary Peni did is pretty solid? It's not Cacophony but then what is?
Somehow I don't think a band being forced to record at gunpoint is going to do their best work.

It definitely didn't result in Leonard Cohen's finest album

Spector even pointed a loaded gun at Cohen and told him, “I love you, Leonard”, to which Cohen replied, “I hope you love me, Phil”...

There are evident shades of beauty in Death of a Ladies’ Man, although they were ultimately ruined by Phil Spector. Cohen seemed in two minds on the whole ordeal. He said, “People were skating around on bullets, guns were finding their way into hamburgers, guns were all over the place. It wasn’t safe. It was mayhem, but it was part of the times. It was rather drug-driven. But I like Phil, and the instinct was right. I’d do it again.”

Faith no more.

The album could be shit but because they'd tour it I'd get a chance to see them live* and they'd have to do some of their old stuff.

*Missed it when they reformed just to do Glastonbury.
Oh, and Alphabetland, the album that X (or Twitter as they're now known) did in 2020 is pretty solid:
Faith no more.

The album could be shit but because they'd tour it I'd get a chance to see them live* and they'd have to do some of their old stuff.

*Missed it when they reformed just to do Glastonbury.

I got to see the Pixies before they started playing new stuff, and when they still had Kim Deal. Not sure I'd pay money to see them again now.
Back in the 90's there was a serious attempt at crowdfunding Gentle Giant to get back together and release a new album for the fans. IIRC some people were willing to stump up dome serious money. Nothing ever came of it and it would have been rubbish but there's a very small niche of people who really, really love Gentle Giant.
I got to see the Pixies before they started playing new stuff, and when they still had Kim Deal. Not sure I'd pay money to see them again now.

The no-Deal Pixies were definitely good value for money when I saw them in 2017. Tempted to see them again this year, I like a lot of the new stuff, doesn't seem like there's that much of it in their recents sets anyway

did godspeed you black emperor ever split up? their latest records have been very good if so!

I loved the mae shi, and hlllyh is one of my absolute favorite records. but I worry forcing them to get back together would result in something a bit more like terrorbird which would not be as fun.
The Almighty...please, please, please Ricky!

They are half way there, hopefully, they have started doing a few selective gigs .so fingers crossed!
I Saw them at Manchester Academy in December last year, almost 30 years since seeing them there last. I was so excited I thought I was going to pass out .... so much for being a fully grown woman with a respectable job and life - I reverted back to a wild. not giving a *** pissed up mess again :rolleyes::oops::D
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