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Have you ever been to an album listening party?

I’ve been in a room with people so fucking stoned on hash and shrooms/acid that no one could speak for the duration of several albums many times in the past. However that was more accidental than by design. It certainly is the way to really get into an album though. Stone cold sober or just a small glass of wine sounds a tad pretentious to me.

I mean cheesy as looking back, but this is what's dark side of the moon is made for. Especially when your so baked and the CD just repeats itself. Although you'd normally realise when money kicks in half way through the second play.
I mean cheesy as looking back, but this is what's dark side of the moon is made for. Especially when your so baked and the CD just repeats itself. Although you'd normally realise when money kicks in half way through the second play.
In such situations it was always a relief when someone put on John Martyn’s “Solid Air” at 1.30am just as the last spliff was being rolled
Listening to a new album was almost a ritual for me at about 16/17. Study cover on bus home but cellophane stays on until ready to play. Album listened to in entirety, following along with lyrics if supplied (they usually were with what I listened to at that age). Then listen again to the best ones.
Kind of. Went to the Burna Boy launch party for his latest record and I just assumed he'd be performing. Instead we just watched him chain smoke blunts on stage and listened to the record on an enormous sound system whilst ppl screamed and took selfies.

Bit of a smoke and mirrors man Burna Boy, quite literally as well considering your story :D
I'd like to goto one.

I hear that these listening sesions employ some half decent hifi equipment.

if there was one close to me, I'd defo go just to check out the system.
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