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Footballer Marcus Rashford fights for free school meals

Not trying to draw too direct a parallel, but kids going hungry in 2020 brings Gil Scott Heron to mind:

of the multitude of analogies and examples - it has to be that whining man?

let’s have it right, Rashy is doing the right thing, but he took the MBE ffs
Shut the fuck up now haven't you?
No, in the four minutes between your reply and your subsequent reply, I was having a brandy and a wank, but I'm back now, so....
What have you done for anyone else lately? How have you helped homeless or hungry people?
Don't rush, I already know the answer.
Quick to judge others...
No, in the four minutes between your reply and your subsequent reply, I was having a brandy and a wank, but I'm back now, so....
What have you done for anyone else lately? How have you helped homeless or hungry people?
Don't rush, I already know the answer.
Quick to judge others...

I honestly thought we got on to some degree. Rashford though stuck his head above the parapet really. So yes credit/respect to him. It was a stupid thing to say is all. I mean if you can't stand me, ok, but you are wrong saying you 'know the answer'. You don't.

Now you are saying I'm a 'wastrel', selfish or whatever, I've been on disability benefits since 2012 unable to work. It would take me decades to save (although there's nothing leftover to save) what football players get in a week. I am an arse, and people don't generally like me, that's true. It's not fishing for sympathy or whatever. But I've been consistent in my crititicism of obscene inequality. I've criticised Liverpool players along the same lines. The likes of Rashford, Craig Bellamy as well (others too I'm sure) make a difference, for young men to do that takes some quality that we need more of.

Kids eat free in all cafe's in Asda. No adult meal needs to be purchased. Tier 2 can eat in, Tier 3 is take out only
Shocking. No hairs, veins or spunk. Gerry1time will be most irate.

Marcus Rashford Willy Close Up.png

It is interesting to note, that as our nation slides inexorably towards a new future as a land almost entirely divorced from our nearest neighbours, perhaps more separate than we have been for many thousands of years, a new yet self-imposed storegga slide if you will, our depictions of big veiny cocks with all spunk coming out the end are at once already beginning to diverge from the standards long shared with our continental confreres.

One only has to look back at the nascent beginnings of our Roman influenced ancestry, where big tummy bananas of exacting length and often mirthful girth were inscribed uniformly from the Tiber to the Tyne, and all points inbetween. Through then to the cruder and more debased pork swords and purple headed warriors of the dark ages and Anglo-Saxons, since profoundly rescued by Da Vinci in the renaissance, whose exacting anatomical observations gave us both the three hairs eminating from each clockweight, and the sadly now long forgotten banjo string, often relatively insignificant in size, yet always perfectly conformed to the golden ratio of the wider work.

On such scholarly foundations were indeed based the initial discussions of our nation's union with the early Europe, a movement founded on the idea of ever closer integration of veinyness, pube curlage and shaft bend. Indeed, if it hadn't of been for Margaret Thatcher fighting Britain's case so strongly throughout the 1980's, and the Blair government continuing her legacy (in the face, so to speak, of Gordon Brown), then it is unlikely that our standards would still include the classic three lines eminating from the crown, given Jacques Delors' desire to do away with any reference to sticky white love piss in a quid pro quo for the abolition of the reference to a herman gelmet. As the iron lady once said, "Every Prime Minister needs a Willie with all spunk coming out the end", although the quotation was often in practice truncated for publication.

Returning thus to the piece at hand, we can see how rapidly standards crumble once free of their legislative bounds. The work is but a mere three loops, crudely and quickly drawn, pointed at a mouth, perhaps exploring ideas of getting a quick chewie off of your new special friend at 2am whilst waiting for the last bus home. At once evocative of the reality of such a meagre scene, the work lacks a visible climax, the three dotted lines are startlingly absent, and it is simultaneously disappointing, flaccid and limp, as if resigned to its fate forging a solitary furrow through life, replete with uncertainties of its future, confusion around its past, and a desperate attempt to remember what her name is. An alegory from our departure from Europe if ever one were to be found.

But yet at once is there not within this work the potential seeds of a new beginning for the field of big veiny cocks with all spunk coming out the end? The artist has, through the usage of three simple loops, evocatively suggested the new triumvirate of power within this very nation; The Commons, The Lords and the Supreme Court. Is not the simplicity of the piece thus a call to arms for the simplicity of a new nation, stripped of its European bureaucracy, now free to forge its own path and draw tallywhackers in any way it may see fit? One may at this point reflect however on the true nature of the European Union, and its own triumvirate of the Parliament, Commission and Court of Justice. Perhaps, just perhaps, the artist is pointing a way back to a more standardised future, where Britain and continental Europe shall once more realise that more unites us than divides us, and one day be reunited through the medium of crudely scrawled purple headed womb brooms jizzing all baby batter and that.
This makes me so fucking angry. How can the 6th richest nation on earth treat children so badly? I’m not even going to start on the others, the homeless, the hungry, who also need help and assistance.

When the Tories blame previous governments, how do they not see their own culpability since they’ve been in power for ten years? (it’s because they are self serving, greedy cunts)
What a wonderful bloke he is. The docu is well worth watching if perhaps not as good as it could have been:

The documentary showed Rashford chatting and laughing with his family; his Zoom calls with MPs and supermarket CEOs; his meetings with underprivileged families. Throughout, he came across as a straightforward, soft-spoken, often funny young man, with the fire reserved for his tweets and letters. His bond with his mum Melanie was particularly strong. She spoke frankly about the struggles she had faced to put food on the table, working multiple jobs, and both seemed delighted to see each other so much now, in such different circumstances – she is head of his fan club and they were often together in the film, hugging and giggling conspiratorially.

Rashford’s connection with the young people he met seemed genuine – fist-bumping them, asking how they felt when their parents struggled to buy food. “It’s very upsetting seeing my mum upset, and thinking ‘how’s she going to give us this meal today?’,” said one boy, who has offered to clean windows and do other odd jobs to try to help his family out with money.

"Your children should starve because I think you shouldn't have reproduced"

I'm hoping that they don't mean to eugenicist, and that they are just massively ignorant due to living a priviliged life, but it's been one of those years.
"Your children should starve because I think you shouldn't have reproduced"

I'm hoping that they don't mean to eugenicist, and that they are just massively ignorant due to living a priviliged life, but it's been one of those years.

Such a pity that it's not yet politically possible to starve him while being forced to build new infrastructure.
I watched the doc on iplayer last night, he's had a massive impact and will go on to do more and bigger things by the look of it. He is calm, erudite and articulate - all things the Tories will hate in a young black man, as he's not beholden to them in any way whatsoever given his earnings.

What really struck me was his focus on this issue, it is obviously something he cares deeply about given his experiences and he seems determined to speak up for those that cannot be heard otherwise. All power to him I say. Top fella.
You 'doubt' he 'spunks it on bling'? So what do you think he does with it? I mean I didn't have to try:

Literally Rashford against the most obvious expensive watch, car type stories in google.

I mean you've only got to type in 'Rashford' and 'Mansion':

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