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Footballer Marcus Rashford fights for free school meals

Plays a game at the highest level of football - and then immediately sets about helping 1.7m children.
Rashford said he had talked with Boris Johnson after his Manchester United team played Everton on Saturday, and was told of the latest plans. While he said many of the campaign’s objectives had yet to be met, he was proud and grateful for the positive steps taken.

“Following the game today, I had a good conversation with the prime minister to better understand the proposed plan, and I very much welcome the steps that have been taken to combat child food poverty in the UK,” the England striker said.

“There is still so much more to do, and my immediate concern is the approximate 1.7 million children who miss out on free school meals, holiday provision and Healthy Start vouchers because their family income isn’t quite low enough. But the intent the government have shown today is nothing but positive and they should be recognised for that. The steps made today will improve the lives of near 1.7 million children in the UK over the next 12 months.”

Rashford added: “I don’t want any child to go through what I went through, and any parent to experience what my mother experienced. I now call on the government to collaborate with the child food poverty taskforce to guarantee that no child does.

“As a collective we are so powerful and we all have a role to play in this. Today, I’m overwhelmed with pride that we have made such significant progress. We will not give up on our children. We will not give up on the future of this country.”

The thing is, surely it doesn’t make sense for the government to try to bury this decision? Most people are with Rashford on this, so better to let the country know you’ve finally done the right thing than people not being aware you have?

I mean, people thinking ‘the government are cunts but albeit too late they have finally agreed to reverse their decision’ is better than people thinking ‘the government are cunts and are still not agreeing to this, and it will cause extra hardship to countless people’
The thing is, surely it doesn’t make sense for the government to try to bury this decision? Most people are with Rashford on this, so better to let the country know you’ve finally done the right thing than people not being aware you have?

I mean, people thinking ‘the government are cunts but albeit too late they have finally agreed to reverse their decision’ is better than people thinking ‘the government are cunts and are still not agreeing to this, and it will cause extra hardship to countless people’
It is about the U turn. It was obvious from the first campaign that people were not happy about kids going hungry but to oppose it first & try to justify it over half term makes them look even bigger cunts when they now have to change policy. All those plates left at tory HQs served their purpose.
What could be the difference?

5 houses for £2m doesn't sound like anything one would expect to be described as "luxury". It sounds as if it's probably not far off the average price for a 3 bed semi.

You'd probably get like 2, maybe 3 houses for that much in the South East. If the one in the photo is the most luxurious one they can find he's being pretty subdued with his spending.
Can't say I'm happy he's a landlord but there is literally no other way to save fucking money or invest in this country unless you want to stick your head in the stock market and get it chewed off by wankers.

Also rank hypocrisy from the Mail with its billion pound owners who all own chunks of Britain and get it taxed offshore.
I am hoping they've massively miscalculated with this, already a little blowback:

Frankly, I'd like to know what the fuck NHS Million were doing sharing Mail stories already :confused: I follow 'em on Twitter, don't think I've ever seen them share a Mail article before.
Can't say I'm happy he's a landlord but there is literally no other way to save fucking money or invest in this country unless you want to stick your head in the stock market and get it chewed off by wankers.

Also rank hypocrisy from the Mail with its billion pound owners who all own chunks of Britain and get it taxed offshore.
Yeah, as has already been said previously, ultimately he is still a multi-millionaire so some of the things he does are never gonna match the ideals of those on urban, but he's certainly one of the least objectionable out there and as you say, the rank hypocrisy is very evident and far more objectionable.
Frankly, I'd like to know what the fuck NHS Million were doing sharing Mail stories already :confused: I follow 'em on Twitter, don't think I've ever seen them share a Mail article before.
Yeah, as has already been said previously, ultimately he is still a multi-millionaire so some of the things he does are never gonna match the ideals of those on urban, but he's certainly one of the least objectionable out there and as you say, the rank hypocrisy is very evident and far more objectionable.
If all multi millionaires were like him, I'd find them a lot less objectionable.
Hardly a shocker this.

Greasy, racist, manipulative, offshore tax dodging filthy rag. Clickbait headlines written to inflame the left and anger up the happily retired racists who want to hate young/foreign people while their comfortable lives continue without trouble or worry.

It’s possible to think:

1. Marcus Rashford has done a good thing by campaigning around food poverty.
2. That the DM are scum whose horror at one landlord is entirely bogus and generated by racism and more directly a hit job on behalf of the Tories. A quick scan of their output with reveal that not all landlords are held to the same - or even any - ethical standards, and;
3. That Rashford is grotesquely overpaid and is exploiting his wealth, adding to it via renting out property to making money off the back of people who pay rent to him.

He’s got a conscience and a class background that marks him out amongst other multi millionaires. But like all multi millionaires his conscience has its contingencies
3. That Rashford is grotesquely overpaid and is exploiting his wealth to add to it by renting out property making money off the back of people who pay rent to him.
Have you seen the figures and letting contracts?

Should he play for Man Utd on minimum wage so he is 'valid' to you?

Because capitalism is broken should all people earning a certain wage stop spending it?

What have you/we done about the school meals issue? Signed an online petition? Retweeted something? Moaned to a mate about the Tories while having a joint?
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