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Football and coronavirus

There have been past differences over sponsorship whereby an issue arises if a player has a long term tie in with one brand and possibly signs for a club sponsored by a different brand. I seem to remember a player who blacked out the stripes on his boots because of this, I think. Though the issues are much greater Now. Along with sponsorship would be advertising and possibly merchandise as well.
At the moment, the are not covering themselves in glory as Liverpool/the Americans have since discovered hence the announcement that they are not longer furlouging staff.
They are all PAYE I think . There might possibly be some issues over tax on image rights but I really dont know. . For me the question is how best players can collectively assist during the corona virus epidemic rather than should they take a paycut. per se . Its an issue that seems only to apply to football and none of the other businesses.

The EPL position is mainly about loss of revenue since games were cancelled and potential huge loss of revenue if the season is null and voided especially when SKY/BT and the overseas broadcasters ask for their money back.

Both issues for the PFA and EPL are interlinked but they are not entirely the same.imo
Surely the point is not about footballers being paid, but the fact they are furloughing staff to pay footballers!
Surely the point is not about footballers being paid, but the fact they are furloughing staff to pay footballers!
Three possibly four teams are furloughing staff in the EPL.There's no evidence to say this is being done in order to pay staff, especially in the case of Spurs who made a profit of £172.7m . At Leeds players have collectively chosen to donate part of their salary so that no staff are furlogned and that they all recieve full pay .
I'm all for those who can assist assisting but the clamour for footballers to donate wages doesnt seem to apply to directors in football , for example Levy at Spurs is paid £7m a year, nor does it apply to CEOs at large companies. Easyjet for example furloughed their staff and then promptly paid out dividends.
Half awake this morning listening to R4 and there was someone on speaking on behalf of the players and all I can remember hearing was the utter arrogance of it all. They really are showing themselves up as selfish money grabbing Bastards.
Half awake this morning listening to R4 and there was someone on speaking on behalf of the players and all I can remember hearing was the utter arrogance of it all. They really are showing themselves up as selfish money grabbing Bastards.
Which ones?
I think the local negotiations between players and clubs have the possibility of also opening up club finances and exposing some of the outlandish pay that some Directors at some clubs get. Take Hibs for example , an operating loss of circa £750k in 2018/19 and a Director on over £200k

Obviously not just nobes but its something. Ridiculous that players are being focused on and cunts like Branson, Green, Ashley etc are claiming state help whilst buying another 300 gold taps for their fucking private islands.

Its good that players are doing something, they earn shitloads,but its not just them is it?
Maybe I can't see all the statement but it sounds like they may or may not so something and if they do, what, throw a tenner in the pot and as it's charitable, claim the tax back....sorry, Just so cynical about them. Reminds me why I stopped watching premier league and dropped two divisions for my footie.
Theres at least two parts to the players initiative , firstly the money to the NHS charities and the PFA also want the EPL donationto the NHS increased.The second is club by club negotiation over wages which requires clubs to go through their finances and liabilities. The PFA also want the EPL loan to the Chamiponship to be a donation and for the EPL to donate to lower league clubs. Its almost certain that the picyure will change if the EPL dont get to play the rest of the games behind closed doors.

Overall Clubs in the EPL have over £1 billion in cash. Man Utd paid $45m three weeks ago to shore up the club's share price in New York, Whereas the Championship clubs had operating losses in excess of £600m in their most recently published results. League 1 and 2 clubs are living week to week , both Macclesfield Town and Southend United failed to pay wages last month.
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A little bit more on the Players Together initiative .

It has been set up and organised by the Professional Footballers’ Association, supported by the Premier League and the 20 captains brokered the final arrangements on their WhatsApp group over the past few days.
The PFA have already paid in £1.5million with a personal donation from Gordon Taylor while the players are making personal donations and also donations from their monthly salaries.
They are targeting NHS charities with £4m already paid in and more to follow but they are making it clear that they want to play their role and donate generously.
They will keep the donations and contributions anonymous but hope to raise millions more over the next few months and plan to make it a permanent fixture.

( edited cut and paste from Manchester Evening News)
I had an epiphany over this last night oooeeeerrrr
Some of the players say they are going to do something or Southampton say they have sacrificed some of their salary
and others had they will contribute to some fund or other


NO one has said how much, not even as a % of wage. They is no transparency, how can we trust them to do the right thing?
I had an epiphany over this last night oooeeeerrrr
Some of the players say they are going to do something or Southampton say they have sacrificed some of their salary
and others had they will contribute to some fund or other


NO one has said how much, not even as a % of wage. They is no transparency, how can we trust them to do the right thing?
Who gives a shit?
Tottenham have approached former boss Mauricio Pochettino about a potential pay cut to his gardening leave salary amid the coronavirus pandemic.
Tottenham have approached former boss Mauricio Pochettino about a potential pay cut to his gardening leave salary amid the coronavirus pandemic.
You got to give it to Spurs, they are making themselves look like the biggest twats in football right now! Sack manager, come to a financial agreement and then expect him to accept less!
I wonder what the impact this is going to have on season ticket renewals. I expect that for a lot of people they won’t be able to afford it due to being furloughed and having to use the money that would have gone on football to pay bills instead. I wonder if they’ll get less people buying match day experiences too (you know, having a box or whatever). Think this’ll have financial implications for a long time to come. Some clubs must be heavily reliant on season ticket purchases.
See Norman Hunter passed away. A favourite of my old man's and met him when we played Leeds. Sad to hear!
My mothers family were miners and all supported Leeds so I knew nearly as much about them as I did Chelsea my team. When Chelsea played Leeds in the FA Cup final and the replay they were probably the most dirtiest roughest games I have ever seen with no red cards. Leeds were physically tough , Chelsea no shrinking violets themsleves . I remember Hunter and Hutchinson exchanging punches.
You got to give it to Spurs, they are making themselves look like the biggest twats in football right now! Sack manager, come to a financial agreement and then expect him to accept less!
The way they have acted will no doubt have staff, players and managers queuing up to work with them in the future :facepalm:

Interesting to know more on their finances :hmm:

That fucking expensive stadium. Surely football was not the only revenue stream they need to cover those costs :hmm:

Peter Bonetti kneeling on the left and Norman Hunter at the back, watching the 1966 World Cup Final.
Both have now died 50 years on and in the same week of 'that' FA Cup Final. I must add that unlike Hunter, Bonetti's passing was not Covid19 related but it's sad news all round.

Two great players.
Proud of the club for this alongside opening up the hotel accomodation for NHS staff and the domestic abuse partnership work they are doing

That really is great stuff. Along with the support to victims of domestic abuse the club are providing, they are really doing us proud.
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